Dear members and friends of ipernity,
1) Statement from our Club President about AI images.
We've noticed that some members are now sharing images created using artificial intelligence (AI) on ipernity, reflecting their interest in modern methods. We appreciate and embrace this technological innovation. However, the use of AI in photography raises questions concerning labeling requirements and copyright, which are not yet clearly defined by current legislation and existing standards.
It may be years before such legal rules are in place. In order to ensure harmonious coexistence in our community, we believe it is essential to establish some common guidelines today. Our recommendations are:
a) We suggest labeling images generated entirely with AI as such. This does not apply to photos or other content edited using AI-based tools.
b) Consider classifying AI-generated images as "DigiArt", [].
c) We ask admins not to exclude AI-generated images from groups, especially public groups, unless there are valid factual and objective reasons for doing so.
Always keep in mind that our community was formed mostly by photographers. But it has also always been a home for other creative people. All kinds of creative expressions are welcome: photos, videos, music, essays, podcasts, poems, scanned painting and drawings - and now also Artificial Intelligence (AI) images as a special kind of DigiArt.
We have added an 'AI advice' link with a popup message box to the upload page.
Also, you might be interested in the AI Generated Pictures group.
Website Updates
2) Revision to Albums section.
This update relates to albums with mixed content, that is, those with both photos/videos and documents. When viewing an album, any videos are also displayed with the photos. It is not possible to show both photos and docs together.
For such an album, there will be links to switch between 'Photos' and 'Docs', just as with the links for 'All', or for 'Photos' or 'Videos' only, in the 'Photos' section.
This is clearer to the user than when the options were within the drop-down menu.
3) Further revision to the Upload page.
We appreciate the suggestion from some members to tone down the wording of the warning message, which has now been incorporated. Now with this re-wording, we ask that those who already know these rules understand that the team routinely has to deal with returning members asking about missing content. This is partly because some of our automated emails are not being delivered. Thus the team considers it appropriate to place this message on the upload page.
4) Revision of the group guidelines.
A recent debate within the HFF Group indicated that some parts of our group guidelines are too vague or even incomplete. Both members and administrators do not find enough support in them. This can also lead to further misunderstandings in the future and affect the harmony within our community. For this reason, we have reactivated an old discussion forum Group Guidelines. We are looking for your input and suggestions to improve our group guidelines and to prepare a proposal for amendment to the ima team. Your participation is highly encouraged and welcome! Your inputs may help us maintain a welcoming and respectful atmosphere at ipernity. We are looking forward to your contributions.
Early Notice
5) Ipernity General Assembly 2024.
We give this early notice so that you may avoid conflicting commitments. We note that the typical date of the last Sunday in March is an Easter weekend in 2024. We therefore state that the meeting will be held on Sunday April 7th 2024, 5pm Paris (16:00 UTC).
We also take this opportunity to call for candidates to the ima board. First for the vacant position of Vice President. Secondly, while our current treasurer has agreed to run again, the position is open to members to apply.
Your ima team.
PS If you are a techy nerd, you might care to take a look at this article where you may be able to help.
As administrator of the group Ipernity Homepage - Image Proposals I would like to thank the authors for submitting these images. I would also like to thank all those who have contributed to the selection of the images by voting for them..
Sometimes, creating meaningful icons for our groups is a tricky challenge. With the help of AI generators, this task is very easy to overcome. Here are some examples:
In addition, there are completely new possibilities for banner design:
(All images created with Dall-E3 . Click on the icons and the banner to view them in large size.)
Bon week-end à tous, restez en bonne santé.
Team club has replied to Peter Castell clubThe more members that contribute there, the better the outcome will be.
Kalli club has replied to Peter Castell clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Peter Castell clubOld Owl club has replied to Peter Castell clubKalli club has replied to Isabelle Barruhet clubKalli club has replied to Jean-luc Drouinhomaris club has replied to Jean-luc DrouinBergfex club has replied to Jean-luc DrouinEven though image and photo are often used synonymously, they are not. An image can be created in many different ways, while a photo can only be taken with a camera: "Photography: The art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (such as film or an optical sensor)" (Thanks Rob for this link).
