Mateusz&M's groups

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Public groups in which Mateusz&M is an administrator
3 groups in total

Public groups in which Mateusz&M is a member
20 groups in total

  • Schlösser - Burgen - Castles - Châteaux

    Schlösser - Burgen - Castles - Châteaux

    Created 17 years ago

    Schlösser - Burgen - Castles - Châteaux all over the world Tags/Stichworte: Schloss Schloß Schlösser Burg Burgen Castle Castles Château Châteaux Partner-Gruppe: Beautiful Gardens

  • Nikon


    Created 17 years ago

    This group is being created for users of Nikon related products



    Created 13 years ago

    All kind of lost and abandoned places (not museums!)

  • Mediterranean


    Created 15 years ago

    The Mediterranean Sea is a sea off the Atlantic Ocean surrounded by the Mediterranean region and almost completely enclosed by land: on the north by Anatolia and Europe, on the south by Africa, and on the east by the Levant. The name Mediterranean means "in the middle of the land"[1]. It covers an approximate area of 2.5 million km² (965,000 sq mi), but its connection to the Atlantic (the Strait of Gibraltar) is only 14 km (9 mi) wide. In oceanography, it is sometimes called the Eurafrican Medit…

  • Italia e italiani

    Italia e italiani

    Created 17 years ago

    Faces and places of Italy Facce e posti d'Italia

  • UrbEx / BurbEx (Urban & Suburban Exploration)

    UrbEx / BurbEx (Urban & Suburban Exploration)

    Created 17 years ago

    Worldwide urban/suburban/rural exploration and infiltration of abandoned & decayed structures (industrial, commercial, hospitals, farms, barns, etc.)... some of these sites may even be active, if you dare! If you have a cool story to share of an experience while exploring, please share it here... Did you get caught? Did you find something interesting? Let's hear about it! :)

  • Planet Landscape

    Planet Landscape

    Created 15 years ago

    Schöne Landschaftsaufnahmen aus aller Welt .................... Landscape - Landscapes - Landschaften - Landschaft - Natur - Nature - Welt - World , Paysage , Paesaggio , Paisaje

  • Côte d'Azur / Provence

    Côte d'Azur / Provence

    Created 17 years ago

    Pictures from the region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (also known as PACA or French Riviera ), the famous holiday area of france. Please try to state where the picture was taken, either by title, description, tag or geo-tag.

  • France Pix

    France Pix

    Created 17 years ago

    All pictures about France

  • France


    Created 17 years ago

    To capture images of the people, buildings, architecture, landscapes,scenery and culture that makes France such a wonderful place. Please can the photos showcase France.

  • Travel Photography

    Travel Photography

    Created 17 years ago

    A group for images from the perspective of travelers. From places we visited that amazed us – because we discovered them with fresh eyes, free from everyday thoughts. This is about the special perspectives that only emerge while traveling: the unfamiliar that excites us and the small details that local eyes might overlook. To ensure the magic of these moments truly shines, we welcome images of good amateur quality, captured with care and passion.

  • Leica


    Created 17 years ago

    FOR PHOTOS TAKEN WITH LEICA CAMERA (Digital or Film) WHAT IS LEICA Leica is the name of several cameras produced by a German company of the same name. The company, formerly Ernst Leitz GmbH, is now three companies: Leica Camera AG, which produces cameras; ... read more

  • FIAT car auto

    FIAT car auto

    Created 16 years ago

    fiat cars autos Auto Car Autos Cars automotive carro vehicle vehicles voiture coche αυτοκίνητο cotxe automobil Samochód karozza transport carros coches voitures traffic wagen

  • Worldphoto


    Created 15 years ago

    - Schöne Fotos aller Art ( kein Porno) - Spass und Austausch von Gedanken - Fototips von Mitglieder für alle und vieles mehr - Beautiful Photos - Blumen / Flowers - Landschaften / Landscape - Städte / Citys - Tiere / Animals ........ - De belles photos de toutes sortes (pas de porno) - du plaisir et l'échange d'idées - Fototips pour tous les membres de, et bien plus encore - Beautiful Photos - Fleurs / Flowers - Paysages / Landscape - Villes / Citys - Animaux / Animals ....... .(French with T…

  • Splendid Views

    Splendid Views

    Created 17 years ago

    If you take photographs of splendid views, please share them in this group. It can be a landscape, flower, architectural, sunset, sea, water, animal, celebration but it has to give splendid emotion to us. Thank you for everyone who join this group.

  • Ester's Texture

  • Doors and Windows

    Doors and Windows

    Created 17 years ago

    Group for sharing pictures about doors and windows.