Ni akceptas diversajn formojn de esprimo kiu altigos la valorojn de homa beleco: Estetikaj, intelektaj, moralaj kaj etikaj manieroj esprimi sian amon kiel edzo, amiko, amanto, patro kaj filo...Aceptamos diversas formas de expresión que exalten los valores de belleza del hombre: Estéticos, intelectuales, morales y éticos, sus formas de expresión de amar como esposo, amigo, amante, padre e hijo.
Urban Exploration &
Lost places -
Eine Gruppe für Eure tollsten Fotos von vergessenen Orten – es gibt keine Regeln, außer dass nur Motive erlaubt sind, die dem Gruppennamen entsprechen !!!
So entsteht mit der Zeit eine tolle Sammlung an sehenswerten Bildern zum Thema Urban Exploration. Würde mich freuen, wenn Ihr meiner Einladung folgt & mit Euren Bildern die Sammlung komplett macht.
Eure schönsten Bilder von verlassenen Orten :-)
To capture images of the people, buildings, architecture, landscapes and scenery that makes Spain such a wonderful place.
Para capturar las imágenes de la gente, los edificios, la arquitectura, los paisajes y los paisajes que convierte a España en un lugar tan maravilloso.
To share the art of tattoos that adorn the body. Show us your most stunning, beautiful, and creative works of art. Show us what you you enjoy in this unique and creative area of the art world.
To learn from each other. To learn of other countries, cultures, towns. villages. provinces, areas, etc. Share your area and world with us. Art, photography, music, videos, sports, history, food, dance and more is welcome. :-) Have fun learn and enjoy!
This is a group for pictures of birds perching on a structure, such as a fence, tree or bird feeder. No black and white. Live birds - wild or domestic. No stuffed animals.
This is a group for pictures depicting humans or animals making funny faces.
Photos d'animaux ou d'humains faisant la grimace.
Comment code if you please:
Thank you for putting your picture in the funny face group
Merci d'avoir mis votre photo dans le groupe des drôles de têtes
For those who love Jazz! A place to share your love of this wonderful genre of music. Submit your pictures, music, videos, art, and other items. Have fun and enjoy!
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Marcos García Crespo is an administrator6 groups in total
Photos of Gijon (Asturias, Spain)
Echo Of Love
To show what pure and romantic love is and about.
tous lavoirs couverts ou non
LA VIRO KAJ SIAJ VIRTOJ...El hombre y sus virtudes...
Ni akceptas diversajn formojn de esprimo kiu altigos la valorojn de homa beleco: Estetikaj, intelektaj, moralaj kaj etikaj manieroj esprimi sian amon kiel edzo, amiko, amanto, patro kaj filo...Aceptamos diversas formas de expresión que exalten los valores de belleza del hombre: Estéticos, intelectuales, morales y éticos, sus formas de expresión de amar como esposo, amigo, amante, padre e hijo.
Urban Exploration
Urban Exploration & Lost places - Eine Gruppe für Eure tollsten Fotos von vergessenen Orten – es gibt keine Regeln, außer dass nur Motive erlaubt sind, die dem Gruppennamen entsprechen !!! So entsteht mit der Zeit eine tolle Sammlung an sehenswerten Bildern zum Thema Urban Exploration. Würde mich freuen, wenn Ihr meiner Einladung folgt & mit Euren Bildern die Sammlung komplett macht. Eure schönsten Bilder von verlassenen Orten :-)
Ester's Texture
Public groups in which Marcos García Crespo is a moderator4 groups in total
España - Spain
To capture images of the people, buildings, architecture, landscapes and scenery that makes Spain such a wonderful place. Para capturar las imágenes de la gente, los edificios, la arquitectura, los paisajes y los paisajes que convierte a España en un lugar tan maravilloso.
To share the art of tattoos that adorn the body. Show us your most stunning, beautiful, and creative works of art. Show us what you you enjoy in this unique and creative area of the art world.
Propose to the identification by members of Ipernity pictures of animals, birds, mammals, reptiles ...
Vroom, Vroomm..!
car, airplane, motorcycle, truck,..... all vehicles are welcome
Public groups in which Marcos García Crespo is a member53 groups in total
Global Culture Community
To learn from each other. To learn of other countries, cultures, towns. villages. provinces, areas, etc. Share your area and world with us. Art, photography, music, videos, sports, history, food, dance and more is welcome. :-) Have fun learn and enjoy!
Perching Birds
This is a group for pictures of birds perching on a structure, such as a fence, tree or bird feeder. No black and white. Live birds - wild or domestic. No stuffed animals.
Where in the World?
This is a group of people and places from around the world
What a Funny Face!
This is a group for pictures depicting humans or animals making funny faces. Photos d'animaux ou d'humains faisant la grimace. Comment code if you please: Thank you for putting your picture in the funny face group Merci d'avoir mis votre photo dans le groupe des drôles de têtes
In der Natur.....In nature
Hier könnt Ihr alle Fotos einstellen, die in der Natur fotografiert wurden
For those who love JAZZ
For those who love Jazz! A place to share your love of this wonderful genre of music. Submit your pictures, music, videos, art, and other items. Have fun and enjoy!
Duck, Duck, Goose
This is a group dedicated to ducks and geese of all kinds.
Baby Animals
This is group dedicated to pictures of baby animals, both wild and domestic
Flowers With Water Droplets
Pictures of all kinds of flowers with water droplets on them
Sun-Sational Skies
This is a group dedicated to sunrises and sunsets around the world.