
Aggrieved as listed apart songs cover a few later intentions
coated merciful deity we’re all very hard of hearing emoting
congregations but sorrow pulls the mother out from the pool
Compasses float in soup alpha particles shudder like skirts
flexible flesh the continents drift into scalloped edges crusts
like the pools of ice you wore that left little to the imagination
Human contrasts offer some consolation but pall and wither
soon in rain uneconomical high streets selling old shoes
rags in corners masquerade leave a crumpled bag for life
Phone me something Ariel I can’t remember your name but
surely we had the feeling that we were souls in partial
paradise and knew how to make gravy perhaps I was wrong
Drawing to a beginning now of sheltered elms perpendicular
to the posts you climb? reversed eyes part cardboard flaps
boxes which helped contain a self you had built from Spain
While you were doing other things you couldn’t definitely see
the evolution it took had become underwear in all its varieties
peculiar as each season drew on we ignored all warnings
As the frisbee vanished