Just as the title suggests. Shots of birds you've taken in the UK. No rules apart from that. S. Ireland is fine too. Include taking off or landing shots if you like - but let's see the wings in action please.
No posting limits, include as many of your photographs as you like - the more the merrier.
To portray the variety of talents that display and offer their art to the public at Events and on the street.
Some of these people live on their earnings as Buskers or donate the returns to animal shelters.
Support them when you come across them! They are Artists out in the Public and performing 'LIVE' !!
To welcome pictures shot of any UK native wild birds.
In my case, I see lots more seabirds than other species because of my location, which explains why there's so many shots from me of Fulmars and Gulls, etc. But that's only down to my location rather than any implied preference in what's admissable here.
If some sort of criterion is needed to decide if your shot qualifies, it should be easy really. Did you take your picture in the UK? And - was the bird wild or captive? (I'd rather it was…
Pictures using classic German Zeiss lenses : Zeiss Jena (prewar and postwar), Zeiss Opton, modern Zeiss. Any format (35mm, 120, 4x5,...). Film or digital.
Please mention the type of lens used, for reference.
Note : this is not an official Zeiss group, no links with the Zeiss company.
Public groups in which Joe, Son of the Rock is a moderator
The group is for all images taken with a Canon DSLR.
It would be great if the EXIF-Data'S would be included so that we can see which lens was used and how the general camera settings have been.
Now moderated - sorry :(
Please... don´t spam in the name of this group.
Don´t add "Seen in...", "Admired in..." or something like this in your comments. Continuous abuse will lead to being banned from this group. Thank you :)
Public groups in which Joe, Son of the Rock is a member
Share your beautiful photos of the gardens and parks you have visited, or of remarkable private gardens.
Be careful not to get a close-up of flowers, that's not the objective, just beautiful scenes !
Toutes les photos de qualité de gourmandises sucrées ou salées en gros plan ou en plan rapproché.
All quality photos of sweet or savoury delicacies, close-up .
Alle qualitativ hochwertigen Fotos von süßen oder herzhaften Leckereien in Nahaufnahme
Tutte foto di qualità di prelibatezze dolci o salate, in primo piano o a distanza ravvicinata.
Todas las fotos de calidad de delicias dulces o saladas, en primer plano o de cerca.
Gutes Bokeh beruht auf einer recht extremen Unschärfe.
Le bon bokeh est basé sur un flou prononcé.
A good bokeh is based on a very extreme blurring.
Buona bokeh si basa su una sfocatura molto estremi.
Zeigen sie uns ihr Dorf , ihre Stadt , Region , Land wo sie leben. Landschaft , Kultur , Lebensart...
Montrez-nous votre village, votre ville, région, pays où vous vivez. Paysage, culture, mode de vie ...
Show us your village, your town, region, country on where you live. Landscape, culture, way of life ...
Facci vedere paese, la tua città, regione, paese in cui vivono. Paesaggio, cultura, stile di vita ...
Ein botanischer Garten ist eine ausgedehnte gärtnerische Anlage, in der fremdländische und einheimische Pflanzenarten nach systematischen, pflanzengeographischen, ökologischen, pflanzensoziologischen oder wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten geordnet gezeigt werden.
Blumen , Pflanzen , Hecken und Sträucher aus aller Welt !
Un jardin botanique a pour but la présentation d'espèces et variétés végétales.
Les nombreuses espèces et variétés de plantes sauvages et/ou…
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Joe, Son of the Rock is an administrator11 groups in total
Birds In Flight UK
Just as the title suggests. Shots of birds you've taken in the UK. No rules apart from that. S. Ireland is fine too. Include taking off or landing shots if you like - but let's see the wings in action please. No posting limits, include as many of your photographs as you like - the more the merrier.
Birds of the British Isles
Only for images of birds taken within the British Isles (in the 'wild' not in captivity) Location (if not sensitive) and date would be helpful.
Bokeh & DOF
Buskering Artist/Singers
To portray the variety of talents that display and offer their art to the public at Events and on the street. Some of these people live on their earnings as Buskers or donate the returns to animal shelters. Support them when you come across them! They are Artists out in the Public and performing 'LIVE' !!
Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
Lets see what this lens capture's.
castles & stately homes uk
to show and admire wonderfull historic buildings the uk has to offer
Fuji cameras and lenses
Love toys..this is the group for you!
