Luis Miguel's groups

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Public groups in which Luis Miguel is a member
270 groups in total

  • Abstract architecture

    Abstract architecture

    Created 11 years ago

    In abstract architecture, the focus is on shapes, surfaces, lines and patterns. Abstract in meaning: reduced to shapes, surfaces, lines, patterns. The appeal of the photographs should lie in the beauty of simplicity, they should have no message, meaning or recognisability (of famous buildings). A section of a building, from the outside or inside, the size of the section does not matter. A spiral staircase is usually recognisable as a staircase, the image-defining motif should be the shape, the l…

  • * Fotografika *

    * Fotografika *

    Created 9 years ago

    Welcome to Fotografika! From around the middle of the last century, "Fotografik" has been known for images that are based primarily on graphic elements and design reflecting artistic photography. The key aspect of this group should be black and white images, but colour images will not be excluded in case they match the general idea of Fotografik.

  • Black and White

    Black and White

    Created 17 years ago

    All about black and white photography. Black and White only (means: no color-toned monochrome!), please. Moderated. Please no fetish, violance or similar content! We do not tolerate pictures with badges between the comments. Thanks. As said: moderated and limited ;)

  • Canary Islands

    Canary Islands

    Created 17 years ago

    Share photos from the Canary Islands (Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La gomera, La Palma, El Hierro,...), also known as "Islas Canarias", or "Iles Canaries"

  • Yellow Dominates

    Yellow Dominates

    Created 11 years ago

    Any photo where the color 'yellow' is dominate. This doesn't necessarily mean it takes up most of the image but, rather, it is the color that grabs your attention first or maybe it is the color of your subject. Images where the color yellow is only incidental will be removed. This does not indicate an inferior image, simply that it doesn't fit the theme of the group.

  • Architecture and graphic design

    Architecture and graphic design

    Created 8 years ago

    Show by the choice of framing, lighting the side graphic architectural elements.



    Created 15 years ago

    photo sépia et que sépia sans tache(es) de couleurs



    Created 13 years ago

    Only actual photos of paintings, sculptures and other forms of artwork.

  • Time For Experiments

    Time For Experiments

    Created 17 years ago

    Taking pictures can be so different and so can the results. - abstract, beautiful, colorful, conceptual, different, industrial, macro, monochrome, natural, beautiful, strange - Different kinds of experiments are welcome... Try out your skills.

  • Square is Beautiful

    Square is Beautiful

    Created 10 years ago

    Vivid, Colourful, Artistic, Interesting Squares :-) Square format only. Gallery style i.e. comments welcome, but not mandatory. Ideally comment on one photo on the first page, when you post to the group. Family friendly.

  • Stairs


    Created 17 years ago

    Every kind of stairs!

  • Coup de coeur !!!

    Coup de coeur !!!

    Created 16 years ago

    Bonjour .... ici on est fan des coups de coeur de tous et on le partage

  • Pictures for Pam

    Pictures for Pam

    Created 6 years ago

    Our dear friend, Pam Johnson, is on the path to recovery from illness. This is a special place to add our warm thoughts and well-wishes in the form of pictures in the hopes that Pam will get some enjoyment and strength from them. WE LOVE YOU PAM!!

  • IMA Traditionstreffen in Hamburg, 2025

    IMA Traditionstreffen in Hamburg, 2025

    Created 7 months ago

    Wie jedes Jahr am letzten Wochenende im April treffen sich positiv verrückte Fotoenthusiasten in Hamburg zum Fotografieren, Fischbrötchen essen, Hafenfähre fahren und Schnacken

  • Shadow Selfies

    Shadow Selfies

    Created 5 years ago

    Please post only shadow selfies in this group, i.e. photos that show your shadow and are taken by yourself.

  • ...Fenster...window...fenêtre...


    Created 6 years ago

    ...EINZELNE Fenster...SINGLE windows...fenêtre SÉPARÉES...

  • Fungi


    Created 13 years ago

    This is a group for mushrooms all over the world. There is a separate group for ‘Lichens’: Mosses and Lichens

  • Portrait


    Created 17 years ago

    Welcome to portrait photos group. Please add a tag "portrait". To keep this Portrait group a real group for Portraiture, the rules of the group have been revised to the following: 1 - Only Portraits of a Person or People are allowed in the group. 2 - The Person or People must be the main subject matter in the image. 3 - Nudes are allowed. Porn, fetish, bondage, ... do not belong in the portrait group. 4 - Only post photos you shot yourself and for which you own the copyright. Photos f…

  • Black and white portraits

    Black and white portraits

    Created 16 years ago

    Portraits in black and white, the face should be visible and a main subject! No colour, no animal-portraits and NO AI !!!

  • HBM "Happy Bench Monday"

    HBM "Happy Bench Monday"

    Created 4 years ago

    HBM "Happy Bench Monday" A bench invites you to linger. You sit down to rest, watch people or let your gaze wander through the landscape. Sometimes it is a place for lovers, other times a place to sleep or you enjoy a picnic with friends. Show your favorite benches or very simple benches. There are no limits to your creativity. A maximum of three pictures should be uploaded between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening. And, if you want, wish you "Happy bench Monday" (HBM). Founder of the group: "…