Toutes les images qui vous procurent de l'émotion, pas de nudité, ni d'images choquantes.
All the images that make you feel good, no nudity, no shocking images.
This group is about sharing photos of: Birds, Blooms, Butterflies, Dagonflies.
Light editing to crop, change brightness, sharpen, etc., is permitted. Heavy editing to combine two or more photos into one photo, add frames, text, etc. isn't permitted and these photos, as well as photos containg people and those not in the group title, are automatically deleted.
Dans ce groupe, on verra la rencontre de deux espèces animales ou plus, humains non inclus pour l'instant, ni prédateur et sa proie.
In this group, we want to see a meeting between two different animal species or more, humans not included for now, also no predator and its prey..
Fotos de promenades , randonnées en pleine nature !
Fotos von Spaziergängen , Wanderungen in der freien Natur !
Photos of walking, hiking in free nature ...
This is a group for pictures of birds perching on a structure, such as a fence, tree or bird feeder. No black and white. Live birds - wild or domestic. No stuffed animals.
Very sad to announce Andy has just left us. He was a gentle soul, very loved and cheered here as in real life.
Rest in peace my very dear friend…
In this group we will keep your memory alive with our contributions.
Weiß sollte das dominierende in deinem Foto sein.
White as the dominant color in your photo, or as an unusual feature in your photo.
Bianco come colore dominante nella foto, o come un oggetto insolito nella foto.
Blanc comme couleur dominante ou caractéristique inhabituelle dans votre photo.
In this group, the gulls (seegulls) - Larinae - should be the dominant element in a photo. Photos that show another main motif, in which a gull just happens to be somewhere in the photo, do not belong in this special group for gulls only.
Tous les supports sont possibles y compris le Digital et les montages.
Mais : pas trop de neige S.V.P. sinon le groupe s'appellerait autrement !!!
Cela vous tente ? .... alors : GO ...
All the supports(media) are possible including the Digital and the assemblies(editings).
But: not too much snow please otherwise the group would be called otherwise(differently)!!!
It tempts you? Then : GO...
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Public groups in which Eunice Perkins is a member357 groups in total
Shadow Selfies
Please post only shadow selfies in this group, i.e. photos that show your shadow and are taken by yourself.
Exquisite Pets
A group for cats, dogs & other pets
Autumn colours and softness**********
landscapes, foliage in autumn colours only*********** I am the creator of this group♫
Speak with your heart / parlez avec votre cœur
Toutes les images qui vous procurent de l'émotion, pas de nudité, ni d'images choquantes. All the images that make you feel good, no nudity, no shocking images.
Birds, Blooms, Butterflies, Dragonflies
This group is about sharing photos of: Birds, Blooms, Butterflies, Dagonflies. Light editing to crop, change brightness, sharpen, etc., is permitted. Heavy editing to combine two or more photos into one photo, add frames, text, etc. isn't permitted and these photos, as well as photos containg people and those not in the group title, are automatically deleted.
It's all about cars!
Images that make us fall silent.
Roads to follow
Roads, tracks and paths.
Rencontres / Meetings
Dans ce groupe, on verra la rencontre de deux espèces animales ou plus, humains non inclus pour l'instant, ni prédateur et sa proie. In this group, we want to see a meeting between two different animal species or more, humans not included for now, also no predator and its prey..
" A travers les champs, les forêts et les prairies " Fotos de promenades , randonnées en pleine nature ! Fotos von Spaziergängen , Wanderungen in der freien Natur ! Photos of walking, hiking in free nature ...
Perching Birds
This is a group for pictures of birds perching on a structure, such as a fence, tree or bird feeder. No black and white. Live birds - wild or domestic. No stuffed animals.
Very sad to announce Andy has just left us. He was a gentle soul, very loved and cheered here as in real life. Rest in peace my very dear friend… In this group we will keep your memory alive with our contributions.
Crocus flowers of all colors and varieties and only crocuses. Thank you all and welcome!
Weiß sollte das dominierende in deinem Foto sein. White as the dominant color in your photo, or as an unusual feature in your photo. Bianco come colore dominante nella foto, o come un oggetto insolito nella foto. Blanc comme couleur dominante ou caractéristique inhabituelle dans votre photo.
Gulls (Larinae)
In this group, the gulls (seegulls) - Larinae - should be the dominant element in a photo. Photos that show another main motif, in which a gull just happens to be somewhere in the photo, do not belong in this special group for gulls only.
Les yeux, miroirs de l'âme
Des yeux, des regards, au travers de photos ( macros, plans serrés ) ou de créations digitales.
Allle water opppervlakten--dus rivieren-beken-plassen-vijvers-zee- etc etc ALLEEN WATER !
Yellow Flowers 2
All yellow flowers or flowers with the yellow colour to dominate
Tous les supports sont possibles y compris le Digital et les montages. Mais : pas trop de neige S.V.P. sinon le groupe s'appellerait autrement !!! Cela vous tente ? .... alors : GO ... All the supports(media) are possible including the Digital and the assemblies(editings). But: not too much snow please otherwise the group would be called otherwise(differently)!!! It tempts you? Then : GO...
Flo. Fam.: Asteraceae
Regrouper toutes sortes de plantes , fleurs , de cette famille Caractéristiques : Capitule ( fausse fleur constitué de nombreuses petites fleurs soit tubulées ( coeur) soit ligulées ( les pétales de la couronne) asters , marguerites, chrysanthèmes, anthemis , matricaires salsifis , Dahlias,tournesols , centaurées , chardons , laitues , séneçons , ligulaires , bidens , pissenlits, gaillardes, Zinnia , Rudbeckia , Osteospermum, helichysum, soucis , tanaisie, ach…