manor houses, country/town houses, estates, unusual houses, quaint houses, modern/ancient/beautiful/ugly houses.... but not ordinary
from palaces and castles to mud huts
Contribute here with your photos about China and all China Towns around the world or just take a look around.
Everybody is welcome to write and express in any language. Català, 中文, Deutsch, English, Español, Esperanto, Euskera, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, tiếng Việt, whatever.
Important in this group are the beautiful chinese images.
.... art from the hand of nature (especially appreciated) or from "mankind" or both together, but specifically "art" and specifically outside in the open air...... sculpture, pattern, design, colour, light, sky, water, form, shape, transient / mythology / supernatural / surreal / humour / architecture, painting / graffiti.... its up to you, hopefully will provoke/inspire!!
Photos of people in Black and White. Mono or sepia are also OK, but the main focus of the image must be a person or group of people. Portraits or street images, men, women or children.
This is a public group so no graphic nudity. The image should be safe for work.
Public groups in which artemise is a member6 groups in total
tulipoj kaj lilioj --Tulpen und Lilien -- tulipánok és liliomok
Pri fotoj kaj priskriboj de tulipoj kaj lilioj, pri ilia kultivado.
Bright red
The photo must be at least 50% bright red
manor houses, country/town houses, estates, unusual houses, quaint houses, modern/ancient/beautiful/ugly houses.... but not ordinary from palaces and castles to mud huts
中国 - Zhōngguó - China
Contribute here with your photos about China and all China Towns around the world or just take a look around. Everybody is welcome to write and express in any language. Català, 中文, Deutsch, English, Español, Esperanto, Euskera, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, tiếng Việt, whatever. Important in this group are the beautiful chinese images.
OUTDOOR ART... by nature +or mankind
.... art from the hand of nature (especially appreciated) or from "mankind" or both together, but specifically "art" and specifically outside in the open air...... sculpture, pattern, design, colour, light, sky, water, form, shape, transient / mythology / supernatural / surreal / humour / architecture, painting / graffiti.... its up to you, hopefully will provoke/inspire!!
People in Black and White
Photos of people in Black and White. Mono or sepia are also OK, but the main focus of the image must be a person or group of people. Portraits or street images, men, women or children. This is a public group so no graphic nudity. The image should be safe for work.