
Cusp at the lip eyelids drooped over the rim which side made

continuous quelled in a way those liquid heads pulled tightly

tensed to under the sealed forest of an endless conurbation

Analysis or evidence allows this underfloor system to spread

roots knotweed in your hair the scalp tangled as the detritus

washed the open amber weather welled and overtopped and

There we slept kneeling our eyes level the brimming substrata

shifted uneasily the issue was our confines our beds floating

like many rafts as if possessed by the weeping and wailing

Advice seeps into the shoes we wear in the shower there was

a floating temerity anxious architecture of inadequate gestures

we made and followed felt denied until our hands crumbled

And the cliff edged away could not reach sea we had planned

to meet someone other than ourselves a prospective drawing

down of assets futility premium bonds poured into the drains

We were unstable under these conditions difficult to insure

crouched admonished one day by the next list of instructions

suckling the teats etc etc you get the usual range of reference

We were the heirs privileged few or many we couldn’t calculate

ourselves but streamed wet on our faces the chronic diseases

in anxious phases appalled through the eyes spread out over

Our lambent screens