Présenter des minéraux , soit in situ , soit dans des collections
Privilégier des photos nettes
Si possible des minéraux identifiés avec l'origine ( pays, voir mine si connue
Les roches avec minéraux et cristaux sont acceptées
mais pas de simples rochers
Les cristaux taillés , pierres gemmes sont acceptés , mais pas les bibelots kitch
Present minerals, either in situ, or in collections
Favor clear(net) photos
If possible of the minerals identified…
Let's explore walls.
Walls protect, walls limit.
Walls can be beautifully decorated, walls can be shockingly ugly.
There are great paintings on walls or fantastic flowers.
Walls are a substantial part of our history...
"Pareidolia" refers to the phenomenon of recognising supposed faces, familiar beings or objects in things and/or patterns.
Such "found faces" are not real faces of living people, animals or figures, but supposed "faces" that our imagination allows us to recognise in objects.
It is all about deception and illusion.
Als Pareidolie wird eine Sinnestäuschung bezeichnet, bei der ein tatsächlich vorhandenes Objekt um ein nicht vorhandenes ergänzt wird. So können beispielsweise Gesichter in ein Mu…
To display images [posting on Tuesdays] of Tables of all / any type.
Dining table, Picnic Table, Side Table - with or without people and objects on the table ...
Note : as usual with these groups - one image per week is preferred.
Please add HTT to the image's keywords
Family friendly group suitable images only ! {anything that isn't WILL be deleted}
The ART of extraordinary interior design and decoration
All types of interior design: from distinctive, unusual, tasteful, harmonious, stylish, artistic, well-designed, artistic, aesthetic, elegant, exclusive.
Equipment (textiles, works of art, furniture)
Interior architecture (English interior architecture, sometimes also interior design) refers to the planning and design of interior spaces. Interior design includes technical-constructive aspects as well as aesthe…
Resubmission on World Photography Day 2063.
We like to look into the past. Here we turn the whole thing around. Insert pictures of things or scenarios that you think will have changed significantly or will no longer exist by 2063.
But: Write your thoughts about the pictures. Why do you think that these things are subject to major changes. And how do you imagine this scene in 2063?
Have fun, I think it will be very interesting.
When the sky wants to save a man, it gives him the affection to protect him, said Lao-Tseu... Looking forward to seeing your sky in all its states..
The contribution is limited to 05 photos per day; thank you for contributing.
Photography is often seen as a simple hobby, a way of capturing memories and moments. But photography has many benefits beyond just taking pretty pictures. Photography can help you see the world in a whole new light.
World Ocean Day (acronym: WOD) is an international day that takes place annually on 8 June. The concept was originally proposed in 1992 by Canada's International Centre for Ocean Development (ICOD) and the Ocean Institute of Canada (OIC) at the Earth Summit – UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Ocean Project started global coordination of World Ocean Day starting in 2002. "World Oceans Day" was officially recognised by the United Nations in 2008. T…
All types of this well-known pictogram, whether drawn or sprayed, happy or sad.
Of course, smiling faces that can be recognised on any object are also welcome. A look at the group photos might help.
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Public groups in which raingirl is a member122 groups in total
Minéraux , minerals , roches , rocks
Présenter des minéraux , soit in situ , soit dans des collections Privilégier des photos nettes Si possible des minéraux identifiés avec l'origine ( pays, voir mine si connue Les roches avec minéraux et cristaux sont acceptées mais pas de simples rochers Les cristaux taillés , pierres gemmes sont acceptés , mais pas les bibelots kitch ------------------------------------------- Present minerals, either in situ, or in collections Favor clear(net) photos If possible of the minerals identified…
...EINZELNE Fenster...SINGLE windows...fenêtre SÉPARÉES...
HWW (Happy Wednesday Wall)
Let's explore walls. Walls protect, walls limit. Walls can be beautifully decorated, walls can be shockingly ugly. There are great paintings on walls or fantastic flowers. Walls are a substantial part of our history...
