klaus 040's groups

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Public groups in which klaus 040 is a member
186 groups in total

  • Roof


    Created 13 years ago

    Pictures of roofs of all kinds - of individual buildings or of a sea of houses, of churches, palaces or wooden huts; and everything on them - chimneys, aerials, skylights, windows, birds' nests, lettering, plants, weather vanes etc.. But pictures of people on roofs - chimney sweeps, roofers, etc. - can also find their place here. - can also find their place here

  • Butterflies of the World

    Butterflies of the World

    Created 8 years ago

    Photos of butterflies from all over the world, in large format and good quality if possible!



    Created 6 years ago

    Weiß in Weiß - Weiß auf Weiß - oder auch ein leichtes chamois, helles beige, champagnerfarben. Es ist möglich einen winzigen Fleck Farbe sehen zu lassen, er darf nur das Weiß nich stören! Die Bilder sollen kreativ - abstract - aussergewöhnlich sein. 3 Fotos pro Tag. Nicht den Regeln entsprechende Fotos werden ohne Benachrichtigung gelöscht. s.a. >> blog.sigma-foto.de/2018/01/weiss-in-weiss-monochrome-fotografie _________ White in white - white on white - or even a light chamois, l…

  • BLEU


    Created 15 years ago

    Photos à dominante bleue.

  • Snow & Ice

    Snow & Ice

    Created 7 years ago

    Snow and ice in all shapes

  • * Fotografika *

    * Fotografika *

    Created 9 years ago

    Welcome to Fotografika! From around the middle of the last century, "Fotografik" has been known for images that are based primarily on graphic elements and design reflecting artistic photography. The key aspect of this group should be black and white images, but colour images will not be excluded in case they match the general idea of Fotografik.

  • " Bilder aus der Region wo ich wohne... Photos de la région où je vis ...Pictures from the region where I live ..."

    " Bilder aus der Region wo ich wohne... Photos de la région où je vis ...Pictures from the region where I live ..."

    Created 9 years ago

    picturesofhere.group.ipernity.com Zeigen sie uns ihr Dorf , ihre Stadt , Region , Land wo sie leben. Landschaft , Kultur , Lebensart... Montrez-nous votre village, votre ville, région, pays où vous vivez. Paysage, culture, mode de vie ... Show us your village, your town, region, country on where you live. Landscape, culture, way of life ... Facci vedere paese, la tua città, regione, paese in cui vivono. Paesaggio, cultura, stile di vita ...

  • Protected areas in nature and landscape protection

    Protected areas in nature and landscape protection

    Created 7 years ago

    “A protected area is a clearly defined geographical area designated, dedicated and managed by legal or other effective means to achieve long-term protection of nature and associated ecosystem services and cultural values.” Wikipedia

  • Industry Heritage and Industry

    Industry Heritage and Industry

    Created 17 years ago

    Pictures from Industrial Heritage and Industry. Not only fom "The Industry Heritage Trail" in the Ruhrarea/Germany. All over the World you find Industrial Heritage or industrial culture. Here you can find a "Industrial in details" group Please give us a Information about the point of view. Per geotag, tag or description What is Industrial Heritage ? Wikipedia says: Industrial Heritage is an aspect of cultural heritage dealing specifically with the buildings and a…

  • PEINDRE avec la Lumière -  MALEN mit Licht

    PEINDRE avec la Lumière - MALEN mit Licht

    Created 10 years ago

    Malen mit Licht beinhaltet: Kreative Bildgestaltung Visuelle Information Grafische Faszination Emotionsvoll Keine simplen Blumen Keine simplen Landschaften Keine Sonnenauf- noch -Untergänge ! Engl.: Creative image design Visual information Graphic fascination emotion full No simple flowers No simple landscapes No sunrise or sunsets

  • H2O - Water

    H2O - Water

    Created 11 years ago

    Everything water. Post your amazing water photos, dew drops, collisions, seawater or freshwater, rainwater and tapwater. Be creative is all I ask. Oh yes, keep it tasteful please and enjoy the group.

  • Bokeh as MAIN Subject - the blurry way of photography

    Bokeh as MAIN Subject - the blurry way of photography

    Created 17 years ago

    As the subject says - Bokeh is the blurry way of photography. Even if you do not recognize it, bokeh is a big subject in photography, as you can see it every day in lots of pictures. This group is dedicated to all you bokeh-lovers - to all the people out there, who have an eye for the smooth and blurry subject in their photos (instead of the sharp subject in the foreground). You are welcome to join this group and to be part of the Bokeh community. Contribute your blurry shots and enjoy the…

  • " A Yin & Yang group - Light & Shadow - Licht & Schatten  - Lumière & Ombre "

    " A Yin & Yang group - Light & Shadow - Licht & Schatten - Lumière & Ombre "

    Created 8 years ago

    yin.yang.group.ipernity.com Uniquement des images : Ombre & Lumière , n/b ou en couleurs ! Nur Fotos zum Thema : Licht & Schatten , S / W oder in Farbe !

  • Détails Architecturaux

    Détails Architecturaux

    Created 7 years ago

    Tous détails architecturaux (anciens ou modernes) All kinds of architectural details (old or modern) Alle Architekturdetails. (alt oder modern)

  • Quedlinburg-Treffen 18. - 21.10.  2018

    Quedlinburg-Treffen 18. - 21.10. 2018

    Created 7 years ago

    Fotos vom Ipernity-Treffen in und um Quedlinburg im Herbst 2018.

  • "Wallflowers"


    Created 6 years ago

    Pictures of small plants (flowers) growing on walls, in tarmac or on stony ground are very welcome here. This is not about macros, but the flower should definitely be in the foreground and the ground should also be clearly recognisable.

  • Harz-Foto-Tour 2017

    Harz-Foto-Tour 2017

    Created 8 years ago

    Informationen und Anregungen zum Treffen in Wernigerode / Harz vom 03.03. - 05.03. 2017 Gern auch Artikel, Dokumente und Alte Fotos rund um den Harz in die Gruppe stellen ! Artikel Harz-Foto-Tour 2017 www.ipernity.com/blog/menonfire.m.pryscz/4492142

  • Fountains, monuments and statues from all over the world.

    Fountains, monuments and statues from all over the world.

    Created 8 years ago

    Fountains, monuments and statues from all over the world.

  • UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe...UNESCO World Heritage…Patrimoine Mondial de l‘UNESCO

    UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe...UNESCO World Heritage…Patrimoine Mondial de l‘UNESCO

    Created 9 years ago

    unesco-welterbe.group.ipernity.com UNESCO Weltkulturerbe: Das Schönste, was Mensch und Natur uns hinterlassen haben. Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO: La plus belle chose que l'homme et la nature nous ont laissé. UNESCO World Heritage Site: The most beautiful thing Man and nature have left us. Patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO: La cosa più bella che l'uomo e la natura ci hanno lasciato.

  • Minéraux , minerals , roches , rocks

    Minéraux , minerals , roches , rocks

    Created 7 years ago

    Présenter des minéraux , soit in situ , soit dans des collections Privilégier des photos nettes Si possible des minéraux identifiés avec l'origine ( pays, voir mine si connue Les roches avec minéraux et cristaux sont acceptées mais pas de simples rochers Les cristaux taillés , pierres gemmes sont acceptés , mais pas les bibelots kitch ------------------------------------------- Present minerals, either in situ, or in collections Favor clear(net) photos If possible of the minerals identified…