Régis Desailly's groups

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Public groups in which Régis Desailly is an administrator
16 groups in total

  • *** Plus de 200 visites ***

    *** Plus de 200 visites ***

    Created 14 years ago

    Vos photos qui ont obtenues plus de 200 visites....c'est simple, hein ??

  • Celles qui me plaisent exclusivement!

    Celles qui me plaisent exclusivement!

    Created 15 years ago

    Dans ce groupe, je n'y met que les seul photos que j'aurais envie d'accrocher chez moi...... Ce qui ne veut pas dire que les autres ne sont pas bien, mais certaines photos me font vibrer plus que d'autres.... Normal non? . Amitiée à tous.

  • Chiche !

    Chiche !

    Created 15 years ago

    From a photo "raw" one of the group, we offer to other members of the rework according to its sensitivity and propose to the group. To participate you must be a member of the The game that lasts 14 days: 7 days to create an image, 7 votes for, results and a new photo. The winner of the deposited Fortnight a picture on Sunday, "" THE GROUP "". Participants must "create" one or more images or part of this picture is visible and deposits it in the blog with an ID order. (Days 1 to 7) Sunday night…

  • La photo ou les qui vous représentent le plus .....

    La photo ou les qui vous représentent le plus .....

    Created 15 years ago

    Se situer par rapport à nos propres photos.....en se disant ..tiens celle là c'est du moi.." craché "....et le montrer aux autres .... cela vous parle ..ou moi avoir parlé chinois ...?? si vous pouviez expliquer le choix de votre photos..ce serait super ... merci par avance de jouer le jeu de ...qui suis je ?....

  • Showcase


    Created 15 years ago

    We all have our most favorite shots among our own production, the ones that we enjoy every time we see them but no one notices them because these photos fell to the bottom of our photostream. This group is where you can 'showcase' the best of your photos. The selection of your 3 better pictures is surely difficult, consider that it is a commissioner of exhibition who asked you. To improve the visibility of his/her showcase, each one can post a topic in which he/she put his/her 3 bette…

  • les tofs qui rient

  • Oltre


    Created 15 years ago

    Scoprire l'immagine, trovare particolari e significati nascosti da individuare.

  • Maritim Atmosphere

    Maritim Atmosphere

    Created 15 years ago

    Maritim moods: Ocean, sand, boats, roaps, fishing nets, gulls, shells, beach, lighthouses, beach chairs, anchors, sails, quays, bollards, and so on… Please, NO images of nude beach! Please, NO cargo ships, freighter, cruise liners - therefor other groups! Thank you!

  • "ciels et nuages"  "skies and clouds"

    "ciels et nuages" "skies and clouds"

    Created 16 years ago

    tous les beaux ciels avec de beaux nuages

  • Agri CULTURE

    Agri CULTURE

    Created 16 years ago

    Compiler des belles photos qui racontent a travers le monde, l'agriculture, l'élevage et la condition paysane d'hiers ou d'aujourdh'ui

  • wetter


    Created 16 years ago

    wetter is the german word for weather

  • ¤ LubσLυя

    ¤ LubσLυя

    Created 16 years ago

    Merci pour votre participation à ¤ LubσLυя.......

  • Reportage


    Created 16 years ago

    Welcome to Reportage! Reportage is a group about social and political life, events and facts, all around the world, given through your lens. Please be free to open topics related to the general atmosphere of the group.

  • Le pays ch'ti.......

    Le pays ch'ti.......

    Created 16 years ago

    Images relatives au paysage du Nord, Pas de Calais et Picardie.

  • Clochers


    Created 16 years ago

    rassembler de belles photos de clochers de nos villes et nos villages et éventuellement d'autres pays. attention, Clocher ne veut pas dire église,

  • Bateaux et accessoires (boats and accessory)

    Bateaux et accessoires (boats and accessory)

    Created 16 years ago

    Mettre en commun les plus belles photos concernant les bateaux de tous types ainsi que leurs accessoires (filets, casiers, winches, poulies, pièces d'accastillage). Share the most beautiful photos concerning the boats of any types as well as their accessories (nets, drawers, winches, pulleys, details, etc)

Public groups in which Régis Desailly is a moderator
3 groups in total



    Created 16 years ago

    Collecter des photos si possible pas trop détournées par des traitements abusifs, à moins qu'elles ne soient considérées comme chef d'oeuvres par vos contacts (plus de 400 visites pour une carte de voeux par exemple ) Les membres deviennent automatiquement modérateurs. Ceci leur permet de proposer directement des documents qu'ils souhaitent associer au groupe ou d'inviter des amis. L'administrateur n'est que l'initiateur du groupe. C'est la confiance qui est prépondérente. Pour éviter un trop…

  • Architecture in France

    Architecture in France

    Created 17 years ago

    Photographs of architecture in France, contemporary architecture, old or heritage. This group proposes to gather photographs of architecture. Is to say of detail, of a building, of a street, of a village or a city interesting from the architectural point of view. There is no definite period. One can go from oldest to most modern but we only accept quality architectures.

  • 0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT

    0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT

    Created 17 years ago

    Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility. CLOSED Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists. If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen. www.ipernity.com/group/busters/network/1

Public groups in which Régis Desailly is a member
56 groups in total

  • Fleurs en folie,Flowers in madness

    Fleurs en folie,Flowers in madness

    Created 12 years ago

    all existing flowers ... You can put flowers of any kind! framed and HDR will be accepted! Also the buds of flowers but only photos and videos! Plants fat but flowery. and even creations from your flowers! We reserve the right to delete photos that do not correspond ... Thank's everyone.