
Shaped and scraped offered no reasonable solution orbit
was calculated in the event by event manner that took hold
relentlessly on Blue Monday the 18 of 2021 on the treadmill
We were confined many times ever disoriented an empty
feeling overwhelmed as we lay in vivo reading established
law you would come to value some small part of the human
Comedy or find it so funny that laughter induced a few odd
teary moments pressed up to the glass of the aquarium
closed breathing seen out through the blue lit caverns
Gehenna looms at the right at the left is a fine equanimity
you pause for hope that your presence continues untroubled
by conscience that withered arm laboured over the country
Of finessed accompaniments too abstract to care about
success I should have could have was never in any doubt
that a twist of the kaleidoscope fitted the circumstances
Sweetheart at the window suffered with a dirty rag and
bucket sweeps the blur around the panes for there was
much to say my lips awry but my powers of conversation
Were negligible