In this respect,
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Jean-luc DrouinBergfex club has replied to Jean-luc DrouinZoals ik bij het vorige Club News heb aangegeven vind ik de teksten op de upload pagina totaal niet vriendelijk en/of uitnodigend. Als ik lees waarvoor die zouden moeten dienen, acht ik ze overbodig.
In kapitalen staat vermeld "De bestanden hierheen slepen om te uploaden".
Dit is feitelijk onjuist, want voor het uploaden valt er niets te slepen, maar dient de 'button' "Browse computer" te worden gebruikt !!!
Team club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubThis type statement and action is common on websites, for example if one is using Google images to search by image it says "Drag an image here or upload a file". The difference with us is that the button to upload is in a different spot on the page.
Both dragging a file into the space and the 'button' "Browse computer" can be used.
Peter Castell club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubNur weil du das vielleicht bei dir nicht kannst, muss man diesen Text, der ja nur als eine Alternative angezeigt wird, nicht ändern oder diese Möglichkeit gar entfernen. Das ist eine Unzulänglichkeit von deinem Betriebssystem und der von dir verwendeten grafischen Benutzeroberfläche, aber nicht von ipernity - und schon gar nicht ist es deswegen unfreundlich oder falsch.
raingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubEinen schönen Tag noch :))
As this group is linked to from the main menu of our website [Explore / Noteworthy], it is part of the public relations work for our club. Thanks to all contributors.
Please note: The images shown in [Explore / Noteworthy] are presented in a random order. You can find the chronological order in the group "Ambassador Images".
By viewing, you help to increase the relevance of ipernity on YouTube.
Thus, you help to attract new members.
I just found 3 bad habits with regard to the ipernity groups.
I've posted this also in the above mentioned discussion forum.
Right now I notice:
1) Of the last 18 photos posted, only 3 have had more than 100 views, although in the first two days I usually change the date of publication once or twice as if I were uploading the photo again. If you didn't do this, most likely none of the 18 photos would pass 50 hits in the first few days. This makes me think that the life of each photo is very short and that after a very short period of time it enters the limbo of oblivion.
2) Right now I have an account open on Instagram and another on Flickr. On Instagram, which is the worst of all existing networks, I don't know how many visits I have because only likes are counted, I have an approximate flow of between 120 and 180 likes per photo, which makes me assume that there are a lot of visits month. On Flickr, the number of hits is between 200 and 400 hits per photo on average. I tend to post the same photos on all three sites. By this I do not mean that I like Instagram and Flickr more than ipernity, but at least I have the impression that my photos have a little more projection.
3) On Instagram I basically share photos with people close to my country, Catalonia and my territory, the Pyrenees, with few coincidences with Ipernity profiles, but yes with former Panoramio and former Ipernity profiles. On Flickr I share photos with people from all over the world and with a good number of profiles that count on Ipernity and ex Panoramio and ex Ipernity. In the latter case, I think that there is an important group of Ipernity people who are not quite satisfied with it and for this reason they are part of Flickr. And I also imagine there may be Ipernity members who have other accounts on other photography websites.
4) I've had the Instagram account for 2 years and I'm not convinced that the future of this Network is very interesting but at least it's not paid yet and you can easily skip its algorithm and therefore not see anything of advertising I've had the Flickr account for a year (previously I had one that I closed to dedicate myself exclusively to Ipernity) and right now of the three accounts (Ipernity, Instagram, Flickr) it's the one I see the most future in since advertising is not excessive and you can upload up to 1000 high resolution photos for free.
5) Social life in Ipernity has its maximum expression on Fridays, Mondays and Wednesdays of each week with the sharing of photographs of fences, benches and walls (in addition to hundreds of groups, many of which are repetitive) that turn the Club into a family that wishes each other good morning three times a week. It could be said (sorry to say it like that, I can't think of another way to say it) that Ipernity has better people than photographers, because personal contact is more valued than photographic quality.
