This is an invitation only pool. Without an invite, the photo will be deleted.
Hello, Welcome to the new group. No porn, no violence, no marginals.
Bienvenu au nouveau groupe. Pas de violence.
Saludos. Greetings. Saluts. Grüße. Saluti.
> Simple Rules: This is a family group and rated G! No nudes please (and nothing that even comes close to it!). Provocative images included. Sorry, but those pictures will be deleted without notification. Let's keep this group as wholesome as possible. Please be civil in group discussions. Treat others and their opinions with courtesy.
For comments, copy and paste:
---Seen in ☺♥ Anything Beautiful ☼☺
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Public groups in which Philippe Chevrier is a member8 groups in total
Rassembler les photos qui présentent les facteurs de biodiversité (faune, flore, insectes, sols, eau, milieux marins etc....)
Super shot (INVITED images only)
This is an invitation only pool. Without an invite, the photo will be deleted. Hello, Welcome to the new group. No porn, no violence, no marginals. Bienvenu au nouveau groupe. Pas de violence. Saludos. Greetings. Saluts. Grüße. Saluti.
Ornitho Guide
A partir de vos images pouvoir identifier les spécimens du peuple ailé. Merci de proposer vos images permettant la meilleure identification.
Anything Beautiful
> Simple Rules: This is a family group and rated G! No nudes please (and nothing that even comes close to it!). Provocative images included. Sorry, but those pictures will be deleted without notification. Let's keep this group as wholesome as possible. Please be civil in group discussions. Treat others and their opinions with courtesy. For comments, copy and paste: ---Seen in ☺♥ Anything Beautiful ☼☺
Tiere in ihrem Lebensraum - Animals in their Environment - Les animaux dans leur habitat
Auf den gezeigten Fotos sollen Tiere in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum abgebildet sein, d.h. dieser sollte für den Betrachter klar erkennbar.
Limicoles _Shorebirds_Wadvogels
Montrer la beauté et la diversité des limicoles (échassiers) To illustrate and help to identify shorebird diversity
Vögel mit zumeist langen Beinen, Hälsen und Schnäbeln: Dommeln, Reiher, StörcheTrappen und Kraniche
Rapaces diurnes et nocturnes
Mieux connaître ces oiseaux : chouettes, vautours, aigles, éperviers, faucons... Merci pour votre contribution.