Anne B's groups

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Public groups in which Anne B is a member
3 groups in total

  • houses


    Created 16 years ago

    manor houses, country/town houses, estates, unusual houses, quaint houses, modern/ancient/beautiful/ugly houses.... but not ordinary from palaces and castles to mud huts

  • OUTDOOR ART... by nature +or mankind

    OUTDOOR ART... by nature +or mankind

    Created 16 years ago

    .... art from the hand of nature (especially appreciated) or from "mankind" or both together, but specifically "art" and specifically outside in the open air...... sculpture, pattern, design, colour, light, sky, water, form, shape, transient / mythology / supernatural / surreal / humour / architecture, painting / graffiti.... its up to you, hopefully will provoke/inspire!!

  • Vaults


    Created 16 years ago

    Collect pictures from Vaults (e.g. in a church) Please add pictures of ceilings only.