Faire partager ses collections d'affiches et affichettes
pancartes et écriteaux.... Posters, banners and signs.
Share your poster collections signs and billboards.
Condividete le vostre collezioni di poster insegne e cartelloni.
Ihre sammlungen von postern und kleinplakaten mit anderen teilen. Plakate und schilder.
Partilhe as suas colecções de cartazes cartazes e painéis publicitários.
Comparta sus colecciones de carteles carteles y vallas publicitarias.
Deel je postercollecties borden en…
Toutes créations en fer forgé: balcons, rampes, portails, verrous, grilles, clochers, lampes, enseignes.... Bienvenue dans le groupe!
All creations with wrought iron: balconies, railings, gates, locks, steeples, lamps, signs... Welcome to the group!
This group is for personal photographs taken throughout Europe in a natural environment (no garden, no zoo).
Only members's pictures will remain in the gallery. Welcome :-)
For our comments in this group :
More than a gallery, it is an interactive community
Please give é comments per post (in the 2 newest pages)
The world of butterflies - Die Welt der Schmetterlinge
Tags/Stichworte: Natur nature Makro macro Falter Schmetterling Schmetterlinge butterfly butterflies papillon
Please show photos of sculptures of all kinds, whether religious or secular, whether funny or pondering, whether sad or cheerful .....
Here, the shrill pop-art figure as well as the angel at the cemetery have their very own place, the heads of the Easter Island fit as well as the the Niki-St.Phalle-sculptures in Hanover.....-)...
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Deodatus is an administrator1 group in total
Toutes les cabanes et uniquement les cabanes y sont les bienvenues :-) No limit
Public groups in which Deodatus is a member69 groups in total
Photos d'Alsace... Le Rhin, les Vosges, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Colmar, les vignes...
: Affiches, affichettes, pancartes et écriteaux.... Posters, banners and signs.
Faire partager ses collections d'affiches et affichettes pancartes et écriteaux.... Posters, banners and signs. Share your poster collections signs and billboards. Condividete le vostre collezioni di poster insegne e cartelloni. Ihre sammlungen von postern und kleinplakaten mit anderen teilen. Plakate und schilder. Partilhe as suas colecções de cartazes cartazes e painéis publicitários. Comparta sus colecciones de carteles carteles y vallas publicitarias. Deel je postercollecties borden en…
Fer forgé / Wrought iron / Schmiedeeisen / ferro battuto / hierro forjado / κατεργασμένος σίδηρος
Toutes créations en fer forgé: balcons, rampes, portails, verrous, grilles, clochers, lampes, enseignes.... Bienvenue dans le groupe! All creations with wrought iron: balconies, railings, gates, locks, steeples, lamps, signs... Welcome to the group!
European wild fauna and flora / Faune et flore sauvages d'Europe (geotag needed !!!!)
This group is for personal photographs taken throughout Europe in a natural environment (no garden, no zoo). Only members's pictures will remain in the gallery. Welcome :-) For our comments in this group : More than a gallery, it is an interactive community Please give é comments per post (in the 2 newest pages) Thanks
Butterflies - Schmetterlinge - Papillon
The world of butterflies - Die Welt der Schmetterlinge Tags/Stichworte: Natur nature Makro macro Falter Schmetterling Schmetterlinge butterfly butterflies papillon
Artistic Landscapes. ( Formally Fine Art Landscape Photography )
A group for your aesthetic landscape photos including urban landscapes, photos that do not conform to this description will be removed
LITELE Fishing boats
Gather beautiful photos of boats, poetic and well framed.
Flowers from all over the world. We only accept high quality photos with flowers as the main motif.
Reflets & Reflectionst
Collect various aesthetically beautiful pictures , reflections in water, in a mirror or in various Reflecting materials. We do not not accept shadows.
MAEZIOÙ / ARVESTVA /PAYSAGE /PANORAMA in mémoriam à Mahuphidos
Paysages de tous pays ...mais uniquement cela ...
toutes images prisent de la rue (urbaine / rurale)
rassembler de belles photos de clochers de nos villes et nos villages et éventuellement d'autres pays. attention, Clocher ne veut pas dire église,
Street lamp / Eclairage public
Toutes sortes d'éclairage public. Suivre exemple 3 premiers docs / Every kind of street lamp. Follow the 3 first examples.
Charme du Sud
toutes les photos mettant en valeur le "sud-est" et le "sud-ouest".
Bringing together the most beautiful photos of vines and vineyards, from all countries and in all seasons.
Photos about Geology, field work or others.
Sculptures of the world
Please show photos of sculptures of all kinds, whether religious or secular, whether funny or pondering, whether sad or cheerful ..... Here, the shrill pop-art figure as well as the angel at the cemetery have their very own place, the heads of the Easter Island fit as well as the the Niki-St.Phalle-sculptures in Hanover.....-)...
Home balconies
Door handles and door knockers
present beautiful door handles and door knockers from all over the world.