6) The Club makes a great effort to try to project a good external image: It constantly selects images for its presentations every season of the year and what it calls ambassador images. But then he doesn't project them outside, they stay facing inside. The club has accounts on other platforms but does not use them to promote Ipernity.
I have been part of Ipernity since 2015, coming from Panoramio, and, right now, none of the former Panoramios that joined Ipernity are left. Ipernity offers what it should have: A wall, the possibility of organizing each one's own photos, the possibility of a blog and groups to share thematic photos, and still you can't get out of it.
I will not leave Ipernity as long as it exists, but if nothing changes it will no longer be my priority choice, and maybe my participation will gradually decrease.
Surely the IMA will ask me what things I would be willing to do to improve the Club. The answer is that nothing to do with the internal organization, nor any management position, but if I could imagine working on the external projection of Ipernity to other networks (from where it is assumed that new members could be acquired ) as long as there was express authorization to use Ipernity images for Ipernity accounts on Instagram, Flickr, etc... with attribution of course. The idea would be to create a group called "The image of the day" to upload them, one a day, to the Ipernity accounts on other platforms. One person should be assigned to each platform, to upload the photos and to track users of these platforms to promote Ipernity. For this to be effective it would also be necessary to change the concept of the basic account exempt from payment and convert it to a trial account for a free year with the same features as a standard account. After this year (and for the whole time) it is necessary from the organization perform a trial member onboarding task to convince them to become a paid member like any other. For all those cases of non-renewal at the end of the trial period, the rule of 100 photos and a period of one or three years should be applied to permanently delete the account.
I trust I have not been too heavy, and bear with me for all those things I have said which are not to your liking.
And in this convulsive period that we are living on a global scale, for those who celebrate Christmas and New Year, my best wishes.
Bergfex club has replied to homaris clubI understand your concerns and I think you have expressed them quite well. Your topics are also close to my heart. I also have the impression that visits to my account are decreasing. In 2017-2019, my account constantly had around 65 visits per day. At some point, I was no longer that interested. However, your post motivates me to start monitoring again.
What I was able to do immediately was a quick fact check with regard to visitor interest. Your uploads since the beginning of November have received an average of 97 visits, 35 FAVs and 10 comments (median values in each case). My uploads from the same period had 101 visits, 28 FAVs and 13 comments. So we play in the same league.
Even if the figures seem rather low, they are still very good. They mean that 11 to 12 per cent of ipernity club members are interested in our content. Transferred to the Flickr community, which is a thousand times larger, we should get more than 100,000 visits per image, 30,000 FAVs and 10,000 comments. I would be completely overwhelmed to read or appreciate all that.
I don't know what your numbers are like on Flickr, but I don't get anywhere near that level. My oldest image there (from 2 December 2016) has received 1,562 visits in 7 years. My oldest image on ipernity (from 5 April 2016) has received 830 visits. This shows that we have a much livelier community here at ipernity.
Our frontrunner in terms of visitor interest is probably Jaap van 't Veen. His images from the last two months were visited an average of 175 times, received 50 FAVs and 45 comments.
However, Jaap - just like me - does not achieve these figures with fences or benches! The impression that participation in "Happy" groups would drive up the figures is deceptive. It only comes about because the corresponding images appear more frequently in the gallery on Saturday/Sunday. I don't begrudge all members who draw attention to themselves in this way once a week.
God knows, this is not meant to be a whitewash. The weaknesses you point out are undeniable. I would be delighted, along with you, if someone could be found to take care of them. The position of Vice-President on the Club Board has been vacant for almost two years.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to homaris clubWhat is also much better at Ipernity is the ratio of views to comments/favs. Ipernity often has 50% or more, Fl.... between 10 and 20%.
I am not active (won't be) on social media. So no opinion on that.
My experience with the Friday (hFF), Monday (hBM) and Wednesday (hWW) photos is that they get a bit more views immediately after posting, but it is not very different at all, if at all, from other uploads.
