Grouping different moods of the sky. From sunrise to sunset, to the threat of bad weather, Of all the palette of colours. (Beautiful skies... Sun up or sundown.. daylight shots of the Fury and tenderness
Zitat von Andreas Feininger: "Technik allein ist wertlos, solange sie nicht durch die Kunst ersetzt wird"
Gefragt sind Foto - Motive, welche zum Nachdenken anregen und einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen.
Fototechnische Geschicklichkeit und Einbildungskraft stehen im Vordergrund.
Sehr Wichtig ist , dass der Fotograf seinem Foto einen aussagekräftigen Titel gibt.
Ins Schaufenster gesehen ...
Schaufenster, Vitrinen und Auslagen mit Inhalt
Seen in shop window ...
Shop windows, showcases with contents
Schaufenster mit sichtbaren Auslagen
Wir wollen ein Treffen in Frankfurt organisieren zur Luminale 2018.
Der 23.3. ist der letzte Tag der Luminale, es weden abends noch Lichtinstallationen zu sehen sein. Auch am Samstag und Sonntag gibt es sehr viel zu entdecken in der Stadt der Banken.
Ulrich, Manfred und ich würden uns freuen, Euch unser Frankfurt zu zeigen.
Den Doodle findet Ihr hier:
Photos from "street-art", graffiti, stencils, cuttings, stickers, urban knitting, etc. ...
This is a moderated group. Please give me some time to do the work, I haven´t each day time for ipernity, but will moderate this group in my free spaces. In case there isn´t any free time for ipernity all your submissions will be auto - approved after seven days, but mostly I will approve them manually and much earlier.
tous nos arbres, les tordus et les droits, les petits et les grands, les généalogiques et les illogiques, les solitaires et les serrés , leurs branches, leurs noeuds leur tronc leurs racines, leurs feuilles, leurs fleurs, du moments que le photographe y a trouvé une part de ses émotions.
In meteorology, a cloud is a visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water or various chemicals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body. These suspended particles are also known as aerosols and are studied in the cloud physics branch of meteorology.
Terrestrial cloud formation is the result of air in Earth's atmosphere becoming saturated due to either or both of two processes; cooling of the air and adding water vapor. With sufficient saturation, pre…
The name originated in an air raid shelter during the Second World War in a conversation between Hans Müller-Schlösser, the creator of ‘Schneider Wibbel’, and Willi Busch, who is said to have told Busch:
"Ech sach dech bloß ens Hans, koome meer he heil erus, dat se ons nit kille, dann brau ech dech ö Schabäuke, do kannste de Zong noh lecke, dann dommer eene pitsche on dä kannste dann von mech us Killepitsch nenne!"
(‘I'll just tell you one thing Hans, if we get out of here safely,…
Photo montages, drawings with looks as their features
Fotomontagen, Zeichnungen mit Blicken als Merkmalen.
Fotomontajes, dibujos que tienen como característica la mirada
Fotomontaggi, disegni che hanno come caratteristica l'aspetto.
Montages de photos, dessins ayants pour traits des regards.
It's common to see 'things left on posts', so please post your TLOP images.
Things left on walls and things left on fences etc. are also accepted.
The intention of the group is to document the wonder of objet trouvé, rather than photograph things intentionally placed on posts for artistic purposes.
Geotagging is greatly encouraged.
All photos are welcome to enhance the value of materials and structures, which may seem cold and inert, but become beautiful and reveal their soul. Architectural objects or photos are exceptionally allowed (details).
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Public groups in which klaus 040 is a member186 groups in total
Infinite skies.
Grouping different moods of the sky. From sunrise to sunset, to the threat of bad weather, Of all the palette of colours. (Beautiful skies... Sun up or sundown.. daylight shots of the Fury and tenderness
" All about Kitsch " Firlefanz, Kinkerlitzchen, Klimbim, Kram, Krempel, Krimskrams, Plunder, Ramsch, Schnickschnack, Schund, Tand, Flitter, Flitterkram, Mist, Zeug, Kitsch... Friperie, bibelots, Klimbim, Kram, désordre, désordre, ordures, ordure, bibelots, trash, bibelots, babioles, bibelots, de la merde, des trucs kitsch Frippery, trinkets, Klimbim, Kram, clutter, clutter, trash, junk, knick-knacks, trash, trinkets, baubles, trinkets, crap, stuff Kitsch Fronzoli, bigiotteria…
the world from another perspective
Show the world from a different perspective.
