HarveNYC's groups

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Public groups in which HarveNYC is an administrator
3 groups in total

  • boobs


    Created 11 years ago

    boobs, boobies, tits, titties, titten, tatas, busen, breast, breasts

  • Topless New York

    Topless New York

    Created 11 years ago

    Since 1992, it has been Legal for Women in New York to be Topless anywhere it's Legal for a Man to be Topless. Few actually take advantage of this right, but some do. This group is dedicated to those who Bare their Souls (and their Breasts) in the Great State of New York

  • photos beauté

    photos beauté

    Created 14 years ago

    des photos tout style de tous secteurs

Public groups in which HarveNYC is a member
17 groups in total

  • No censorship

    No censorship

    Created 15 years ago

    Sneaking and unperceived by many, censorship has found its way into ipernity. Suspended accounts are becoming more and more commonplace these days – a fate that has not only affected members presenting frontal nudity, but also those who displayed works of art which were the outcome of hours, days and years worth of creative deliberation. In any case, censorship must not be tolerated. Especially not on a platform which, two years ago, had no qualms actively touting itself as the cosmopolit…

  • New Flickr Survivors

    New Flickr Survivors

    Created 11 years ago

    A group for all the Flickr Members who left for Ipernity and of course the other also This is a general Group, but PLEASE NO NUDITY Banner by YaensArt from DeviantArt Stocks : Autumncheshire, Hyenacub-Stock, SolStock & LittleWhiteWitch, all from DA

  • Nudism


    Created 17 years ago

    Real nudist all around the world.

  • Portrait


    Created 17 years ago

    Welcome to portrait photos group. Please add a tag "portrait". To keep this Portrait group a real group for Portraiture, the rules of the group have been revised to the following: 1 - Only Portraits of a Person or People are allowed in the group. 2 - The Person or People must be the main subject matter in the image. 3 - Nudes are allowed. Porn, fetish, bondage, ... do not belong in the portrait group. 4 - Only post photos you shot yourself and for which you own the copyright. Photos f…

  • nudes in color - females or males

    nudes in color - females or males

    Created 15 years ago

    Kein Schwarz-Weiss, nur Akt, Aktfotos, Teilaktfotos in Farbe Frauen, Männer oder Paare Du musst das Veröffentlichungsrecht haben! Keine fremden Bilder aus dem web! "Künstlerische" Fotos; keine Schnappschüsse. Keine heimlichen Aufnahmen / candid shots ! ------------ No b&w, only fine art nudes, partly nudes in color. Woman, men or couples. (Partly)Nudes are welcome No photos of which You don't have the Copyright! No netfinds! "Fine art" photos; no snapshots. No candid shots ! ------…

  • Naturist-Beach


    Created 15 years ago

    To share images and stories with each other of our favourite nude beach across the world. This "public" group replaces Naturist Beach (without the hyphen) because that group was sandbagged by its "private" setting and could not be re-set. Nobody could find it without being invited.

  • Wow she turns heads

    Wow she turns heads

    Created 10 years ago

    Ladies who dress to turn heads we are talking about complete outfits not just shoes or just a face shot must be your own work and good quality shots no blanked out faces or web finds

  • Artistic Nudes

    Artistic Nudes

    Created 16 years ago

    Art nudes, female and male. Only original work. No web pics. No porn. Nudi artistici, donne e uomini. Sono accettate solo foto originali. Niente foto trovate sul web! Niente porno

  • True Naturism

    True Naturism

    Created 15 years ago

    Members to say how they live the naturist lifestyle, what problems and what benefits come from a clothesfree life. Pictures should be wholesome naked/nude of either gender, preferably your own, not from the net! Lets us have YOUR views and pictures of being naked in natural situations, in/outdoors!



    Created 16 years ago

    please try to be creative!! and post just PHOTOS! I guess that the photos in our group are really good! All things with taste. Picturing beauty! No explicit images please! And Photography only. Only staged photos! NO images of which i don\'t have the ©opyright! this means only shotz U made, Btw posting © pix will get u banned! We really hate thieves No more than 3 images a day Break the rules and you could get kicked from the group, without warning. Try again, and behave.…

  • ~Fetish Wear~   HOT bodywear & Lingerie clothing styles

    ~Fetish Wear~ HOT bodywear & Lingerie clothing styles

    Created 16 years ago

    The list of available styles of clothing to post are listed below: Dresses, underwear, bra's, mini-skirts, tight gloves, stockings, garter-belts, corsets, slips, catsuits, zentai outfits, workout/exercise clothing, swimwear, gothic, & etc. All the above must have or be in the style of: Holographic, Spandex, Lycra, Nylon, Latex, Leather, PVC, wet looking, dominatrix,, submissive (LIGHT bondage, and/or submissive is acceptable)) cute, & kinky. As long as it is hot looking, tight, shiny, or we…

  • working girls who look good wile working

    working girls who look good wile working

    Created 13 years ago

    Girls or woman at or going to work that have attracted your camera this can be anything from a well dressed business woman to a girl in overalls or uniform. Must be your own work good clear photographs and no blurred out faces

  • 0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT

    0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT

    Created 17 years ago

    Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility. CLOSED Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists. If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen. www.ipernity.com/group/busters/network/1

  • Nu, la pudeur.

    Nu, la pudeur.

    Created 14 years ago

    Déposer des photos pudique juste des corps féminins, pas de vulgarité SVP, merci

  • voyeur


    Created 16 years ago

    Voyeurism, photos for voyeur. The photos of simple candid are not welcome. Voyeurism, photos for voyeur. Upskirt, downblouse, oops, a nipple which we see through the blouse, Peek~A~Boo, etc... All which is seen and should not. Only personal shot. Administrators must have access to the big sizes

  • I Shoot Film

    I Shoot Film

    Created 11 years ago

    This is the place for film lovers to post their work and talk about everything film. Members may start topics on any subject. Please mark off-topic threads with 'OT' Please invite your friends and contacts. Please mail me with any suggestions or start a thread. This is a democracy - thanks. More to come......... *update* I have limited the upload limit to 5 per day - this is so the front page doesn't get filled up with uploads by the same person. I hope this is to everyone's satisfaction.…

  • Fantastic Girls - Public Edition

    Fantastic Girls - Public Edition

    Created 17 years ago

    Hot girls 100% natural las chicas mas ricas de la calle 100 x ciento natural