I agree that Ipernity should be more visible to the outside world. Your suggestion for using social media sounds good, but who among the members will take on this task?
I don't agree with you extending the duration of the "trial account". I think new members can get a sufficient idea within three months. Added to that is the financial aspect; can imagine that Ipernity cannot afford that at the moment.
At least we (=existing members) could/should start giving new members a 'warmer' welcome, though. Not only by welcoming them, but also by viewing/faving their pictures. I hardly see existing members doing that now.
Team club has replied to homaris clubBergfex has done a good analysis of visits, etc, but that doesn't make your points invalid.
What you've brought up is what the team has understood for a long time. And the team has repeatedly tried to make this all clear to our membership. (See other Club News over the last 2 years.)
Promotion always needs support. If we understand you correctly, you are willing to be a person to start up and be responsible for a project like "The image of the day" on one of the social media sites. The details of such a project (like permissions) should be discussed with the team. If we are right that you are willing, please write an ipermail to the team and we will begin working on it with you to set something like that up. Know that we already have social media accounts already in place that could potentially be used for a project like you suggest.
Thank you for any time and energy you can give to promotion.
Suggestions like extending our trial membership would need to be cost analyzed and probably brought to the membership for approval. We already keep to the rules of guest accounts to 100 photos and deletions of unused non-club accounts after 3 years. Note, however, that these rules have to be managed manually. Having more advisors that could help with that work, even on an occassional basis, would be greatly welcomed.
Thank you for your continued participation in our club.
Team club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubThe team appreciates the efforts you make with new members.
Second idea: Setting up a photo pool of “most popular photos”. The photos that received the 20 most favorite stars from my pictures end up in tis public site. My private MPP- pool is also at the top of my private page. My pictures with the most favorite stars can be found there (for public as well).
Regarding AI: I would be happy if strong image changes in general (including strong color changes, alienation) were voluntarily named by the photographer, as were the camera, lenses, film, etc. I think that would be fair.
I still like Ipernity, even though I get very few clicks, compared with other members...
I whish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Greatings from the Black Forest, Rainer.
Team club has replied to Rainer Wahl clubThank you for taking the time to make some suggestions. Hopefully Bergfex's reply below explains how some of the things you mention are already incorporated into ipernity's website. And while it isn't a simple 'click' to have a photo be re-introduced, you can see that there are ways to at least get them at the front of your own photo page.
As stated in 1.a. above, we do request that people using AI label their images as such.
Bei [Entdecken/Neu] erscheinen alle Bilder, die neu hochgeladen werden, in der Reihenfolge des "Datums der Veröffentlichung". Aber Vorsicht! Dies muss nicht das Upload-Datum sein. Normalerweise ist es das zwar, aber der User kann den automatisch vergebenen Zeitstempel auch überschreiben. Das macht insofern Sinn, als manchmal die Bildreihenfolge nach dem Hochladen eine Andere ist, als man sie haben möchte. Oder man lädt die Bilder abends im Privatmodus hoch, um sie am nächsten Morgen mit Titel und Beschreibung zu versehen, und erst dann öffentlich zu schalten. Dann ist die reale Veröffentlichung nicht am Vorabend, sondern erst am nächsten Morgen zu der Uhrzeit, die man eingibt. (Veröffentlichung ist nicht gleich Upload!)
Der Stapel, der der Funktion [Entdecken/Neu] hinterlegt ist, enthält 1.000 Einträge. Abgelegt werden die Bilder jedoch nicht nach Datum, sondern nach physikalischer Bild-Nummer. Das ist erforderlich, weil relationale Datenbanken eindeutige, unveränderbare Zuordnungen haben müssen. Es rutscht immer das Bild mit der kleinsten Nummer unten aus dem Stapel, wenn oben ein neues draufgelegt wird. Dies ist wichtig zu wissen, wenn man als User von der Veränderungsmöglichkeit der Zeitangabe Gebrauch machen möchte. Sie hat nämlich nur Auswirkungen, solange das Bild noch im Stapel ist. Nach 2 bis 3 Tagen (oder eher, wenn es Massenuploads gegeben hat) kann man an dem Datum herumschrauben, wie man will. Das Bild wird nicht mehr als "neu" eingestuft, weil inzwischen über 1.000 neuere eingetroffen sind.
