All sorts of transport, and the vehicles used for it.
The aim of this group is to build a collection of all transport themed photos
As a member you can include photos of - trains planes helicopters buses ships trams and transport related scenes- airports platforms, taxiways, equipment etc.
Your pictures may also include people as long as the main subject of the group is adhered to.
Posts must be your own work, no web finds scans etc.
Post photos And Comment on a fellow members work
Monochrome imaging can often help emphasize a subject's form and is therefore particularly suited to architectural photography.
This is an open group for anyone wishing to contribute B&W or monochrome photographs (digital or film) of architecture belonging to any era. Name of building and architect plus location will be appreciated.
We hope for good quality rather than quantity, and please do not be offended if not all of your pictures are kept in the group.
***** ***** *****
Yn a…
Rust changes the appearance of things as a result of the passage of time or the elements, making them more or less beautiful depending on how you look at them. But it doesn't make you insensitive, as these photos show ......
Nure la plej belaj kaj estetikaj bildoj en blanka koloro kaj preskaŭ blanka, klopodante ne duobligiti (aŭ ne ripeti), oni serĉas klarajn bildojn sed sen eraroj kiel esti neprecizaj (nebulosaj, svagaj).
Sòlo las màs bellas y estèticas imàgenes en blanco y colores en casi blanco, procurando no ser repetitivo, se buscan imàgenes claras pero sin errores como no precisas(borrosas o vagas).
Photos ratées, floues , décalées , déjantées ? Originales parfois , elles peuvent encore inspirer ..Les partager avec le groupe , à chacun son imagination, son commentaire...Merci à vous
This group is dedicated to buildings, old,or new. The building should take up most of the photo, i.e. no special architectural details ( Religious buildings do not belong in this group. They have their own group :
( . However, if this type of building appears in a group of buildings, it must not be the subject of the photo.
Publiez vos photos comprenant des mots, slogans, principes et phrases populaires autour du monde...
Bonne participation et amusez-vous bien !
Publish photos with words, slogans, principles and phrases celebrated around the world...
Welcome with your participation.
Thank you!
Please, add only images in b/w with a smudge of colour (colourkey)!
NO pure b/w images and NO pure colour images!
If somebody poste such images we will delete them.
Please NO: Erotic, fetish, violance or other adult oriented content..
This is a b&w group for every body, who still hasn't enough b&w groups here on ipernity...
s&w, sw, bw, b&w, schwarz, weiß, schwarz-weiß, schwarz & weiß, black, white, black-white, black and white, b w, s w, s & w, b & w, sepia, grau...
Spiegel an Ein-/ Ausfahrten, unübersichtlichen Kurven / Strasseneinmündungen .... also alle Spiegel im öffentlichen Strassenverkehr aber auch auf Bahnhöfen / an Haltestellen und Kanälen / in Häfen, in Werkhallen und Läden.
Fotomontagen sind ausgeschlossen. Spiegel also bitte nur im realen Umfeld darstellen, möglichst mit Ortsangabe in der Beschreibung und / oder als Tag.
Beachtet bitte die "Regeln", aber besonders >>>>> viel Spass beim Finden passender Motive.
Mirrors at entrances/exits, conf…
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Magoo is a member45 groups in total
People in the street
everybody talking, working, doing nothing, in a daily or funny situation .. beeing in love or angry, alone, with others... everybody ..!
Anciens ou anciennes pub peintes, boutiques, panneaux ...
Regrouper les derniers témoignages de ces choses qui disparaissent si vite. Sauvegardez ce qui peut l'être encore. Merci
All sorts of transport, and the vehicles used for it. The aim of this group is to build a collection of all transport themed photos As a member you can include photos of - trains planes helicopters buses ships trams and transport related scenes- airports platforms, taxiways, equipment etc. Your pictures may also include people as long as the main subject of the group is adhered to. Posts must be your own work, no web finds scans etc. Post photos And Comment on a fellow members work Iper…
Ports / Harbours and Shorelines
Every port, harbour and shoreline of the world
Architecture : B&W + Monochrome / Pensaernïaeth : DaG + Unlliw
Monochrome imaging can often help emphasize a subject's form and is therefore particularly suited to architectural photography. This is an open group for anyone wishing to contribute B&W or monochrome photographs (digital or film) of architecture belonging to any era. Name of building and architect plus location will be appreciated. We hope for good quality rather than quantity, and please do not be offended if not all of your pictures are kept in the group. ***** ***** ***** Yn a…
Rust changes the appearance of things as a result of the passage of time or the elements, making them more or less beautiful depending on how you look at them. But it doesn't make you insensitive, as these photos show ......
BLANKA KAJ PRESKAŬ BLANKA (Blanco y casi blanco)...
Nure la plej belaj kaj estetikaj bildoj en blanka koloro kaj preskaŭ blanka, klopodante ne duobligiti (aŭ ne ripeti), oni serĉas klarajn bildojn sed sen eraroj kiel esti neprecizaj (nebulosaj, svagaj). Sòlo las màs bellas y estèticas imàgenes en blanco y colores en casi blanco, procurando no ser repetitivo, se buscan imàgenes claras pero sin errores como no precisas(borrosas o vagas).
Un monde flou..............
Photos ratées, floues , décalées , déjantées ? Originales parfois , elles peuvent encore inspirer ..Les partager avec le groupe , à chacun son imagination, son commentaire...Merci à vous
Diagonal compositions
Buildings - Bâtiments - Edificios - Edifici - Gebäude - Edifícios - Gebouwen - Budynki
This group is dedicated to buildings, old,or new. The building should take up most of the photo, i.e. no special architectural details ( Religious buildings do not belong in this group. They have their own group : ( . However, if this type of building appears in a group of buildings, it must not be the subject of the photo.
White, Ivory, tender colours, pastel shades..
White, Ivory, tender colours, pastel shades.. Blanc, Ivoire, Crème, pastels clairs, teintes tendres...
Reflections in water, mirrors, windows.....
paris Île-de-France
Photos à dominante bleue.
Reflets & Reflectionst
Collect various aesthetically beautiful pictures , reflections in water, in a mirror or in various Reflecting materials. We do not not accept shadows.
Publiez vos photos comprenant des mots, slogans, principes et phrases populaires autour du monde... Bonne participation et amusez-vous bien ! Publish photos with words, slogans, principles and phrases celebrated around the world... Welcome with your participation. Thank you!
black/white & and a smudge of colour
Please, add only images in b/w with a smudge of colour (colourkey)! NO pure b/w images and NO pure colour images! If somebody poste such images we will delete them. THANKS! Please NO: Erotic, fetish, violance or other adult oriented content..
BW & Monochromes
the flipping millionth b&w group on ipernity
This is a b&w group for every body, who still hasn't enough b&w groups here on ipernity... s&w, sw, bw, b&w, schwarz, weiß, schwarz-weiß, schwarz & weiß, black, white, black-white, black and white, b w, s w, s & w, b & w, sepia, grau...
Verkehrsspiegel - Traffic mirror - Miroir pour voie publique
Spiegel an Ein-/ Ausfahrten, unübersichtlichen Kurven / Strasseneinmündungen .... also alle Spiegel im öffentlichen Strassenverkehr aber auch auf Bahnhöfen / an Haltestellen und Kanälen / in Häfen, in Werkhallen und Läden. Fotomontagen sind ausgeschlossen. Spiegel also bitte nur im realen Umfeld darstellen, möglichst mit Ortsangabe in der Beschreibung und / oder als Tag. Beachtet bitte die "Regeln", aber besonders >>>>> viel Spass beim Finden passender Motive. Mirrors at entrances/exits, conf…