Heide's groups

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Public groups in which Heide is an administrator
2 groups in total

  • Pictures friends - Amis Photos - Bilder Freunde

    Pictures friends - Amis Photos - Bilder Freunde

    Created 11 years ago

    Everyone who likes to take pictures can take part and show their pictures. Particularly beautiful pictures by other photographers in this group may also be shown. All motifs are allowed in this group. Everyone can invite the friends they have made on Ipernity.

  • Hippos in any form

    Hippos in any form

    Created 11 years ago

    "Ich vernichte deinen Widersacher und wüte gegen deine Feinde" "I'll destroy your adversary and raging against your enemies" "Je vais détruire votre adversaire et rage contre vos ennemis" In der Gruppe sollen Liebhaber von Nilpferden ihre Fotos zusammenfassen für Liebhaber von Nilpferden. Einfach nur Zeigen, dazu vielleicht Geschichten und sich mit anderen darüber freuen. In the group of hippos lovers to their photos summarized for lovers of hippos. Just point, perhaps with stories and rejoic…

Public groups in which Heide is a moderator
1 group in total

  • Coup de coeur animalier

    Coup de coeur animalier

    Created 13 years ago

    Objectif du groupe : Soumettre vos photos "coup coeur" dans le beau monde animalier. Vous pouvez soumettre uniquement les photos des autres membres Iper, (C'EST POURQUOI VOUS ËTES TOUS MODÉRATEUR) laissant aux autres membres le loisirs de sélectionner les vôtres! Le but, partager les plus belles photos d'Iper dans le monde des animaux. (animaux, oiseaux, poissons et insectes) Target group: Submit your photos "favorite shot" (fave) in the beautiful animal world. You can submit only the photos…

Public groups in which Heide is a member
139 groups in total