Old Owl's groups

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Public groups in which Old Owl is a member
177 groups in total

  • The Dark Side

    The Dark Side

    Created 17 years ago

    Post pictures here with a dark mood.

  • Where in the World?

    Where in the World?

    Created 10 years ago

    This is a group of people and places from around the world

  • m m multiples s s

    m m multiples s s

    Created 9 years ago

    I would like to have this group be images with more than one of something, Vague, I know. That's on purpose. I want to allow for a single image with say two distinct trees, or multiple images with one type of thing repeated, or a single image repeated. So diptychs, triptychs would work if is there is a repeating theme. Please make sure the multiple is the main part of the photo. (Not multiple exposure images - unless something gets repeated.)

  • # Diving, counter diving

    # Diving, counter diving

    Created 5 years ago

    Photos taken vertically or almost vertically, from below or above the object, with an interesting perspective All scales and black and white accepted Basic post-treatments accepted, but no artistic treatment or special effects. No shocking photos, no picture generated by AI

  • Street photography

    Street photography

    Created 17 years ago

    Street photography The group is changing from OPEN to MODERATED. We will select only photos which follow the rules below. Please do not feel offended =================================================== Please have a look at what typically is considered street photography before adding photographs to the group pool. The site iN-PUBLiC for instance gives a very good idea about what street photography is. Photographs that the group admins and moderators do not consider as being street…

  • je ne regrette rien

    je ne regrette rien

    Created 11 years ago

    avant garde - ish

  • Western Australia

    Western Australia

    Created 11 years ago

    This group is for images of Western Australia. ***The photos must be taken in the state of Western Australia***. The group is not just for photographers or people that live in Western Australia, it is also for visitors or tourists that have been to and taken photos of Western Australia. So if you have any photos from Western Australia please post them in our group. Just to clarify "Western Australia:" is only one state of Australia, The photos posted must be your own original works. Just to cla…

  • Artistic Cables and Power Lines

    Artistic Cables and Power Lines

    Created 11 years ago

    Power lines and cables in the air can be a challenge to that great landscape photograph. Instead of cursing them, let us embrace them. Here you may contribute your creative work at making power lines and other cables artistic and interesting. I inherited this site as administrator. Originally it was called Alberta Power lines. Power lines and cables from anywhere in the world are welcome.

  • bridges all over the world

  • Romantic Solitude

    Romantic Solitude

    Created 8 years ago

    Solitude in terms of the glimpse of a moment exploding with romance. It is not meant to be mawkish or corny or kitschy, but it can include the humor of the experienced. No kissing people. For an inspiration you might imagine a most dangerous red crocodile alligator - with a burning heart ... Also b&w can be very romantic ...

  • Into the Blue Blue Sky

    Into the Blue Blue Sky

    Created 12 years ago

    Pictures with a blue sky

  • Waschtag - Jour de lessive - Washing day - Lavare il giorno - Panni stesi - Día de lavandería - wasdag

    Waschtag - Jour de lessive - Washing day - Lavare il giorno - Panni stesi - Día de lavandería - wasdag

    Created 12 years ago

    Überall auf der Welt wird Wäsche gewaschen und zum Trocknen aufgehängt. Bilder von diesem alltäglichen Ereignis können in dieser Gruppe ihren Platz finden. Laundry is washed and hung to dry all over the world. Images of this everyday event can find their place in this group. Partout dans le monde, le linge est lavé et suspendu pour sécher. Des images de cet événement quotidien peuvent trouver leur place dans ce groupe.

  • WAYS of seeing / MANIERES DE VOIR

    WAYS of seeing / MANIERES DE VOIR

    Created 14 years ago

    Intended to show the multiplicity and availability of other ways of perceiving, especially for visual matters. Linked with space, light, perspective art, spatial perception and its mental representation in the broadest sense. Key words : Architecture, light, eyes, art, general semantics, framing, camera obscura, movement, speed, relativity, etc.

  • Boats; Harbours and Moorings

    Boats; Harbours and Moorings

    Created 11 years ago

    viewing different types of boats and smaller vessels at rest all over the world

  • Minimalist - real subjects

    Minimalist - real subjects

    Created 11 years ago

    All too often I see so called minimalist photos where, for example, the whole photo is perhaps a colour block with a contrasting mark on it. The photo may be minimalist but it fails to show a real subject. This group is for "real life" minimalist design and subjects. I hope that I am making this clear enough.

  • Murals


    Created 16 years ago

    A group dedicated to the mural art form-be it indoor or outdoor-pro or amatuer-capture the passion!

  • Duets!


    Created 11 years ago

    Anything ... as long as there are 2 !!! Take inspiration from the examples. The administrator reserves the right to remove photos that are outside the theme! Thank you to all contributors, and even more to those who sign up!

  • Australia


    Created 17 years ago

    Photos from Down Under, which relate to Australia, pls don't post pictures of private events, which have no immediate relation to Australia. Please add the location in your description. If you post pictures of animals and/or plants pls be aware that there are groups for pets, this means no kitty cat pictures on this group. If you administer a group which is also related to Australia, please let me know, because I will add the link to this page, so that we have a complete list of specialized…

  • Gold


    Created 17 years ago

    There's always a little bit of gold around us, you can post here your photos about it :)

  • r e d

    r e d

    Created 16 years ago

    Do you like the colour r e d ? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the red colour! Please post only pictures where red is the dominating colour. Thank you.