William Sutherland's favorite articles

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  • La Paix : une utopie ?

    Parmi toutes les utopies en voici une qui ne nécessite, pour être réalisée, aucune découverte scientifique, aucune invention particulière, aucun budget. En revanche elle demande de prendre conscience que c’est profitable pour tout le monde, de la confiance en l’autre et du respect pour ses contemporains. Faire taire les égoïsmes et les désirs de prédation. Dans l’histoire « Le cancer de Gaïa » la paix est imposée sous la contrainte, la prise de conscience arrive progressivement par la suite, d…

  • My personal cheat sheet for using ipernity

    evening light
    1. HAVE FUN! 2. ADDING IMAGES TO COMMENTS: -- Image has to be up on ipernity (though it can be private). -- On image page, go to Actions/Share (HTML code) [find the Actions link on the bar to the right of the image]. -- Choose size of photo you want to embed in the comment. -- THEN, copy "Insert the photo" code HTML (bottom box). -- Place this code into the comment field. Note: You can preview your comment to make sure the image shows up correctly and is the size you want. All comm…

  • Promotional Pamphlet

    ipernity logo
    The world’s largest community run online photo and art club Independant and commercial free Member owned and run Come and see .... “we respect the freedom of art” Who are we? • Photographers • Artists • Creators • From all over the world – over 100 countries “ipernity has been my home for more than 10 years. Here are human relationships that move beyond the anonymity of the virtual world” “A lively community of photo amateurs and artists” Exchange and organiz…

  • Site wide SSL is finally here!

    Secure Encryption (2)
    Dear members and friends of ipernity, ============================ For those of you still having problems: If trying to add a new photo to a group, and there is no drop-down list, the first thing to try is the Ctrl+F5 to Refresh. See paragraph below for more about refreshing. If that does not solve the problem, you can try closing and restarting your browser . We do not expect to be able to allow the apps (iPhone or Android) to upload photos. But this is possible with either the…

  • de - 2004 - Gott und Ich

    Engel aus Holz und Schatten - anĝelo de ligno kaj ombro
    Aus ' Gott Heute' von Neale Donald Walsch Die amerikanische Originalausgabe erschien 2004 unter dem Titel "Tomorrow's God Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge" bei Atria Books, New York 1. Auflage 2004 der deutschsprachigen Ausgabe im Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, München Seite181/182/183 Gott und Ich - Neale - Seiten 181/182 Ich soll anderen in Erinnerung rufen, wer und was Gott ist? ...Und was genau sollen wir sagen? - Gott - Liebe sagt, dass - in einem Wort gesagt -…

  • In the past I often used Kodachrome slide film - früher verwendete ich oft Kodachrome-Diafilme

    [EN] How I digitize my Kodachrome slides Original pic: Camera: Minolta X-700 Lens(es): various Film: Kodachrome 64 slide film Photographed with: Camera: Nikon D500 Lens: AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 40mm f/2.8G Diacope attachment: Nikon ES 1 Kodachrome slide film is comparable to three black-and-white films placed on top of each other and separated by color filters. In contrast to other slide films (e.g. Agfa, Fuji etc.), Kodac…

  • Human waste - Desperdício humano

    Mozambique, 1969-1971
    Human waste supple like water foam on the barracks' wall until it tumbles in tears splinters of cement and lime dust we interweave in our hands. Desperdício humano dúctil como espuma de água no muro do quartel até ruir em lágrimas estilhaços de cimento e cal pó que entretecemos nas mãos. by Armando TABORDA, in "MANUAL DO DESPERDÍCIO", Ceres Editora, 1994 (post 1st ed…

  • World Ocean Day (WOD)

    Ein Welttag soll an internationale Themen und aktuelle Weltprobleme erinnern. Es gibt von der UN und ihren Unterorganisationen mehr als 100 offizielle Welt- und Internationale Tage. Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung und des Internets erfahren weltweite Gedenktage eine Aufwertung. Der Weltozeantag wird jedes Jahr am 8. Juni weltweit begangen, um das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung der Ozeane und deren Schutz zu schärfen. Er dient als Gelegenheit, die entscheidende Rolle des Ozeans in unserem Leben hervorzuheben, einschließlich seiner Auswirkungen auf die Klimaregulierung, die biologische Vielfalt, die Ernährungssicherheit und die Lebensgrundlagen.

