This group is about photographs that have the male gender as the main subject matter. This group's aim is to picture the male in all his aspects.
Acceptable submissions include:
Photos of your husband, boyfriend, best buddy, co-worker, father, brother, self portrait, men doing their jobs or enjoying some recreation time. Candid or posed images are fine.
Unacceptable submissions include:
1. Nudity or erotic images. While that is certaintly a part of any man's life it is not what this g…
Classic cars are usually over 30 years old, but some classic makes can be as little as 10 years old. A vehicle should be a Road one, not a plane, train. boat or tractor. Photos should preferably show the whole vehicle or be a set.
The aim of the group is to have a collection of Quality photos showing classic vehicles. Sorry but poor quality work will be deleted.
Post and comment on fellow members posts.
People who do not follow the spirit of Ipernity group guidelines or the aims of this group w…
Toutes les "images miroirs" sont les bienvenues, dans l'eau, miroirs, verre, fenêtres, vitrines, métal, etc ...
Alle " Spiegelbilder " sind willkommen , im Wasser , Spiegel , Glas , Fenster, Schaufenster , Metall usw ...
All "mirror images" are welcome, in the water, Mirrors, glass, windows, shop windows, metal etc ...
Tutte le "immagini dello specchio" sono i benvenuti, in acqua, specchi, vetro, finestre, vetrine, metallo ecc ...
Less is More, a place to demonstrate the virtues of simplicity
HERE IS A LINK TO "la terrace............m i n i m a l",
a fine example of what is minimal:
Sämtliche Früchte in Allen Formen und Variationen...
Tutti i frutti in tutte le forme e variazioni ...
Tous les fruits toutes formes et variations ...
All fruits in all shapes and variations ...
ford cars autos Auto Car Autos Cars automotive carro vehicle vehicles voiture coche αυτοκίνητο cotxe automobil
Samochód karozza transport carros coches voitures traffic wagen
Please only post pictures, you have taken in the evening (at dusk) or at night.
Bitte nur Bilder posten, die du am Abend (bei Dämmerung) oder in der Nacht aufgenommen hast.
Monumente ,Gedenksteine...Im Besonderen soll ein Monument das Andenken an historisch bedeutende Personen oder Ereignisse in dauernder Weise erhalten.
Monuments, memorial stones, memorial meal ...In particular, should a monument preserve the memory of historically significant persons or events in continuous manner.
Monuments, les monuments commémoratifs...En particulier, un monument devrait conserver la mémoire des personnes ou des événements historiquement imp…
Wide variety of pix shot with Canon cameras. It wouldn't hurt a bit if the pix are prize winners, excellent, memorable, funny, dazzling or sexy!
Let's see what we can do!
Zeigen sie uns ihr Dorf , ihre Stadt , Region , Land wo sie leben. Landschaft , Kultur , Lebensart...
Montrez-nous votre village, votre ville, région, pays où vous vivez. Paysage, culture, mode de vie ...
Show us your village, your town, region, country on where you live. Landscape, culture, way of life ...
Facci vedere paese, la tua città, regione, paese in cui vivono. Paesaggio, cultura, stile di vita ...
All colourful images are welcome, the brighter and more vibrant, the better. No washed out poorly focused images please. You may use the text comment code if you wish. :) Please feel free to post your images in the group's queue for admin approval. Thank you!
Sehr bunt , farbenfroh oder aber S /W mit selektiver Farbe sind die Kriterien für diese Gruppe ! Starke Farbkontraste !
Magnifiquement coloré, ou N / B avec la couleur sélective sont les critères pour ce groupe! En somme, de véritables " eye - catcher " ! Forts contrastes de couleurs !
Beautifully colorful, colorful, or B / W with selective color are the criteria for this group! Real Eye-Catchers up! Strong color contrasts !
