Luis Miguel's groups

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Public groups in which Luis Miguel is an administrator
5 groups in total

  • Architecture in Spain

    Architecture in Spain

    Created 15 years ago

    Photos of architecture in Spain, contemporary, old or historical architecture. The aim of this group is to bring together photos of architecture, i.e. details of a building, a street, a village or a town that are interesting from an architectural point of view. There is no time period. You can go from the oldest to the most modern buildings. It would be good to mention the name or geographical location of the photograph. The submitted images will be published without any review. Pictures that…

  • South Tyrol

    South Tyrol

    Created 10 years ago

    Impressions of South Tyrol. What else?

  • Tenerife


    Created 13 years ago

    Impressions of the island of eternal spring. It would be good to mention the name and geographical position of the shot. Submitted images will be published without being checked. Images that do not fit the theme will be deleted without notice.

  • Volcanoes and volcanic landscapes

    Volcanoes and volcanic landscapes

    Created 15 years ago

    Here we collect images of volcanoes and volcanic landscapes - from craters, calderas and lava flows to geysers, hot springs and other fascinating phenomena created by volcanic activity.

  • Waterfalls


    Created 17 years ago

    This group is a gallery for images of waterfalls - large and small. It would be nice to mention the name and geo-position of the waterfall shown. Posted images will be published without being checked. Thematically unfitting images will be removed without notice.

Public groups in which Luis Miguel is a moderator
1 group in total

Public groups in which Luis Miguel is a member
270 groups in total