Wild Birds UK
To welcome pictures shot of any UK native wild birds. In my case, I see lots more seabirds than other species because of my location, which explains why there's so many shots from me of Fulmars and Gulls, etc. But that's only down to my location rather than any implied preference in what's admissable here. If some sort of criterion is needed to decide if your shot qualifies, it should be easy really. Did you take your picture in the UK? And - was the bird wild or captive? (I'd rather it was…
Pictures using classic German Zeiss lenses : Zeiss Jena (prewar and postwar), Zeiss Opton, modern Zeiss. Any format (35mm, 120, 4x5,...). Film or digital. Please mention the type of lens used, for reference. Note : this is not an official Zeiss group, no links with the Zeiss company.
Public groups in which Joe, Son of the Rock is a moderator1 group in total
Canon DSLR
The group is for all images taken with a Canon DSLR. It would be great if the EXIF-Data'S would be included so that we can see which lens was used and how the general camera settings have been. Now moderated - sorry :( Please... don´t spam in the name of this group. Don´t add "Seen in...", "Admired in..." or something like this in your comments. Continuous abuse will lead to being banned from this group. Thank you :)
Public groups in which Joe, Son of the Rock is a member350 groups in total
# Beautiful gardens and parks
Share your beautiful photos of the gardens and parks you have visited, or of remarkable private gardens. Be careful not to get a close-up of flowers, that's not the objective, just beautiful scenes !
''Le palais des tentations- Il palazzo delle tentazioni- The palace of temptations- Der Palast der Versuchungen- El palacio de las tentaciones "
Toutes les photos de qualité de gourmandises sucrées ou salées en gros plan ou en plan rapproché. All quality photos of sweet or savoury delicacies, close-up . Alle qualitativ hochwertigen Fotos von süßen oder herzhaften Leckereien in Nahaufnahme Tutte foto di qualità di prelibatezze dolci o salate, in primo piano o a distanza ravvicinata. Todas las fotos de calidad de delicias dulces o saladas, en primer plano o de cerca.
" BEST of Bokeh "
best-bokeh.group.ipernity.com Gutes Bokeh beruht auf einer recht extremen Unschärfe. Le bon bokeh est basé sur un flou prononcé. A good bokeh is based on a very extreme blurring. Buona bokeh si basa su una sfocatura molto estremi.
" A - 1 Les chiffres et les lettres - " A - 1 Zahlen und Buchstaben - A - 1 numbers and letters "
Des chiffres et des lettres. Numbers and letters. Numeri e lettere. Cifras y letras. Números e letras. Zahlen und Buchstaben. Cijfers en letters.
" Bilder aus der Region wo ich wohne... Photos de la région où je vis ...Pictures from the region where I live ..."
picturesofhere.group.ipernity.com Zeigen sie uns ihr Dorf , ihre Stadt , Region , Land wo sie leben. Landschaft , Kultur , Lebensart... Montrez-nous votre village, votre ville, région, pays où vous vivez. Paysage, culture, mode de vie ... Show us your village, your town, region, country on where you live. Landscape, culture, way of life ... Facci vedere paese, la tua città, regione, paese in cui vivono. Paesaggio, cultura, stile di vita ...
" Botanischer Garten... Jardin botanique...Botanical Garden...Giardino botanico "
botanical-garden.group.ipernity.com Ein botanischer Garten ist eine ausgedehnte gärtnerische Anlage, in der fremdländische und einheimische Pflanzenarten nach systematischen, pflanzengeographischen, ökologischen, pflanzensoziologischen oder wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten geordnet gezeigt werden. Blumen , Pflanzen , Hecken und Sträucher aus aller Welt ! Un jardin botanique a pour but la présentation d'espèces et variétés végétales. Les nombreuses espèces et variétés de plantes sauvages et/ou…
"Oh! Mer, nul ne connaît tes richesses intimes" - "Oh, mare, nessuno conosce le tue ricchezze più intime"- "Oh Meer, niemand kennt deinen inneren Reichtum" - "Oh, sea, no one knows your innermost riches" -
Mers et océans, rochers,côtes et rivages, plages de sable et falaises toujours au bord de l'eau de mer exclusivement
(Afrasteringen) Fences
afrasteringen---metaal-steen-hout-kunststof (Geen hagen)