

By evading become else where all is near but essentially shifts

away from what it was and will breaking swerving stepping off

to feint lie back lean away through accelerating eye gestures

Unsaid lack an unseen sign of current meandering condition

left ignored overlooked unilaterally unfinished the less actual

better ethereal more enervated the vague new beginnings

Merge dissolve these sedimentary semi functional states

as in catatonic blissed autonomous sensory grey evenings

over the year responds without effort sense engagement

Repetitive loss of memory conjures that region of boredom

we could inhabit again depleted pleasures adolescent turns

to one side suddenly unbalanced vestigial wings crumple

Twist down the column of flow was and is part of the rigmarole

of unknown descent barely discernible even closely examined

held up to the weak sun split ice that had formed as we lay

Not waking not dying but at some point in the circumference

could not calculate its position fell where it lay in soft sheets

in closed doors of time led carefully along the thinning edge

Of this edifice high shelf admitted refused accepted declined

across the face shadow flotillas turned looked up for signals

of understanding so as to incorporate that sense of taking

Evasive action