Bei [Entdecken/Galerie] erscheint maximal ein Bild pro Fotograf. Dadurch soll Vielfalt gewährleistet werden. Der Stapel umfasst 240 Bilder. Die Sortierung erfolgt nicht nach "Alter", sondern nach einer Kennzahl, die sich aus Aktualität und Beliebtheit ergibt. Denn die Definition der Galerie ist: "Dies sind die neuesten öffentlichen Fotos, die am beliebtesten sind."
Die Aktualität ist nur scheinbar eine Zeitfunktion. Denn sie bezieht sich weder auf das Upload-Datum, noch auf das Veröffentlichungsdatum, sondern (wie oben) wieder auf die Bild-Nummer! Je mehr neue, aktuellere Bilder erscheinen, umso mehr verlieren vorhandene Bilder an Aktualität. Das ist logisch, oder? Wichtig zu wissen: Weil das Veröffentlichungsdatum irrelevant ist, hat es keinerlei Einfluss auf die Positionierung des Bildes. Man kann daran herumschrauben, wie man will, es bewirkt nichts. Die "Galerie" ist manipulationssicher.
Die Beliebtheit errechnet sich (vor allem) aus der Anzahl der FAVs und (in geringerem Ausmaß) aus der Anzahl der Kommentare. Die Anzahl der FAVs kannst Du indirekt beeinflussen, indem Du Dir einen großen, aktiven Freundeskreis aufbaust, also aktive Kontaktpflege betreibst. Dies ist ganz im Sinne eines aktiven Vereinslebens, also sehr erwünscht. (Wer es mit Kontaktpflege nicht so hat, ist halt etwas weniger beliebt, wie überall, wo Menschen sich treffen.) Die Anzahl der Kommentare kannst Du hingegen direkt beeinflussen. Wenn Du Dich beispielsweise im Kommentarfeld fleißig bedankst, geht dieser Zähler entsprechend nach oben. Aber erwarte nicht zu viel. Die Schöpfer von ipernity haben dieser Manipulationsmöglichkeit einen Dämpfer aufgesetzt, indem sie den Kommentaren den geringsten Einfluss gegeben haben. Man sollte seine Energie lieber in bessere Bildbearbeitung und in die Kontaktpflege stecken.
Zusammengefasst: Relevanz = f (Aktualität, FAVs, Kommentare)
Dies erklärt, warum die Positionierung von Bildern in der Galerie manchmal hin und her wandert. Generell ist es zwar so, dass der ständige, normale Verlust an Aktualität dazu führt, dass ein Bild immer weiter nach hinten rutscht. Wenn aber in kurzer Zeit viele neue FAVs hinzukommen, nimmt die Relevanz wieder zu, weil die Beliebtheit gestiegen ist. Dies kann in Schüben stattfinden, abhängig von Tageszeit oder davon, ob man sein Bild nachträglich in weiteren, sehr aktiven Gruppen postet. Irgendwann findet aber immer eine Sättigung statt. Dann rutscht Dein Bild gnadenlos nach hinten. Und das ist gut so. Denn die Galerie soll kein Museum sein, sondern ein lebendiges Schaufenster.
Achtung: Es kann passieren, dass Du Dein eigenes Bild killst, indem Du am nächsten Tage ein weiteres hochlädst, dass mehr FAVs bekommt. Dies ist dann sowohl aktueller als auch beliebter und kickt Dein vorheriges Bild heraus. Auch umgekehrt kann es passieren: Wenn ein älteres Bild einen nachträglichen Schub an Beliebtheit bekommt, kann es eventuell wieder erscheinen, und Dein neueres Bild killen. Das passiert jedoch selten.
