If you are an Esperantist or a sympathizer, welcome to the club ***** I lost a lot of contacts in Esperanto due to health problems and various operations that kept me from the site. I would like to find friends again and pay tribute to Dr. Zamenhof, the great humanist and creator of this beautiful singing and harmonious language. Photos, images, texts and comments are welcome in the spirit of beauty and that which unites. Thanks to everyone, we really appreciate those who are already members ***…
The idea is to add one or two "photos" each month (from the 1st to 16th) on a given theme. After that (from the 17th to 24th), everyone can vote on which pictures they think are the best.
Please refer to the latest discussion for the current theme.
"Not an Ai group this is purely a photographic contest"
"No nudity as this is a family friendly group"
Thank you all for participating.
This group is dedicated to tolerance and free expression in art and speech on Ipernity to foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding.
No pornography or copyright infringed images please, since exploitation and intellectual property theft are not tolerance. Nudes are permitted.
Эта группа посвящена терпимости и свободе выражения в искусстве и речи на Ипернити…
The Depth of Field (DoF) is a powerful tool that allows to express concepts, ideas, abstractions or just to focus on beauty or something special. It allows to highlight a point of view or another one!
Show us your use of DoF to express concepts, highlight ideas or just show a different point of view!
Images posted here MUST have a significant DoF.
It may be shallow or wider. Don't necessarily have to be a very shallow depth of field, but there must be a clear focus point, and a cle…
Different groups of tulips!
Fringed tulip, also called Lace: its petals are cut.
Triumph Tulip: It comes in bright or pastel colours.
Fleur de lys tulip!
The Pluriflore tulip!
In short, all kinds of Tulips!
Welcome to this group!
thank you in advance for your participation ♥
Toutes les fêtes !
St Valentin♥
& religieuses (Pâques , Noel Jour de l"an ! anniversaires ! Mariage ♥et fêtes importantes )fête des mères & fête des pères
Premier Mai ♥
While it's generally accepted that 'like attracts like', it's almost as often the case that opposites attract, creating superb photographic objects.
Let your sense of observation wander, and you'll see that it can sometimes lead you to surprising and even captivating similarities.
This is a b&w group for every body, who still hasn't enough b&w groups here on ipernity...
s&w, sw, bw, b&w, schwarz, weiß, schwarz-weiß, schwarz & weiß, black, white, black-white, black and white, b w, s w, s & w, b & w, sepia, grau...
Not just an item, but a photo that shows an extraordinary detail of nature. NO AI images.
You can use this code for your comments:
<a href=" www.ipernity.com/group/nature039smiracles "> Nature's miracles
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Jakvo is an administrator3 groups in total
Nia Klubo
If you are an Esperantist or a sympathizer, welcome to the club ***** I lost a lot of contacts in Esperanto due to health problems and various operations that kept me from the site. I would like to find friends again and pay tribute to Dr. Zamenhof, the great humanist and creator of this beautiful singing and harmonious language. Photos, images, texts and comments are welcome in the spirit of beauty and that which unites. Thanks to everyone, we really appreciate those who are already members ***…
Esperanto-grupo La Verda Stelo
Fotoj kaj filmetoj faritaj dum aranĝoj de la antverpena Esperanto-grupo "La Verda Stelo".
Mac kaj Esperanto
Jen grupo en kiu vi povas priparoli ĉion, kio rilatas al Mac-komputiloj kaj al aliaj produktoj de Apple kiel iPhone kaj iPad.
Public groups in which Jakvo is a member22 groups in total
water - only water - nothing but water (every picture with other subjects will be removed) www.ipernity.com/group/water
Allle water opppervlakten--dus rivieren-beken-plassen-vijvers-zee- etc etc ALLEEN WATER !
CWP - Contest Without Prize
The idea is to add one or two "photos" each month (from the 1st to 16th) on a given theme. After that (from the 17th to 24th), everyone can vote on which pictures they think are the best. Please refer to the latest discussion for the current theme. "Not an Ai group this is purely a photographic contest" "No nudity as this is a family friendly group" Thank you all for participating.
Loko por amikoj de la naturo en la Esperanto! Afiŝu viajn interesajn fotojn naturrilate kaj bonvolu diskuti, skribi pri la naturo!
Black and white photos only. Film or digital.
This group is dedicated to tolerance and free expression in art and speech on Ipernity to foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding. No pornography or copyright infringed images please, since exploitation and intellectual property theft are not tolerance. Nudes are permitted. _____________ Chinese: 该小组致力于宽容和自由表达艺术和有关“宣教”的言论,以营造一种尊重和理解的氛围。 请不要色情或侵犯版权的图像,因为剥削和知识产权盗窃是不能容忍的。允许裸体。 ___________ Russian: Эта группа посвящена терпимости и свободе выражения в искусстве и речи на Ипернити…
Selective & Conceptual DoF
The Depth of Field (DoF) is a powerful tool that allows to express concepts, ideas, abstractions or just to focus on beauty or something special. It allows to highlight a point of view or another one! Show us your use of DoF to express concepts, highlight ideas or just show a different point of view! Images posted here MUST have a significant DoF. It may be shallow or wider. Don't necessarily have to be a very shallow depth of field, but there must be a clear focus point, and a cle…
Different groups of tulips! Fringed tulip, also called Lace: its petals are cut. Triumph Tulip: It comes in bright or pastel colours. Fleur de lys tulip! The Pluriflore tulip! In short, all kinds of Tulips! Welcome to this group! thank you in advance for your participation ♥
Magical sunlight
Sunrises and sunsets. Sunbeams in the forest Lights and shadows
spécial fêtes
Toutes les fêtes ! St Valentin♥ & religieuses (Pâques , Noel Jour de l"an ! anniversaires ! Mariage ♥et fêtes importantes )fête des mères & fête des pères Premier Mai ♥
Les contraires s'attirent
While it's generally accepted that 'like attracts like', it's almost as often the case that opposites attract, creating superb photographic objects. Let your sense of observation wander, and you'll see that it can sometimes lead you to surprising and even captivating similarities.
the flipping millionth b&w group on ipernity
This is a b&w group for every body, who still hasn't enough b&w groups here on ipernity... s&w, sw, bw, b&w, schwarz, weiß, schwarz-weiß, schwarz & weiß, black, white, black-white, black and white, b w, s w, s & w, b & w, sepia, grau...
Beautiful Landscape
Beautiful Landscape
Best of ipernity
The best on ipernity!
Artistic Landscapes. ( Formally Fine Art Landscape Photography )
A group for your aesthetic landscape photos including urban landscapes, photos that do not conform to this description will be removed
Nature's miracles
Not just an item, but a photo that shows an extraordinary detail of nature. NO AI images. You can use this code for your comments: <a href=" www.ipernity.com/group/nature039smiracles "> Nature's miracles
Au fil de l'eau, With the current
When water is painter and mirror lakes edges ocean blue ... Pretty new encounters (animals, characters etc)