Daniela's groups

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Public groups in which Daniela is a member
2 groups in total

  • Ressoumission 2063

    Ressoumission 2063

    Created 6 months ago

    Resubmission on World Photography Day 2063. We like to look into the past. Here we turn the whole thing around. Insert pictures of things or scenarios that you think will have changed significantly or will no longer exist by 2063. But: Write your thoughts about the pictures. Why do you think that these things are subject to major changes. And how do you imagine this scene in 2063? Have fun, I think it will be very interesting.

  • Pâques...Aester...Ostern...Pascua...Pasqua...


    Created 4 years ago

    Toutes photos, décorations, costumes ou autres se rapportant à la fête de Pâques... rien d'autres...