Boîtes à livres / Bookboxes
All kinds of original or shared book boxes and nothing else
"Pareidolia" refers to the phenomenon of recognising supposed faces, familiar beings or objects in things and/or patterns. Such "found faces" are not real faces of living people, animals or figures, but supposed "faces" that our imagination allows us to recognise in objects. It is all about deception and illusion. Als Pareidolie wird eine Sinnestäuschung bezeichnet, bei der ein tatsächlich vorhandenes Objekt um ein nicht vorhandenes ergänzt wird. So können beispielsweise Gesichter in ein Mu…
yellow that's it --- gelb das ist es
self-explanatory - gelb dominante Aufnahmen werden hier gesucht
Pentacon Six's world - Archived
Welcome all photos taken by Praktisix, Pentacon Six and Pentacon Six TL.
"Oh! Mer, nul ne connaît tes richesses intimes" - "Oh, mare, nessuno conosce le tue ricchezze più intime"- "Oh Meer, niemand kennt deinen inneren Reichtum" - "Oh, sea, no one knows your innermost riches" -
Mers et océans, rochers,côtes et rivages, plages de sable et falaises toujours au bord de l'eau de mer exclusivement
Schönheit des Alterns
Wir zeigen spannende Farben, Formen, Charaktere und Kontraste des Alterns. Das kann Menschen betreffen, Gebäude, Bäume, Maschinen...
HTT - Happy Tuesday Table
To display images [posting on Tuesdays] of Tables of all / any type. Dining table, Picnic Table, Side Table - with or without people and objects on the table ... Note : as usual with these groups - one image per week is preferred. Please add HTT to the image's keywords Family friendly group suitable images only ! {anything that isn't WILL be deleted}
Caresses for the eyes and the soul
Any photo, any digital work that is soft by the curves, colours and a certain blur, moving ....
ART of extraordinary interior design and decoration
The ART of extraordinary interior design and decoration All types of interior design: from distinctive, unusual, tasteful, harmonious, stylish, artistic, well-designed, artistic, aesthetic, elegant, exclusive. Equipment (textiles, works of art, furniture) ____________________________ Interior architecture (English interior architecture, sometimes also interior design) refers to the planning and design of interior spaces. Interior design includes technical-constructive aspects as well as aesthe…
Ressoumission 2063
Resubmission on World Photography Day 2063. We like to look into the past. Here we turn the whole thing around. Insert pictures of things or scenarios that you think will have changed significantly or will no longer exist by 2063. But: Write your thoughts about the pictures. Why do you think that these things are subject to major changes. And how do you imagine this scene in 2063? Have fun, I think it will be very interesting.
! B&W - The Art of Photography
*** This group accepts only Black and White photos
Skyscapes/The beauty of the skies.
When the sky wants to save a man, it gives him the affection to protect him, said Lao-Tseu... Looking forward to seeing your sky in all its states.. The contribution is limited to 05 photos per day; thank you for contributing.
...Only Lady's Creativity.. -Kreativität nur von Frauen - créativité des femmes uniquement- Sólo creatividad femenina- Creatività solo femminile
...kümstlerisch kreierte Fotos...von Frauen ...artistically created photos.. by Ladies. créées artistiquement...par des femmes
Atmosphère intime- Ambiente intimista- Gemütliche Atmosphäre- Cosy atmosphere- Atmosfera intima
Toutes photos prises à l'intérieur d'un lieu exprimant une certaine intimité seront les bienvenues.... Essayez d'y proposer le meilleur de vous-même.
Universal Photos
Photography is often seen as a simple hobby, a way of capturing memories and moments. But photography has many benefits beyond just taking pretty pictures. Photography can help you see the world in a whole new light.
World Oceans Day
World Ocean Day (acronym: WOD) is an international day that takes place annually on 8 June. The concept was originally proposed in 1992 by Canada's International Centre for Ocean Development (ICOD) and the Ocean Institute of Canada (OIC) at the Earth Summit – UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Ocean Project started global coordination of World Ocean Day starting in 2002. "World Oceans Day" was officially recognised by the United Nations in 2008. T…
All types of this well-known pictogram, whether drawn or sprayed, happy or sad. Of course, smiling faces that can be recognised on any object are also welcome. A look at the group photos might help.