Und zuletzt noch der Hinweis: Es kann bis zu 48 Stunden dauern, ehe ein Bild überhaupt in der "Galerie" erscheint. Denn erstens muss ein Bild die erforderliche Relevanz bekommen, um in der internen (nicht öffentlichen) Vorschlagsliste zu erscheinen. Diese interne Liste wird einmal täglich von einem Mitglied des ima-Teams gecheckt, ob sie anstößige, jugendgefährdende, gewaltverherrlichende oder sonst wie illegale Bilder enthält. Solche Bilder werden für die Galerie gesperrt. Die übrigen werden freigegeben.
Last but not least zu Deiner Anregung, einen Pool der beliebtesten Fotos einzurichten: Den gibt es: ❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖. Dort findet man alle Bilder, die es jemals in die Galerie geschafft haben, also ein Mindestmaß an Beliebtheit hatten. Man findet dort eine gute Übersicht über das Schaffen der ipernity-Mitglieder seit Gründung.
Hinsichtlch der eingeblendeten Werbung bei flickr sind meine Erfahrungen auch gänzlich andere als hier geschildet. Wenn ich da eine Suche nach einem Stichwort mache, sind die ersten 8 Fotos erst einmal gesponserte Werbung für eine Fotoagentur. Dann folgen ggf. meine eigenen Fotos und Alben mit dem Stichwort (die interessieren mich aber nicht, wenn ich auf der Seite im Suchfeld nach einem Foto suche). Anschliessend folgen bei mir nun 37 Fotos, die angeblich das gesuchte Motiv zeigen sollen Angeblich, weil die Fotos alles mögliche zeigen, nur nicht welche mit dem Stichwort gesuchte Bilder. Entweder ist die Suche kaputt oder wird von den Mitgliedern falsch gefüttert. Anschließend folgen erneut 8 gesponserte Fotos der Foto-Agentur. Und so geht es munter weiter - es ist also quasi beim herunter scrollen jede Bildschirmseite mit einer weiteren Werbung "ergänzt".
Mag sein, dass das anders ist, wenn man flickr bezahlt (was ich nicht tue), aber flickr behauptet auch schon seit Jahren, dass meine über den freien Inhalt hinaus gehenden Fotos gelöscht werden. Meine zuletzt hochgeladenen Fotos (im Jahr 2013, also locker 10 Jahre her) haben übrigens so um die 3000 Aufrufe, und das, obwohl ich noch immer regelmäßig drüben kommentiere.
Hinsichtlich des "Foto des Tages" - Gedankens: nun, das habe ich anfangs auf Twitter versucht. Hat genau Null bewirkt. Den ipernity- Account bei twitter folgen entweder ipernity - Nutzer oder aber bots, aber keine sonstigen Personen, die man von ipernity überzeugen könnte.
Man erreicht also mit ipernity - Konten keine Personen, die nicht ohnehin bereits ipernity nutzen. Und diese Personen, die das tun, müssten dann zumindest die Tweets retweeten, um sie außerhalb der ipernity - bubble zu verbreiten. Das geschieht aber nicht. Bei twitter gibt es genau einen einzigen User, der regelmäßig Bilder von ipernity verbreitet: - und zwar noch nicht einmal zwingend nur seine eigenen Fotos.
Das ist also gewissermaßen der einzige Nutzer, der ipernity außerhalb der Personen weiter verbreitet, die ipernity nicht ohnehin bereits nutzen und hat aktuell etwas über 500 Follower.
Poste ich etwas bei twitter vom ipernity - Account werden diese Tweets ungefähr 40 bis 50 mal angesehen, sofern die Tweets nicht von besagtem User retweetet werden. Werden sie von einem User retweetet, kommt der Tweet auf etwa 200 Views, was schon das mögliche Werbe - Potential aufzeigt, den ipernity-Mitglieder haben könnten. Wenn sie denn was für ipernity tun würden (auf Twitter). Also mal von diesen ein, zwei Personen abgesehen, die das regelmäßig bereits tun. Aber da das nicht passiert braucht man sich dann eben auch nicht mehr zu wundern, dass ipernity die eigene Bekanntheit nicht steigert.
