This is a group for pictures of birds perching on a structure, such as a fence, tree or bird feeder. No black and white. Live birds - wild or domestic. No stuffed animals.
This is a group of images showing birds sitting on a structure such as a fence or tree (only live birds, wild or domesticated).
No images of birds walking or swimming on water.
No black and white images.
Thank you for your contributions!
Africa has a rich variety of wildlife. This group is for photographs of wild animals taken in Africa. Please do not add photographs of zoo animals even though their origin was Africa.
Pictures of all members of the corvidae family of birds - crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies, treepies, choughs and nutcrackers.
If you have a picture of a similar sort of bird (e.g. tropical "magpies"), you may post it, preferably with a description or latin name for the curious and to avoid any confusion :)
Living birds only, please - thanks
Die schönsten Bilder dieser Region vereint - egal ob Landachaft oder Megacity (z.B. Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong,..)
Für die meisten wird Südostasien am interessantesten sein, mit den Ländern und Hauptstädten:
Brunei mit der Hauptstadt Bandar Seri Begawan
Indonesien / Jakarta
Kambodscha / Phnom Penh
Laos / Vientiane
Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur
Myanmar / Naypyidaw
Osttimor / Dili
Philippinen / Manila
Singapur / Singapur
Thailand / Bangkok
Vietnam / Hanoi
aber auch andere Regionen si…
Les cours d'eau: Tous les types de ruisseaux, rivières et cascades ...
Die Wasserläufe: Alle Arten von Bächen , Flüssen und Wasserfällen...
The watercourses: All types of streams, rivers and waterfalls ...
I corsi d'acqua: tutti i tipi di ruscelli, fiumi e cascate ...
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Public groups in which Wilfried is an administrator1 group in total
Perching Birds
This is a group for pictures of birds perching on a structure, such as a fence, tree or bird feeder. No black and white. Live birds - wild or domestic. No stuffed animals.
Public groups in which Wilfried is a moderator2 groups in total
Only your best photos!!
The purpose of the group is to have the maximum best Photos from you Gallery.
Perching birds .
This is a group of images showing birds sitting on a structure such as a fence or tree (only live birds, wild or domesticated). No images of birds walking or swimming on water. No black and white images. Thank you for your contributions!
Public groups in which Wilfried is a member150 groups in total
African Wildlife
Africa has a rich variety of wildlife. This group is for photographs of wild animals taken in Africa. Please do not add photographs of zoo animals even though their origin was Africa.
Deserts of the World
Deserts of the World
Desert Wildflowers of the World
Wildflower photos from the deserts of the world.
All Corvidae - crows, ravens, magpies, jays, and other related birds
Pictures of all members of the corvidae family of birds - crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies, treepies, choughs and nutcrackers. If you have a picture of a similar sort of bird (e.g. tropical "magpies"), you may post it, preferably with a description or latin name for the curious and to avoid any confusion :) Living birds only, please - thanks
Asien - Thailand, Philippinen, Malaysia und mehr (Hong Kong, Singapore,...)
Die schönsten Bilder dieser Region vereint - egal ob Landachaft oder Megacity (z.B. Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong,..) Für die meisten wird Südostasien am interessantesten sein, mit den Ländern und Hauptstädten: Brunei mit der Hauptstadt Bandar Seri Begawan Indonesien / Jakarta Kambodscha / Phnom Penh Laos / Vientiane Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur Myanmar / Naypyidaw Osttimor / Dili Philippinen / Manila Singapur / Singapur Thailand / Bangkok Vietnam / Hanoi aber auch andere Regionen si…
colourful boats, bateaux colorés, barcos coloritos, farbenfreudige Boote
Pictures with colourful boats.
Welcome to the Group for all Bali-Lovers!
Photo d'Asie sous toutes ses formes.
Squirrel, squirrels, skwerl, skwerls
Editing images
Bilderbearbeitung in jeglicher Form HDR,Filtertechnik,IR,Colourkey,s/w,Montagen,Texturen ua. no snapshots!!! attention to the rules..!!!..
Brasilien / Bresil / Brazil / Brasil
All Photos of this beautiful country
South Africa
Images of and discussions pertaining to South Africa.
" 100% Cours d'eau ... Wasserlauf ... Watercourse...I corsi d'acqua ... "
Les cours d'eau: Tous les types de ruisseaux, rivières et cascades ... Die Wasserläufe: Alle Arten von Bächen , Flüssen und Wasserfällen... The watercourses: All types of streams, rivers and waterfalls ... I corsi d'acqua: tutti i tipi di ruscelli, fiumi e cascate ...