Plants have often very attractive seed-pods. Pods are mostly associated with members of the pea family,but it also includes capsules and fruits. Some of these are very attractive, and make attractive photo objects.
In dieser Gruppe werden Fotos von historischen Sammelobjekten zum Thema Fotografie eingestellt:
Das können sein: Kameras Objektive Belichtungsmesser Blitzgeräte Stative Filmschachteln- und -patronen Dunkelkammerutensilien Literatur und Werbematerial Kuriosa, Nippes (Fotofeuerzeuge, Donald-Foto-Duck usw.)
Photos of vintage analogic photo cameras, camera lenses and accessories.
Old images you found in a shoebox, a cigar box, somewhere in a cabinet ...
Old Family pictures, pictures taken by your grand parents etc., the older the better :-)
I propose a little game!
Each week a theme will be given.
you have to post a photo related to this topic between Monday 01h00 and Sunday 23h00 (GMT +1)
This will compile a weekly series of photos on a theme!
I hope you have fun! So has all your equipment ready? Go!
To display and present photos taken with film and digital cameras that use these types of lenses. Please state which type of lens you have used.
1) No flags, nationalism or violent images.
2) No advertising within your photo, except for photo items.
3) No photos of infants, babies or pregnant women.
4) No vulgar pornography
5) Post only your own work
Only for pictures taken with a lens with M42 thread connection.
Not only old lenses but also new lenses that have an M42 mount.
Not only pictures taken with digital cameras, but also pictures taken with analogue cameras.
Please write the lens model and the shooting settings in the picture description – no requirement.
I would be very pleased to receive detailed descriptions of a lens, experiences and general tips on use in the ‘Discussions’.
A group for all kind of insect macros.
That means, that the insect hast to be the main part of the photo. The closer the better ;)
Take part, have fun and enjoy the other members pictures:)
For those with a love of wildlife. Please no pictures of pets or animals in a zoo
Post your photos And Comment on fellow group members posts
The group will not accept posts with adverts or links on the comments See ipernity guidlines ' Comments that promote groups are considered by Ipernity to be Spam'
Please check the group rules
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Public groups in which Dornenwolf is an administrator10 groups in total
Seeds and Seedpods
Plants have often very attractive seed-pods. Pods are mostly associated with members of the pea family,but it also includes capsules and fruits. Some of these are very attractive, and make attractive photo objects.
In dieser Gruppe werden Fotos von historischen Sammelobjekten zum Thema Fotografie eingestellt: Das können sein: Kameras Objektive Belichtungsmesser Blitzgeräte Stative Filmschachteln- und -patronen Dunkelkammerutensilien Literatur und Werbematerial Kuriosa, Nippes (Fotofeuerzeuge, Donald-Foto-Duck usw.) Photos of vintage analogic photo cameras, camera lenses and accessories.
Photos of airplanes, helicopters and any other type of machines that flies by burning fuel.
Avions - Planes - Flugzeuge
Photographies d'avions
The Fish Tank
In an aquarium or not, post your best fish photos here! Comments welcome but not required. Have fun in the tank!
Camera Junkie (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)
Pictures of cameras, lenses, tripods, exposure meters and other photography related equipment. Show the world how big a camera nerd you are.
Free birds
Free birds only !
Boîte à Chaussures - Schuhkarton - Shoebox
Old images you found in a shoebox, a cigar box, somewhere in a cabinet ... Old Family pictures, pictures taken by your grand parents etc., the older the better :-)
Fotos über Kirchen
Hier kann man Kirchenfotos reinstellen !
empyrean flowers
A place to share the beautiful flower images on ipernity.
Public groups in which Dornenwolf is a member41 groups in total
Cactus - Kakteen
Fotos de cactus.
Deutschland in Bildern
Bilder aus Deutschland
Theme of the week
I propose a little game! Each week a theme will be given. you have to post a photo related to this topic between Monday 01h00 and Sunday 23h00 (GMT +1) This will compile a weekly series of photos on a theme! I hope you have fun! So has all your equipment ready? Go!
Pentacon, Tessar, Carl Zeiss Jena, Helios and Jupiter Photos
To display and present photos taken with film and digital cameras that use these types of lenses. Please state which type of lens you have used. 1) No flags, nationalism or violent images. 2) No advertising within your photo, except for photo items. 3) No photos of infants, babies or pregnant women. 4) No vulgar pornography 5) Post only your own work
Die wilde Flora Deutschlands
Wildpflanzen im Wald und auf der Heide, im Gebirge, im Wald, am See, auf Ruderalflächen...nur unkultiviert müssen sie sein!
beetles, (Coleoptera) ...
Beetles, just beetles. all beetles in close-up or macro shots... only beetles, no other animals or insects please.
M42 Lenses
Only for pictures taken with a lens with M42 thread connection. Not only old lenses but also new lenses that have an M42 mount. Not only pictures taken with digital cameras, but also pictures taken with analogue cameras. Please write the lens model and the shooting settings in the picture description – no requirement. I would be very pleased to receive detailed descriptions of a lens, experiences and general tips on use in the ‘Discussions’.
Macrophoto animals flower etc
Insect Macros
A group for all kind of insect macros. That means, that the insect hast to be the main part of the photo. The closer the better ;) Take part, have fun and enjoy the other members pictures:)
Wildlife Photography (Free membership)
For those with a love of wildlife. Please no pictures of pets or animals in a zoo Post your photos And Comment on fellow group members posts The group will not accept posts with adverts or links on the comments See ipernity guidlines ' Comments that promote groups are considered by Ipernity to be Spam' Please check the group rules