Group: Birds, Blooms, Butterflies, Dragonflies

Hirondelle rustique, Hirundo rustica - Barn Swallo…

merlebleu de l'est / eastern bluebird

mi dai un passaggio ?

Le cri !

Spring Blossom & a Bee


man claps hands--birds scare----press z

Der Buntspecht hat sich mal gemeldet :)) The wood…


tourterelle triste / mourning dove

Yellow Angels

blue jay snow day-DSC 1129v

Die Kohlmeise (Parus major) genießt auch das feine…

Miniature Daffodil

jaseur d'Amérique / cedar waxwing

Resting place on the roof

Spring Snowflakes

Roof tile painters

Mexican fish eagle (with fish).

Haken schlagen in Zeitlupe

Woody Woodpecker Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!....Ah!