" Art-Foto-Einfach & Genial " Zitat von Andreas Feininger: "Technik allein ist wertlos, solange sie nicht durch die Kunst ersetzt wird" Gefragt sind Foto - Motive, welche zum Nachdenken anregen und einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen. Fototechnische Geschicklichkeit und Einbildungskraft stehen im Vordergrund. Sehr Wichtig ist , dass der Fotograf seinem Foto einen aussagekräftigen Titel gibt.
Vitrine - Schaufenster - Store window - vetrina
Ins Schaufenster gesehen ... Schaufenster, Vitrinen und Auslagen mit Inhalt ... Seen in shop window ... Shop windows, showcases with contents _____________ Schaufenster mit sichtbaren Auslagen
Fototreffen Luminale 2018 Frankfurt/Main
Wir wollen ein Treffen in Frankfurt organisieren zur Luminale 2018. Der 23.3. ist der letzte Tag der Luminale, es weden abends noch Lichtinstallationen zu sehen sein. Auch am Samstag und Sonntag gibt es sehr viel zu entdecken in der Stadt der Banken. Ulrich, Manfred und ich würden uns freuen, Euch unser Frankfurt zu zeigen. Den Doodle findet Ihr hier: Erika
Streetart (graffiti, stencils, cuttings, stickers, urban knitting, ...)
Photos from "street-art", graffiti, stencils, cuttings, stickers, urban knitting, etc. ... This is a moderated group. Please give me some time to do the work, I haven´t each day time for ipernity, but will moderate this group in my free spaces. In case there isn´t any free time for ipernity all your submissions will be auto - approved after seven days, but mostly I will approve them manually and much earlier.
tous nos arbres, les tordus et les droits, les petits et les grands, les généalogiques et les illogiques, les solitaires et les serrés , leurs branches, leurs noeuds leur tronc leurs racines, leurs feuilles, leurs fleurs, du moments que le photographe y a trouvé une part de ses émotions.
Sonne, Mond & Sterne
Here you can show your photos of the sun, moon, or stars. Also beautiful clouds and cloud formations are welcome.
.cO) clouds
In meteorology, a cloud is a visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water or various chemicals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body. These suspended particles are also known as aerosols and are studied in the cloud physics branch of meteorology. Terrestrial cloud formation is the result of air in Earth's atmosphere becoming saturated due to either or both of two processes; cooling of the air and adding water vapor. With sufficient saturation, pre…
Killepitsch for all ... ;-) ... ävver nit ze off (but not too often ... ;-)
Killepitsch The name originated in an air raid shelter during the Second World War in a conversation between Hans Müller-Schlösser, the creator of ‘Schneider Wibbel’, and Willi Busch, who is said to have told Busch: "Ech sach dech bloß ens Hans, koome meer he heil erus, dat se ons nit kille, dann brau ech dech ö Schabäuke, do kannste de Zong noh lecke, dann dommer eene pitsche on dä kannste dann von mech us Killepitsch nenne!" (‘I'll just tell you one thing Hans, if we get out of here safely,…
Photo montages, drawings with looks as their features Fotomontagen, Zeichnungen mit Blicken als Merkmalen. Fotomontajes, dibujos que tienen como característica la mirada Fotomontaggi, disegni che hanno come caratteristica l'aspetto. Montages de photos, dessins ayants pour traits des regards.
Reflets urbains, Urbans Reflections
Effets miroir dans l'urbain sur le chemin de l'insolite et du graphisme Mirror effects in urban on the way to the unusual and graphics
...Black & White Every Day...
Nur schwarz/weiß Fotos Only black/white photos Uniquement les photos noir/blanc
Backlight - Gegenlicht - Retroilluminato
Back light shots of special ART NO sunsets see this link for a little suggestion: categories/backlight.html
animals (no dogs, no cats)
doggy and kitty there are pictures already enough
TLOP - Things Left on Posts
It's common to see 'things left on posts', so please post your TLOP images. Things left on walls and things left on fences etc. are also accepted. The intention of the group is to document the wonder of objet trouvé, rather than photograph things intentionally placed on posts for artistic purposes. Geotagging is greatly encouraged.
Sky and Clouds
Structures and materials
All photos are welcome to enhance the value of materials and structures, which may seem cold and inert, but become beautiful and reveal their soul. Architectural objects or photos are exceptionally allowed (details).
" Meine eigenen " Meisterwerke " - Mes propres "chefs - d'oeuvres " My own " master pieces "
Proposer sa " meilleure " photographie ... Seine " Besten " Photographien zeigen...