Old Owl's groups

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Public groups in which Old Owl is a member
177 groups in total

  • Handy-made - photos taken with your mobile-phone - spontanious pictures

  • Red Dominates

    Red Dominates

    Created 11 years ago

    Any photo where the color 'red' is dominate. This doesn't necessarily mean it takes up most of the image but, rather, it is the color that grabs your attention first or maybe it is the color of your subject.

  • Apple iPhone Camera Photos

    Apple iPhone Camera Photos

    Created 17 years ago

    This group is only for photos taken WITH the Apple iPhone

  • Der ROTE Punkt - the RED point

    Der ROTE Punkt - the RED point

    Created 10 years ago

    Der Rote Punkt - the Red point soll ein Blickfang, ein Hingucker, ein Eyecatcher sein. Keine Roten Blumen mehr!! Kein Mohn oder Geranien u.s.w. The Red point should be a view point, an eye catcher, a red spot. No more Red flowers !!!

  • Scavenger Hunt

    Scavenger Hunt

    Created 5 years ago

    22 November 2024 Name change to generic "Scavenger Hunt" with no deadlines, just a list of topics.. Ideally new photos, not archives, taken in the year of the project, can span two years e.g. 2023/24 (for those completing first project) or 2024/25 Please tag your entries with the topic number and year of entry: 01Scav2024 or 01/24 02Scav2024 or 02/24 etc. If you are completing a second year with the same topics, please add "Second year Scavenger Hunt" in your description. As some of the t…

  • I want to show you this pic :)

    I want to show you this pic :)

    Created 17 years ago

    this group is meant as an open gallery for everybody... most posted pics are only viewed by friends and contacts... and that's a pity... here you can show your pics to others, who don't even know you... you can find new friends here, get a bigger audience, see new pics, get new inspirations... please post only 1 pic a day, and please comment at least 1 other pic... that would be fair... :) be welcome and have fun !

  • Ombres & reflets / Shades & reflections

    Ombres & reflets / Shades & reflections

    Created 14 years ago

    A place where shades and reflections rule!

  • Minimal photography

    Minimal photography

    Created 12 years ago

    Minimal photography is the art of simplicity. The concept of minimalism is applied in different forms of art, such as photography, painting and digital arts. Minimal photography depends on one simple element in the photo, and is arranged with a background to create a unique visual experience with a focus on the objects. This focus is also supported by the contrast between the color of the element and the background.

  • QUADRAT Größe▐█ SQUARE Size

    QUADRAT Größe▐█ SQUARE Size

    Created 11 years ago

    Willkommen | Welcome! The QUADRAT Größe ▐█ SQUARE Size accepts the best and finest artistic quality photographs formatted as a PERFECT ▐█ SQUARE = QUADRAT = CUADRADO = KVADRAT What is must & matter the most in this group are: the PERFECT▐█ SIZE and FINEST QUALITY of your artistic photography. Dankeschön | Thank you▐█ ▐█ ▐█ ▐█ ▐█

  • Monochrome Photography

    Monochrome Photography

    Created 17 years ago

    With the photos you should have thought something in terms of composition, processing, artistic, artful, etc. Always quality before quantity - the quality has to be right... We mainly encounter monochrome images in black-and-white photography. Basically, monochrome just means mono for "one" and chroma for "color". But not only images in black and its nuances are meant: the tint in a certain color is also referred to as monochrome Monochrome to any color is also accepted.

  • Square Format

    Square Format

    Created 17 years ago

    SQUARE Square photos taken with a square format camera. 6x6 square format rolleiflex, hasselblad etc. Almost square photos or square photos taken with a non-square format camera 600 type polaroids, cropped 35mm or digital, etc. Scans or compositions containing square photos. Polaroids scanned with the frame, dyptichs, mosaics of square photos etc...

  • Streets


    Created 11 years ago

    A group where human activity can be seen, a place to observe and capture candid and social interaction. Although we prefer people in the photos here, the subject can be absent of any people by being that of an object or environment where that object projects a human character or the environment is decidedly human.

  • Square - Carré - Quadrat

    Square - Carré - Quadrat

    Created 17 years ago

    Please post only square format images here. It doesen't matter what the image is about. A square is a regular polygon with four sides each the same size. -------- Seulement les images carrées . Le Motif a un rôle mineur. -------- Bitte nur Bilder einstellen, die quadratisch sind.

  • B&W - Black and White

    B&W - Black and White

    Created 16 years ago

    Dedicated to the beauty that is black and white

  • "  Art - N.B. / Monochrom "

    " Art - N.B. / Monochrom "

    Created 9 years ago

    artnb.group.ipernity.com Photos en N/B tout sujets! S / W Fotos aller Art ! B / W photos of all kinds !B / W foto di tutti i tipi! Pas d' images pornographiques! Merci ...Keine pornographische Darstellungen ! Danke ... No pornographic images! Thanks ...Non ci sono immagini pornografiche! Grazie ...

  • Sit down

    Sit down

    Created 12 years ago

    Chairs, benches, any place to sit down. Les chaises, bancs, les lieux où on peut s'asseoir. Stühle, Bänke, jeder Ort wo man sich hinsetzen kann. Sillas, bancos, los lugares donde tu puedes sentarse. Sedie, panche, i posti in cui sedersi.

  • Benches of the World

    Benches of the World

    Created 11 years ago

    .. a bench to sit on .. fits at least two [2] people .. made of any type material .. old, new, memory benches .. all around this World .. there are places to sit and rest .. so have your camera ready .. benches are out there ! .. we would love to see what you find ~ Benches of the World Group

  • Playgrounds and other places where children play

    Playgrounds and other places where children play

    Created 11 years ago

    With the help of photos of the playgrounds of the world, the aim here is to show how varied the design possibilities of these playgrounds often are for children. Whether playgrounds in a hall, ordinary playgrounds on a meadow or even water playgrounds, the variety of play equipment on offer can be very diverse. Often, however, even in the absence of a real playground, children simply have to use the things that their environment offers them. These photos are also welcome here. Please respect th…

  • vélo


    Created 17 years ago

    Please post pictures of bicycles of all kinds. It doesn't matter if someone is riding, as long as the bicycle is clearly visible. Interesting details are welcome as well.

  • the flipping millionth b&w group on ipernity

    the flipping millionth b&w group on ipernity

    Created 17 years ago

    This is a b&w group for every body, who still hasn't enough b&w groups here on ipernity... s&w, sw, bw, b&w, schwarz, weiß, schwarz-weiß, schwarz & weiß, black, white, black-white, black and white, b w, s w, s & w, b & w, sepia, grau...