Big Beautiful Women or BBW are those who are larger then average in size. A Supersized Big Beautiful Women or SSBBW is one whose size is at the higher end of the scale. These could also be known as fat, overweight or obese women.
Simple. People in motion. Running, jumping, crawling or driving. Here sharpness is not important. A sense of movement is even desirable.
This group is moderated and requires approval before it is posted to the group.
This group is for amateur / professional Swedish photographers to showcase their work on Ipernity. We would also like to encourage any visitors or tourists that have taken photos of Sweden whilst visiting the country to post your best images in this group. The photos posted must be your own original works and of course taken here in the beautiful Scandinavian country Sweden (Sverige).
Dividi bluo-kolorajn fotojn, nur sendi la plej belaj ĝis atingi la nombro de 2000 dokumentoj...Trata de aportar todos los documentos mas bellos en que predomine el color azul. Las aportaciones se cierran al completar 2000 documentos.
Public groups in which Eberhard Fritsche is a moderator
Haut-forme; Casquette; Borsalino / Teston; béret & Co
Coiffes à bord court ou large...
Chapeaux pour toutes & tous
Vitrine / Shop
Une tète coiffée tout simplement
Perruques interdites.
Ce groupe n'est pas une cuisine
Tout ce qui est aux pieds de l'être humain.
Chaussures / bottes & co
Pieds nus (ou non chaussées) : interdit
Chaussures sans pieds & vice-versa: No !
All that is at the feet of human beings.
Shoes / boots & Co
Barefoot (or not pavement): No!
Feet without shoes: No!
Objectif du groupe : Soumettre vos photos "coup coeur" dans le beau monde animalier. Vous pouvez soumettre uniquement les photos des autres membres Iper, (C'EST POURQUOI VOUS ËTES TOUS MODÉRATEUR) laissant aux autres membres le loisirs de sélectionner les vôtres! Le but, partager les plus belles photos d'Iper dans le monde des animaux. (animaux, oiseaux, poissons et insectes)
Target group: Submit your photos "favorite shot" (fave) in the beautiful animal world. You can submit only the photos…
Du premier café au dernier alcool sans oublier les soft, les cocktails & les bières
Bouteilles; Cruches; Tasses; Verres
Nourriture interdite
*The first coffee in the last alcohol not to mention the soft, cocktails & beers
Bottles, jugs, cups, glasses
forbidden food
*De eerste koffie in de laatste alcohol niet aan de zachte, cocktails en bieren te vermelden
Flessen, kannen, kopjes, glazen
verboden voedsel
*Der erste Kaffee in der letzten Alkohol ganz zu schweigen von den weichen, Cocktails & B…
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Eberhard Fritsche is an administrator11 groups in total
Cherchez la femme
Portraits of girls and women of all kinds are welcome. Art nudes are allowed but pornography and violence will be deleted.
Big Beautiful Women
Big Beautiful Women or BBW are those who are larger then average in size. A Supersized Big Beautiful Women or SSBBW is one whose size is at the higher end of the scale. These could also be known as fat, overweight or obese women.
Featuring pictures of men from around the world. Nudity is acceptable but please, no porn.
Hats and other objects you might consider putting on your head
all pictures of hats, or other things you put on yout head :)
Kilt pur / Pur kilt Parce que le kilt ne se porte pas qu'en Ecosse....
Der Reiz des langsamen Ausziehens
School Uniforms and episodes of school life
I believe that school uniforms perfectly reflects the era
People In Motion
Simple. People in motion. Running, jumping, crawling or driving. Here sharpness is not important. A sense of movement is even desirable. This group is moderated and requires approval before it is posted to the group.
Sweden (Sverige)
This group is for amateur / professional Swedish photographers to showcase their work on Ipernity. We would also like to encourage any visitors or tourists that have taken photos of Sweden whilst visiting the country to post your best images in this group. The photos posted must be your own original works and of course taken here in the beautiful Scandinavian country Sweden (Sverige).
Interesting portraits of women
I just love to look at a womans face ........ it kind of mirrors the soul :-)
Dividi bluo-kolorajn fotojn, nur sendi la plej belaj ĝis atingi la nombro de 2000 dokumentoj...Trata de aportar todos los documentos mas bellos en que predomine el color azul. Las aportaciones se cierran al completar 2000 documentos.
Public groups in which Eberhard Fritsche is a moderator9 groups in total
+I Love Legs+
Au dessus de la marmite
Haut-forme; Casquette; Borsalino / Teston; béret & Co Coiffes à bord court ou large... Chapeaux pour toutes & tous Vitrine / Shop Une tète coiffée tout simplement Perruques interdites. Ce groupe n'est pas une cuisine
Qui Both Homme, Choose Femme
Tout ce qui est aux pieds de l'être humain. Chaussures / bottes & co Pieds nus (ou non chaussées) : interdit Chaussures sans pieds & vice-versa: No ! All that is at the feet of human beings. Shoes / boots & Co Barefoot (or not pavement): No! Feet without shoes: No! prohibited
Cucho B&W
Black and white photos only Bitte nur Schwarzweiß-Fotografie.
Canon EOS xxx
Bitte nur Fotos zeigen, die mit einer Canon EOS xxx gemacht wurden. For your photos, which was taken with a Canon EOS xxx.
Coup de coeur animalier
Objectif du groupe : Soumettre vos photos "coup coeur" dans le beau monde animalier. Vous pouvez soumettre uniquement les photos des autres membres Iper, (C'EST POURQUOI VOUS ËTES TOUS MODÉRATEUR) laissant aux autres membres le loisirs de sélectionner les vôtres! Le but, partager les plus belles photos d'Iper dans le monde des animaux. (animaux, oiseaux, poissons et insectes) Target group: Submit your photos "favorite shot" (fave) in the beautiful animal world. You can submit only the photos…
Drink / Dinken
Du premier café au dernier alcool sans oublier les soft, les cocktails & les bières Bouteilles; Cruches; Tasses; Verres Nourriture interdite *The first coffee in the last alcohol not to mention the soft, cocktails & beers Bottles, jugs, cups, glasses forbidden food *De eerste koffie in de laatste alcohol niet aan de zachte, cocktails en bieren te vermelden Flessen, kannen, kopjes, glazen verboden voedsel *Der erste Kaffee in der letzten Alkohol ganz zu schweigen von den weichen, Cocktails & B…
Numerique / APN Que des appareils photos de toutes époques clairement visibles... Pas de GSM ou Ipad S'K
Cigar Cigarettes Pipe No Drug