Es würde für die Bekanntheit von ipernity also wesentlich hilfreicher sein, wenn Leute mit ihren eigenen sozialen Accounts Werbung für ipernity machen als wenn das mit den ipernity-eigenen Accounts geschieht. Das geschieht aber nicht:
Denn die ipernity-eigenen Accounts werden, wie gesagt, ohnehin lediglich von Personen gelesen oder verfolgt, die ipernity bereits kennen.
Ich bin jetzt seit 1998 ununterbrochen bei ipernity. Und schon immer gab es ruhigere und bewegte Zeiten, wo man mal mehr und mal weniger Besucher hatte. Und der Dezember ist sowieso schon immer ein sehr schlechter Monat gewesen, weil die Leute im Dezember andere Dinge zu tun haben als am Rechner zu sitzen und sich Fotos anzuschauen.
Dat zal best zo zijn. Maar ik ben er zeer stellig van overtuigd dat het aantal bezoekers (views./favs) op mijn pagina's de laatste jaren langzaam maar zeker steeds minder wordt. Kan ook niet anders als ik het aantal 'afhakers' zie.
I have read your comment a number of times now and you have made me think once again about this strange idea of sharing my photographs with people I do not know.
I too will stay on Ipernity as long as it exists but why should my very limited variety of photographs be of any interest to anyone else on Ipernity?
Even my ‘best’ photographs are really only going to be of greatest interest to me. I have thousands of photos on Ipernity now and they are poorly curated. What would drive me to improve that? I would need to have criteria I believed had value and I have never come to any final conclusions. [I have a free account on Flickr with 1000 photos stored so I have to delete one to post a new photo. I am someone who has not been good curating my ‘best’ photos and this my have turned out to be a happy accident as they do seem to be gradually getting more interesting (to my eye at least at least).]
I’m no longer sure why I share my photographs and I think it is now just a habit. In the days before photo sharing web sites I created my own web site to record my hill walks and bird watching snaps. These were of interest to some of the people I worked with and eventually I moved on to photo websites like Flickr and found people who lived locally sharing their photos. Over time I have met some of these people and keep some contact with a few of them. Some contacts on Flickr I have been trading comments with for 15 years or more without ever meeting them in real life.
I ended up on Ipernity in 2013 along with many more people frustrated by Flickr’s every changing interface. It’s even worse now.
I agree with you about Ipernity being more about a social life than true Photography sites but that’s a good thing in my opinion as the technical issues and hardware chat around cameras are of very limit interest to me.
So how to make Ipernity grow and attract more users?
I don’t know but suspect that many of the users on Ipernity are at least middle aged ?
Should that be the biggest selling point? - Sell it to older people that are tired of ever changing websites, adverts and flashing images. Ipernity the last photo sharing website you will ever need. It’s friendly with built in translation for many languages with an interface that rarely has any changes and you are even remembered after you die.
Ipernity: Where old photographers live in their final years.
Colin Ashcroft (aged 70 later this year so I will soon be on borrowed time)
It has now been almost 3 months since the discussion thread to topic 4 was opened. The most important problems will now have been identified. They will be clustered over the next few days. The thread will then be opened with a call for proposals for solutions.
Prior to the introduction of AI/KI, the world had witnessed the enormous growth of processing options for photos. Processing now takes photos far beyond what the camera can produce. Beyond the expanding frontier of processing options lies AI/KI. AI/KI is a still young tool for stretching creativity in visual artistic expression.
Art, including visual art, has always been about human expression. That quality has given it its enduring power to inspire and stir emotions across time, generations, and cultures. It has given it unifying power that brings people together.
I welcome the sharing of AI/KI images. A dynamic, inclusive platform is one that has a far better chance of flourishing than a rigid one that is unable to evolve with a changing world. Ipernity is big enough to accommodate the full range of visual artistic expression, including expression through AI/KI creations (and whatever else the future might bring).
raingirl club has replied to Don Sutherland clubSign-in to write a comment.