piXo's groups

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Public groups in which piXo is a member
13 groups in total

  • Trees


    Created 17 years ago

    Trees, Trees and much more Trees. TREES only. Photos depicting your love of trees. The place for all things arboreal. Moderated and limited ;)

  • COLD


    Created 16 years ago

    The Main Goal of the Group is Cold The Peoples must think Cold if they look at the photo

  • Silhouette photography

    Silhouette photography

    Created 17 years ago

    Silhouette photography is a game in which subjects are deliberately photographed against a light background in such a way that they appear dark and you can only make out their outlines. With this in mind, you are invited to play along here. Have fun!

  • Winter (in temperate climate zones)

    Winter (in temperate climate zones)

    Created 17 years ago

    Winter presents itself in very different ways in the different climate zones of the world. Here we would like to show winter pictures from the temperate climate zones . Nature is at rest there. Landscapes are often covered in hoar frost or snow, bodies of water in ice. No festive greetings please! For winter pictures from warmer regions, see: ► Winter (in subtropischen Klimazonen)

  • Snow


    Created 17 years ago

    Snow - Schnee - Neige!

  • Total Topography

    Total Topography

    Created 11 years ago

    Men-made landscape in a prosaic view; preferably without people; no close-up details

  • Photo Potpourri

    Photo Potpourri

    Created 17 years ago

    ⚠️ ADMIN WANTED ⚠️ Photos about anything and everything . About Photo Potpourri Tired of all the limitations to groups? What you can post, what you can't post. Only B&W. Only Flowers. Only nature shots. Only blue flowers in landscape orientation taken on a Tuesday? Do you have a photo of something and you can't find a group that it fits? Then this is the group for you. This group is dedicated to people who love photography. You are welcome to join this group and to be a part of the…

  • Urban Landscapes

    Urban Landscapes

    Created 17 years ago

    NO PEOPLE. The city as subject and star. Bright, dark, tall, stark, optimistic and broken. NO PEOPLE.

  • Street Photography & People on the Street

    Street Photography & People on the Street

    Created 17 years ago

    This group shall be a place for your best street life and street photography pictures. This means, please post your images which show your ideas or your most intensive impressions of life in the city. Streets, people in the street, buildings, the djungle, the traffic, metro, subway and all this stuff.

  • Minimal black & white

    Minimal black & white

    Created 11 years ago

    As -m i n i m a l- as you can do it. No colours. No naked people. No portraits. No landscapes. No busy city traffic scenes. No sepia tones. 3 images per day

  • white and black

    white and black

    Created 16 years ago

    All about white and black photography

  • Abstract architecture

    Abstract architecture

    Created 11 years ago

    In abstract architecture, the focus is on shapes, surfaces, lines and patterns. Abstract in meaning: reduced to shapes, surfaces, lines, patterns. The appeal of the photographs should lie in the beauty of simplicity, they should have no message, meaning or recognisability (of famous buildings). A section of a building, from the outside or inside, the size of the section does not matter. A spiral staircase is usually recognisable as a staircase, the image-defining motif should be the shape, the l…

  • Bianco e Nero - Black & White -  Blanc et Noir - Blanco y Negro

    Bianco e Nero - Black & White - Blanc et Noir - Blanco y Negro

    Created 16 years ago

    Dedicated to black and white photographs. I'd like this to be a group to have a simple but at the same time attractive objective, create a photo stream of B&W photographs that can attract and inspire the visitors of this group. Dedicato alle fotografie in bianco e nero. Mi piacerebbe che si trattasse di un gruppo che ha un semplice ma allo stesso tempo attraente obiettivo, creare un flusso di foto di B & W fotografie che possono ispirare e attirare i visitatori in questo gruppo.