
Jinx not the nondescript patent lungs made in and partitions
falter ingredients gathered the chaff we littered across the lawn
left the soft but were discovered by trickery and nude volleyball
The statements touched our surface not anything else craved
freely sushi eaten from a dead dog for example but who found
the animal speculated on its matted limbs and protruding eyes
Was complete said of new trays and solvents exciting career
to be made in Vertical Studies new opportunities beckoned
as enticing as dull interesting for a derelict comparison from
The lower depths can attain suffer no discouraging words at a
lectern raised high above the bathroom you were showing the
customers the way towards the fulfilment of luxurious dreams
But that mood is all mirrors and trysts toilets and cabinets
and lamb chops flanks ribs naked rabbits hanging from hooks
glistening as only wet meat can with such a blood erection
Only to be eased back in the syrupy opening blink of eye
clicked into place such were my feelings of alarm focused
on the motility of certain animal ornaments here extended
Too late to change the menu now it would be pushed towards
the television series patterns of leafy shadows on our faces
curling uncurling sulking impotently raging as the disembodied
Representatives of our better selves served black custard and
oh those were the days those were the sweet repasts we loved
antic among the hazard lived and celebrated our incoherent