Châteaux et manoirs, forteresses et palais (encore intact ou en ruines), toutes ces belles demeures construites dans le passé qui ont survécu jusqu'à nos jours.
Castles and mansions, fortresses and palaces (still intact or in ruins) - all these classy residences built in the past that have survived to this day.
Burgen und Herrenhäuser, Festungen und Paläste (noch ganz erhalten oder als Ruine) – all diese in der Vergangenheit erbauten noblen Residenzen, die sich bis heute erhalten haben.
Toutes vos photos concernant la Normandie (France)
Avec cinq départements, l’Orne, la Manche, la Seine-Maritime, l’Eure et le Calvados, et trois grandes villes, que sont Caen, Rouen et le Havre
les monuments aussi sont les bienvenues
Bienvenue à tous ****************//
All your photos about Normandy (France)
With five departments, Orne, Manche, Seine-Maritime, Eure and Calvados, and three major cities, Caen, Rouen and Le Havre
monuments are also…
Toutes les "images miroirs" sont les bienvenues, dans l'eau, miroirs, verre, fenêtres, vitrines, métal, etc ...
Alle " Spiegelbilder " sind willkommen , im Wasser , Spiegel , Glas , Fenster, Schaufenster , Metall usw ...
All "mirror images" are welcome, in the water, Mirrors, glass, windows, shop windows, metal etc ...
Tutte le "immagini dello specchio" sono i benvenuti, in acqua, specchi, vetro, finestre, vetrine, metallo ecc ...
Toutes les images valorisant la culture, les traditions, l'humour, les villages et les villes de notre beau pays sont les bienvenues. Merci de préciser le lieu et le nom des sujets pour nos amis extérieurs à l'hexagone.
All the images valuing the culture, the traditions, the humor,the villages and the cities of our beautiful country are welcome. Thank you for specifying the place and the name of the subjects for our friends outer the hexagon.
A collection of all the images of autumn. If you feel like autumn with a picture of yours, this is the right place.
Further groups:
4 Seasons - Spring
4 Seasons - Summer
4 Seasons - Winter
Each week we advance through the alphabet with the title of your photo starting with the current letter (excluding 'X' )
The new letter will start on a Sunday, so on Sunday November 10 we will move onto 'G'
January 26 R
February 02 S
" 09 T
" 16. U
" 23 V
Avenues through rural regions and romantic ways through forest, fields and meadows. Please only the paths themselves. Not just what you can see from the path.
Pictures of the wildlife on the marine coastline, and its geology
Flora , fauna , rocks, vegetation , traces ....
environments :beaches , cliffs , dunes , from a living point of view
it does not concern human activities, nor artistic creations.
This group is for photo collages - multiple pictures combined into one frame. No photos of art please - there are already collage groups for that. Any other subject is fine, as long as it is not vulgar. Nudity and porn are forbidden in this group.
The idea is to add one or two "photos" each month (from the 1st to 16th) on a given theme. After that (from the 17th to 24th), everyone can vote on which pictures they think are the best.
Please refer to the latest discussion for the current theme.
"Not an Ai group this is purely a photographic contest"
"No nudity as this is a family friendly group"
Thank you all for participating.
Der Rote Punkt - the Red point soll ein Blickfang, ein Hingucker, ein Eyecatcher sein.
Keine Roten Blumen mehr!! Kein Mohn oder Geranien u.s.w.
The Red point should be a view point, an eye catcher, a red spot.
No more Red flowers !!!
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Public groups in which Christa1004 is an administrator3 groups in total
Châteaux et manoirs
Châteaux et manoirs, forteresses et palais (encore intact ou en ruines), toutes ces belles demeures construites dans le passé qui ont survécu jusqu'à nos jours. Castles and mansions, fortresses and palaces (still intact or in ruins) - all these classy residences built in the past that have survived to this day. Burgen und Herrenhäuser, Festungen und Paläste (noch ganz erhalten oder als Ruine) – all diese in der Vergangenheit erbauten noblen Residenzen, die sich bis heute erhalten haben.
Irlande - Ireland - Irland
Montrer la beauté et la diversité de cette île. Showcasing the beauty and diversity of this island. Die Schönheit und Vielfalt dieser Insel zeigen.
