Bruce Hyde's groups

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Public groups in which Bruce Hyde is a member
3 groups in total

  • Insects Face To Face

    Insects Face To Face

    Created 10 years ago

    Everyone takes lots of stunning pictures of insects, but the challenge here is to do Insect Portraits, just like a passport photograph. The insect should be identified to a minimum of a Scientific Name in the picture title, and other information provided in the attached comment.

  • Shieldbugs / Punaises (Terrestrial Heteroptera)

    Shieldbugs / Punaises (Terrestrial Heteroptera)

    Created 10 years ago

    Photos of all Terrestrial Heteroptera taken anywhere in the world! Please do say where the photo was taken. Photos de toutes Punaises (Heteroptera 'terrestre') prisent n'importe où dans le monde! Merci de bien vouloir indiquer le lieu.

  • Wildlife Watch!

    Wildlife Watch!

    Created 10 years ago

    To showcase top quality wildlife images. To make it easy for picture editors to select our photographs of European wildlife to feature in their programmes and publications. The group has no connection to the BBC or any other organisation.