m̌ ḫ's groups

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Public groups in which m̌ ḫ is an administrator
12 groups in total

  • y e l l o w

    y e l l o w

    Created 17 years ago

    Do you like y e l l o w ? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the yellow colour! Please post only pictures where yellow (golden, cream or lemon yellow) is the dominating colour. Thank you.

  • b l u e

    b l u e

    Created 17 years ago

    Do you like b l u e? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour! Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour. Thank blue.

  • .cO) clouds

    .cO) clouds

    Created 11 years ago

    In meteorology, a cloud is a visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water or various chemicals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body. These suspended particles are also known as aerosols and are studied in the cloud physics branch of meteorology. Terrestrial cloud formation is the result of air in Earth's atmosphere becoming saturated due to either or both of two processes; cooling of the air and adding water vapor. With sufficient saturation, pre…

  • A Story Behind the Photograph

    A Story Behind the Photograph

    Created 3 years ago

    Please, put a short paragraph of your original text under the photo. Two sentences at least plz.

  • g r e e n

    g r e e n

    Created 17 years ago

    Do you like g r e e n ? Green is the colour between blue & yellow on the visible spectrum. In subtractive coluor systems, used in painting and color printing, it is created by a combination of yellow and cyan. In the RGB color model (used on TV & PC screens), it is one of the additive primary colours, along with red & blue, which are mixed in different combinations to create all other colours. By far the largest contributor to green in nature is chlorophyll, the chemical by which plants pho…

  • >✕< shamans ⅋ sorcerers >✕<

    >✕< shamans ⅋ sorcerers >✕<

    Created 14 years ago

    People, art and traditions belonging to the spiritual and magic dimension of the world. Strongly supported pictures from siberian, native american, tibetan and other asian, black african, australian aboriginal, ancient european, and other traditional cultures ⅋ civilisations...

  • #matrix of present times

    #matrix of present times

    Created 15 years ago

    | Present here photos of || Futurism ||| Sci-fi |||| Innovation ||||| Utopia & dystopia

  • Travel Photography

    Travel Photography

    Created 17 years ago

    A group for images from the perspective of travelers. From places we visited that amazed us – because we discovered them with fresh eyes, free from everyday thoughts. This is about the special perspectives that only emerge while traveling: the unfamiliar that excites us and the small details that local eyes might overlook. To ensure the magic of these moments truly shines, we welcome images of good amateur quality, captured with care and passion.

  • r e d

    r e d

    Created 16 years ago

    Do you like the colour r e d ? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the red colour! Please post only pictures where red is the dominating colour. Thank you.

  • B+W


    Created 17 years ago

    Black and white photos only. Film or digital.

  • 100 Percent Perfect

    100 Percent Perfect

    Created 10 years ago

    NO photos of food | NO garden flowers | NO cats, dogs & other pets | QUALITY PHOTOS WELCOME!

  • ::d!g.mod*w!ld.col*8rootal.po5tp*A!.plag!::


    Created 15 years ago

    This group is for excessively altered, coloured pictures, AI & computer graphic art, and other terrible pictures

Public groups in which m̌ ḫ is a member
122 groups in total

  • IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

    IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

    Created 4 years ago

    Group objective: The intention is to show images by our members that are particularly worth seeing and that represent the spectrum of their work in the greatest possible diversity. It is not a ‚best-of‘ group. ● Only group members can make proposals. ● Proposals must fulfil the group objective and be technically flawless. ● 1 proposal per week is possible. ● An editorial team decides on the acceptance. ● Max. 1 image per member + month will be accepted. Note: The limit only applies t…

  • Red!


    Created 17 years ago

    Do you like the color red? Then this group is perfect for you,cause it's dedicated to the color red! Please post only pictures where red is the dominating color :)

  • green


    Created 10 years ago

    alles was als grün ist

  • Animal-Art - Animal in art

    Animal-Art - Animal in art

    Created 14 months ago

    Animals in art... - painting - drawing - statues - sculptures - made of wood - No real animals! AI unwanted !!! No AI - KI !! there is a separate group for AI !!!!

  • Châteaux et manoirs

    Châteaux et manoirs

    Created 8 years ago

    Châteaux et manoirs, forteresses et palais (encore intact ou en ruines), toutes ces belles demeures construites dans le passé qui ont survécu jusqu'à nos jours. Castles and mansions, fortresses and palaces (still intact or in ruins) - all these classy residences built in the past that have survived to this day. Burgen und Herrenhäuser, Festungen und Paläste (noch ganz erhalten oder als Ruine) – all diese in der Vergangenheit erbauten noblen Residenzen, die sich bis heute erhalten haben.

  • .film.forever.


    Created 11 years ago

    This group are for those who still remain shooting with any film cameras. whether it is 35mm, 120mm, toy camera, polaroid, etc.

  • La nature

    La nature

    Created 14 years ago

    Vous pouvez déposer dans ce groupe toutes vos photos ayant un rapport avec la Nature. Les photos de personnes ne sont pas acceptées ici. Vous pouvez déposer au maximum trois photos par jour. Type de médias accepté : photos.

  • " Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "

    " Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "

    Created 9 years ago

    amazing-nature.group.ipernity.com Das Besondere aus der Natur ; Von Makro bis zur Landschaftsfotografie ! The special feature of nature; From macro to landscape photography! La particularité de la nature; Depuis la photographie macro au paysage! La particolarità della natura; Dal macro per fotografia di paesaggio!