P.R.Baptista's groups

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Public groups in which P.R.Baptista is an administrator
12 groups in total

  • Sebastião Salgado

    Sebastião Salgado

    Created 16 years ago

    To gather, taking as reference the work of Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado, photographic and textual documents, which refer to the understanding of Photography as a form of expression that has to do at the same time by aesthetic categories as well social commitments. The idea is that the group, probably, will not be large. The participation occurs since the moment of an invitation to include a photo in the group. It is not necessary, in principle, join the group for this.

  • Amrum


    Created 16 years ago

    Amrum is a small German island in the North Sea, only a few kilometers off the shore. While tourism generates the main income for its inhabitants, they managed to maintain their own “green” philosophy of preserving the unique landscape – environment awareness and protection is a big issue on Amrum. Please feel invited to share your own work – photos, drawings, paintings, stories and poetry alike – that in one way or another deals with or is inspired by this lovely place on earth. :^)

  • Critique


    Created 17 years ago

    Welcome to the critique group. This group is about discussions about photography and about helping each other improve. It is about constructive and respectful criticism but also praise. There are some rules to be aware of: 1- Photos can now be posted to the group pool and discussion threads--limit 2/day. All photos posted are subject to critique. 2- Courtesy and respect are essential. 3- It is understood that photos submitted to the group may be downloaded and "tweaked" by o…

  • Brasil / Brazil

  • Blanco y Negro

    Blanco y Negro

    Created 16 years ago

    Fotografías en blanco y negro o virados. Abierto a todo el mundo o nacionalidad aunque los comentarios deberán ser realizados en español.

  • Social photography

    Social photography

    Created 17 years ago

    To show obviously social grievances (poverty, exploitation, discrimination, ecocide etc.) as well as rather abstract issues (surveillance, bullying, fear, loneliness etc.) in order to inspire to think about it and to network.

  • Leica


    Created 17 years ago

    FOR PHOTOS TAKEN WITH LEICA CAMERA (Digital or Film) WHAT IS LEICA Leica is the name of several cameras produced by a German company of the same name. The company, formerly Ernst Leitz GmbH, is now three companies: Leica Camera AG, which produces cameras; ... read more

  • The Bike Gallery ( invited exhibitors)

    The Bike Gallery ( invited exhibitors)

    Created 15 years ago

    Bikes seen in situations where its presence is relevant as an element in human relations This element can be of aesthetic order, social, economic or other. An important aspect is that comments will always have incentive.

  • Lisboa (Lisbon)

    Lisboa (Lisbon)

    Created 17 years ago

    Photos taken in Lisbon, Portugal.



    Created 16 years ago

    REVIEWED PHOTOGRAPHY ( www.ipernity.com/group/91535 ) is a experimental trial to emphasize a little more the sense of analysis when seeing a photo. With this objective the primary motivation and condition for a photo to be submited is the prior existence of a COMMENT with such intention.

  • Black Cats // Chats Noirs

    Black Cats // Chats Noirs

    Created 16 years ago

    Une belle photo de chat noir? c'est par ici! Pour tous les amoureux non supersticieux de ces majestueux petits félins! Etablissons la plus grande galerie de chats noirs du web ! ;-) You have a beautiful picture of a black cat? You are a non supersticious lover of those majestic felines? This group is for you! Let's make the big webgallery of black cats !

  • Black and White Seascapes

    Black and White Seascapes

    Created 17 years ago

    Post your Dark and moody black and white pics of the worlds seas and oceans---any people or buildings should be secondary to the landscape

Public groups in which P.R.Baptista is a member
62 groups in total