  • Saint-Genou - Eine Vorankündigung

    Da haben wir eine kleine Kirche in einem kleinen unscheinbaren Dorf mit einem alten Postamt, dessen Erscheinungsbild ein wenig an das ehemalige Gebäude der Gendarmerie nationale in Saint-Tropez erinnert. Die alte Gendarmerie nationale in Saint Tropez steht wahrscheinlich auch nur noch deshalb, weil die Geschichten um den Gendarmen Ludovic Cruchot es berühmt gemacht haben. Und wir haben einen kleinen Fluß, der ca. 100 km weiter in die Loire mündet und einem Departement seinen Namen gibt. Immerhin hatte diese Gemeinde, deren Einwohner man Saint-Genulphiens oder nicht ganz so heilig einfach Genulphiens nennt, bis zu sieben Fabriken, die Porzellan herstellten. Die letzte Fabrik wurde 1999 geschlossen. Das wären so einige Facts zu Saint-Genou, ein ca. 900 Seelen Städtchen im mittleren Westen Frankreichs. Wären wir damit zufrieden, würde mein Artikel mit der Einführung hier schon enden. Aber - ein Städtchen mit sieben Porzelanfabriken, einer Kirche, einem Postamt, an einem kleinen Fluss gelegen, kann auch Stoff für eine Geschichte liefern, die 1964 begann.

  • The New York minute - Teil 5 - Humans

    SoHo, Manhattan
    “It's important to always have people who remember you at various stages of your life. It's especially important as you get older, because there are less of those people around. And they remind you of who you are.” [1]

  • The New York minute - Teil 6 - Central Park

    Into the Park
    “I tried to do a puppet show on the streets, and I wasn't a very good street performer. But I found that I could stand in one place in Central Park and bounce a soap bubble on my arm, and I didn't have to gather a crowd for the puppet show. I had a crowd.” [1]

  • Thought on the Start of Strategic Planning

    At work, I will play a significant role in the upcoming strategic planning process. To many, that might sound dull, dry, and perhaps even depressing. To those who feel that way, you have my fullest condolences. Much has changed since the existing strategic plan was adopted and implemented. The COVID-19 Pandemic has run its course leaving profound changes in its wake. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has exploded onto the scene with transformational implications. Just these two developments could…

  • 1 March 2024 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) One month until IGA. Sign up by April 3rd in order to attend. Our annual membership meeting will be held online on Sunday April 7th 2024, 5pm [Correction: 6pm] Paris (16:00 UTC) . Please see Sign-Up Procedure for IGA . For anyone who has not attended previously, a look at the IGA group will give you an idea of how the meeting is conducted online. There are two mandates open for election. 2) Meeting in the real world. We are inde…

  • The New York minute - Teil 3 - Over the tops

    “Something's always happening here. If you're bored in New York. it's yout own fault.“ [1]

  • 2 February 2024 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Two months until IGA. Sign up for the meeting now. Our annual membership meeting is due to be held on Sunday April 7th 2024, 5pm Paris (16:00 UTC) . "When are the others turning up?" Don't delay, please see Sign-Up Procedure for IGA . For anyone who has not attended previously, a look at the IGA group will give you an idea of how the meeting is conducted online. 2) Speaking of groups of animals... Our team advisor, past Club…

  • AI as a Pathway for Creativity Draws Strong Reactions

    In an opinion piece written by Washington Post Opinion Graphics Reporter Yan Wu, Wu proclaimed that AI “is opening new pathways for creativity.” “Consider visual arts,” she continued. “Just as photography changed the course of art in the 19th century, AI image generators now stand to revolutionize how humans create.” Wu went on to explain that the key to unlocking this pathway involved the interaction between humans and machines through the prompts develop. The piece drew strong and oft…

  • Chronik einer Katastrophe (Teil 1)

    Zum Geleit Vor über einem Jahr habe ich an dieser Stelle bereits über unsere persönlichen Erlebnisse in den Tagen der verheerenden Flut im Ahrtal geschrieben. Seither ist vieles geschehen und auch vieles aus jenen Stunden zutage getreten. Es sind Dinge, die ich euch nicht vorenthalten möchte; ich habe den Eindruck, dass die landesweiten Medien das Thema vielleicht nicht vergessen, aber doch in den Hintergrund gestellt haben. Im Ausland wird der Informationsstand bezüglich der Flutkatastrophe…

  • Be a part of shaping ipernity's future!

    ima team
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, For IGA 2024 the mandate for Vice President is still vacant, and the mandate for Treasurer is up for election. We invite loyal and active club members who are 21 years of age or older to join the ima team to continue shaping the future of…

  • 1 December 2023 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, Seasons Greetings! With the coming change of season we are reminded that we are a global community. We are happy that here on our website we are able to enjoy, both the cold low winter light and the brightness of hot summer. What a pleasure to share these moments with each other. We are thankful for this community which shows us how varied our world is. Peace be with you. 1) Statement from our Club President about AI images. We've notice…

  • Short book review - Pequena recensão

    Short book review - Pequena recensão do livro
    Here is a poetry book with a modern and original structure, as if it were a two-dimensional graph of intervals, autobiographical, where the author, with mastery and great beauty, X-rays the remarkable moments of her life. The abcissa of the graph distributes the poem into four chapters/quadrants (endless, unfading, ceaseless, undying), which are divided into twelve months of the year, from Spring to Winter, as if the entire life were nothing more than a tellurian cyclical repetition of the fo…

68 articles in total