4,5 x 6,0's groups

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Public groups in which 4,5 x 6,0 is an administrator
2 groups in total

  • Caffenol - The Joy of Coffee & Film

    Caffenol - The Joy of Coffee & Film

    Created 11 years ago

    Developer from kitchen chemistry. Caffenol is easily made from items purchased at the grocery store (in most places). Caffenol is one of the more environmentally friendly developers and has the capability to perform as well, or better, than commercial developers. Please share your images, join the discussions, post recipes, or ask questions. Need a Caffenol recipe to get started? Check out the link below for a set of standard Caffenol recipes.

  • Fuji Acros 100

    Fuji Acros 100

    Created 11 years ago

    Pictures taken with Fuji Film Acros 100 Tag : Acros100

Public groups in which 4,5 x 6,0 is a member
54 groups in total

  • Monochrome Photography

    Monochrome Photography

    Created 17 years ago

    With the photos you should have thought something in terms of composition, processing, artistic, artful, etc. Always quality before quantity - the quality has to be right... We mainly encounter monochrome images in black-and-white photography. Basically, monochrome just means mono for "one" and chroma for "color". But not only images in black and its nuances are meant: the tint in a certain color is also referred to as monochrome Monochrome to any color is also accepted.

  • Mamiya


    Created 17 years ago

    Pictures taken with a Mamiya camera (film and digital): ZD,RB 67,RZ67,645 AFD,645 AF,Mamiya 6,C330, C220 ...

  • Scénes de rue

    Scénes de rue

    Created 14 years ago

    se partager le plaisir de perpétuer et immortaliser l'instant.....photographiquement parlant.

  • Street Photography & People on the Street

    Street Photography & People on the Street

    Created 17 years ago

    This group shall be a place for your best street life and street photography pictures. This means, please post your images which show your ideas or your most intensive impressions of life in the city. Streets, people in the street, buildings, the djungle, the traffic, metro, subway and all this stuff.

  • Monochrome fine art

    Monochrome fine art

    Created 14 years ago

    Bilder in Schwarz weiß mit einem künstlerischen Anspruch, grafisch, expressiv. Jedes Sujet ist willkommen. Streetfotography, Impressionen, Stimmungen, alle Schattierungen. Landschaft und Portrait. Stilleben und Makros was auch immer Fotografie heißt und dem eigenen Anspruch genügt kann hier seinen Ort finden. Den großen Vorbildern nacheifern, Man Ray, Cartier-Bresson,Stieglitz, Erwitt, und vielen mehr

  • * Fotografika *

    * Fotografika *

    Created 9 years ago

    Welcome to Fotografika! From around the middle of the last century, "Fotografik" has been known for images that are based primarily on graphic elements and design reflecting artistic photography. The key aspect of this group should be black and white images, but colour images will not be excluded in case they match the general idea of Fotografik.

  • 'The Black & White'

    'The Black & White'

    Created 11 years ago

    The Black & White loves beautiful pictures and their members. Beautiful and friendly is The Black & White's watchwords. A single objective: TBW Visible use of 'hdr' will not be accepted. As well as software of image editings such Photoshop etc... Refused frame. Well, not always ;) but do not overdo them!. Panoramas accepted on the admin's recognizance. No selective color, please. > Free admission for the Moderators and Invitations. Or moderating validation. 3 contributions a day. Visit TBW.…

  • Film Photography

    Film Photography

    Created 17 years ago

    Share your photos shot on film. 135 film, 120 film, large format, whatever. B/W, C-41, E-6, you name it. Film photos only, please no digicam pics. Camera and/or film information should be included in submissions to the pool. Please add that data; either in the tags or description. Anyone can only upload 5 images per day.

  • IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

    IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

    Created 4 years ago

    Group objective: The intention is to show images by our members that are particularly worth seeing and that represent the spectrum of their work in the greatest possible diversity. It is not a ‚best-of‘ group. ● Only group members can make proposals. ● Proposals must fulfil the group objective and be technically flawless. ● 1 proposal per week is possible. ● An editorial team decides on the acceptance. ● Max. 1 image per member + month will be accepted. Note: The limit only applies t…



    Created 13 years ago

    Tout le charme du Maroc selon vos envies... Bienvenue au Maroc! Avec son patrimoine historique incomparable, ses souks débordant de produits artisanaux et ses excursions à couper le souffle, le Maroc est une destination inépuisable et authentique. Des remparts séculaires aux belles plages de l'océan, des souks éternels aux monuments témoins des splendeurs du Royaume, vous avez l'embarras du choix pour se reposer sans s'ennuyer. Les amoureux de la plage et du farniente seront comblés. Vous p…

  • Australia Capital Cities

    Australia Capital Cities

    Created 17 years ago

    Photos invited showing the buildings, history, culture, cityscapes, murals, people, etc. in the seven capital cities of Australia. A description of the location, and why you were there, would be much appreciated. Even if you don't live in Australia, you are welcome to contribute photos from your visits. Brisbane (Queensland) Canberra (Australian Capital Territory) Darwin (Northern Territory), Hobart (Tasmania) Melbourne (Victoria) Perth (Western Australia) Sydney (New South Wales) Island…

  • Abstract architecture

    Abstract architecture

    Created 11 years ago

    In abstract architecture, the focus is on shapes, surfaces, lines and patterns. Abstract in meaning: reduced to shapes, surfaces, lines, patterns. The appeal of the photographs should lie in the beauty of simplicity, they should have no message, meaning or recognisability (of famous buildings). A section of a building, from the outside or inside, the size of the section does not matter. A spiral staircase is usually recognisable as a staircase, the image-defining motif should be the shape, the l…

  • Everyone's Photo Pool

    Everyone's Photo Pool

    Created 11 years ago

    1. This group welcomes all kinds of photos and images. Normally, the only ones disallowed will be those depicting sexual acts and sexual arousal. The promotion of hatred and violence will not be tolerated but the exposure of such undesirable elements in our world will be. 2. It is a general group without any codes. It is being created simply for all on Ipernity to enjoy each other's work. 3.It does not bar the use of the words "Seen in" as taboo words but certainly doesn't encourage them. 4.…

  • Monochrome


    Created 11 years ago

    ONLY Black and White / Monochrome - no color, no duotone, black and white preferred! Please note this is a moderated group: 1) Only 1 submission per day and please only your best work. 2) No HDR photography unless it doesn't look like HDR photography and no excessive post-processing. No postprocessed inserted writings. Better no frame, if, then only a very simple one. 3) Please reserve this gallery for your best work. These should be images that you put some thought into both in terms of compo…

  • Geometric Abstracts

    Geometric Abstracts

    Created 17 years ago

    A joint collection of the best geometric abstracts in high quality. Please submit only appropriate contributions.

  • The Photo Cafe

    The Photo Cafe

    Created 11 years ago

    Welcome to The Photo Cafe! The group was created in May, 2013 and we hope to be a gathering places for sharing good photos and good conversations. Think of us as your online photography club! Please join us to be a part of creating a friendly, safe and lively community. Your photos and ideas are welcome! *******Start copying after this line******* Seen and admired in <a href=" www.ipernity.com/group/neverprofessional " target="_blank" rel="nofollow">The Photo Cafe.</a> *******Stop copying…

  • The Decisive Moment

    The Decisive Moment

    Created 11 years ago

    The one and only right moment to release the shutter. If in doubt, just follow Mr. Henri Cartier-Bresson. "Photography is not like painting," Cartier-Bresson told the Washington Post in 1957. "There is a creative fraction of a second when you are taking a picture. Your eye must see a composition or an expression that life itself offers you, and you must know with intuition when to click the camera. That is the moment the photographer is creative," he said. "Oop! The Moment! Once you miss it, it…

  • Germany analogue