Normandie , Haute Normandie, Eure
Toutes vos photos concernant la Normandie (France) Avec cinq départements, l’Orne, la Manche, la Seine-Maritime, l’Eure et le Calvados, et trois grandes villes, que sont Caen, Rouen et le Havre les monuments aussi sont les bienvenues Bienvenue à tous ****************// ********************************************** All your photos about Normandy (France) With five departments, Orne, Manche, Seine-Maritime, Eure and Calvados, and three major cities, Caen, Rouen and Le Havre monuments are also…
Public groups in which Christa1004 is a moderator1 group in total
Fountains, monuments and statues from all over the world.
Fountains, monuments and statues from all over the world.
Public groups in which Christa1004 is a member37 groups in total
" 100 % MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio " Toutes les "images miroirs" sont les bienvenues, dans l'eau, miroirs, verre, fenêtres, vitrines, métal, etc ... Alle " Spiegelbilder " sind willkommen , im Wasser , Spiegel , Glas , Fenster, Schaufenster , Metall usw ... All "mirror images" are welcome, in the water, Mirrors, glass, windows, shop windows, metal etc ... Tutte le "immagini dello specchio" sono i benvenuti, in acqua, specchi, vetro, finestre, vetrine, metallo ecc ...
(Afrasteringen) Fences
afrasteringen---metaal-steen-hout-kunststof (Geen hagen)
Toutes les images valorisant la culture, les traditions, l'humour, les villages et les villes de notre beau pays sont les bienvenues. Merci de préciser le lieu et le nom des sujets pour nos amis extérieurs à l'hexagone. All the images valuing the culture, the traditions, the humor,the villages and the cities of our beautiful country are welcome. Thank you for specifying the place and the name of the subjects for our friends outer the hexagon.
4 Seasons - Fall
A collection of all the images of autumn. If you feel like autumn with a picture of yours, this is the right place. Further groups: 4 Seasons - Spring 4 Seasons - Summer 4 Seasons - Winter
Alphabet Group
Each week we advance through the alphabet with the title of your photo starting with the current letter (excluding 'X' ) The new letter will start on a Sunday, so on Sunday November 10 we will move onto 'G' January 26 R February 02 S " 09 T " 16. U " 23 V
At Lake Constance
Landscapes, nature, sights, interesting things, events, moods, people, etc. around Lake Constance and its surroundings.
Autumn colours
pictures, personal paintings,landscapes, connected wtih the variationof autumn colours . Be creative.
Avenues and rural path
Avenues through rural regions and romantic ways through forest, fields and meadows. Please only the paths themselves. Not just what you can see from the path.
Bretagne & Bretones
Pictures of the Department "Bretagne" in France / Images de la Bretagne / Bilder aus der Bretagne
Bretagne Breizh
La Bretagne typique et authentique. Typical and authentic Brittany. Typische und authentische Bretagne.
Bretagne, Frankreich - Brittany, France - Bretagne, France - Bretagne, Frankrijk - Бретань, Франция - Bretaña, Francia - Bretagna, Francia
Coasts of the sea: animals, vegetation and coastal geology
Pictures of the wildlife on the marine coastline, and its geology Flora , fauna , rocks, vegetation , traces .... environments :beaches , cliffs , dunes , from a living point of view it does not concern human activities, nor artistic creations.
This group is for photo collages - multiple pictures combined into one frame. No photos of art please - there are already collage groups for that. Any other subject is fine, as long as it is not vulgar. Nudity and porn are forbidden in this group.
colourful world - bunte welt
Bright & mixed colors & colourful constrasts found somewhere in the world are the theme of this group come join and enjoy bright colours!
CWP - Contest Without Prize
The idea is to add one or two "photos" each month (from the 1st to 16th) on a given theme. After that (from the 17th to 24th), everyone can vote on which pictures they think are the best. Please refer to the latest discussion for the current theme. "Not an Ai group this is purely a photographic contest" "No nudity as this is a family friendly group" Thank you all for participating.
Der ROTE Punkt - the RED point
Der Rote Punkt - the Red point soll ein Blickfang, ein Hingucker, ein Eyecatcher sein. Keine Roten Blumen mehr!! Kein Mohn oder Geranien u.s.w. The Red point should be a view point, an eye catcher, a red spot. No more Red flowers !!!