Splendidamente colorito, o N / B con c…
Une paréidolie (aussi écrit pareidolie, du grec ancien para-, « à côté de », et eidôlon, diminutif d’eidos, « apparence, forme ») est une sorte d'illusion d'optique qui consiste à associer un stimulus visuel informe et ambigu à un élément clair et identifiable, souvent une forme humaine ou animale.
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Public groups in which Sebby is a member114 groups in total
This group is about photographs that have the male gender as the main subject matter. This group's aim is to picture the male in all his aspects. Acceptable submissions include: Photos of your husband, boyfriend, best buddy, co-worker, father, brother, self portrait, men doing their jobs or enjoying some recreation time. Candid or posed images are fine. Unacceptable submissions include: 1. Nudity or erotic images. While that is certaintly a part of any man's life it is not what this g…
Classic Cars & Road Vehicles
Classic cars are usually over 30 years old, but some classic makes can be as little as 10 years old. A vehicle should be a Road one, not a plane, train. boat or tractor. Photos should preferably show the whole vehicle or be a set. The aim of the group is to have a collection of Quality photos showing classic vehicles. Sorry but poor quality work will be deleted. Post and comment on fellow members posts. People who do not follow the spirit of Ipernity group guidelines or the aims of this group w…
Cars From Around The World
To include Classic Cars, Vintage Cars, Veteran Cars, Muscle Cars, Performance Cars, etc.
" 100 % MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio " Toutes les "images miroirs" sont les bienvenues, dans l'eau, miroirs, verre, fenêtres, vitrines, métal, etc ... Alle " Spiegelbilder " sind willkommen , im Wasser , Spiegel , Glas , Fenster, Schaufenster , Metall usw ... All "mirror images" are welcome, in the water, Mirrors, glass, windows, shop windows, metal etc ... Tutte le "immagini dello specchio" sono i benvenuti, in acqua, specchi, vetro, finestre, vetrine, metallo ecc ...
Less is More, a place to demonstrate the virtues of simplicity LESS IS MORE:MINIMAL IN IPERNITY group. HERE IS A LINK TO "la terrace............m i n i m a l", a fine example of what is minimal:
TUTTI I FRUTTI Sämtliche Früchte in Allen Formen und Variationen... Tutti i frutti in tutte le forme e variazioni ... Tous les fruits toutes formes et variations ... All fruits in all shapes and variations ...
FORD car auto
ford cars autos Auto Car Autos Cars automotive carro vehicle vehicles voiture coche αυτοκίνητο cotxe automobil Samochód karozza transport carros coches voitures traffic wagen
Images, taken in the EVENING or at NIGHT
Please only post pictures, you have taken in the evening (at dusk) or at night. Bitte nur Bilder posten, die du am Abend (bei Dämmerung) oder in der Nacht aufgenommen hast.
Just a monument please Monumente ,Gedenksteine...Im Besonderen soll ein Monument das Andenken an historisch bedeutende Personen oder Ereignisse in dauernder Weise erhalten. Monuments, memorial stones, memorial meal ...In particular, should a monument preserve the memory of historically significant persons or events in continuous manner. Monuments, les monuments commémoratifs...En particulier, un monument devrait conserver la mémoire des personnes ou des événements historiquement imp…
lines and curves
This is for images where curves or lines form a dominant theme.
Pictures with humans...
Wide variety of pix shot with Canon cameras. It wouldn't hurt a bit if the pix are prize winners, excellent, memorable, funny, dazzling or sexy! Let's see what we can do!
Diagonal compositions
" Bilder aus der Region wo ich wohne... Photos de la région où je vis ...Pictures from the region where I live ..." Zeigen sie uns ihr Dorf , ihre Stadt , Region , Land wo sie leben. Landschaft , Kultur , Lebensart... Montrez-nous votre village, votre ville, région, pays où vous vivez. Paysage, culture, mode de vie ... Show us your village, your town, region, country on where you live. Landscape, culture, way of life ... Facci vedere paese, la tua città, regione, paese in cui vivono. Paesaggio, cultura, stile di vita ...
Songbirds From Around the World
This is a group dedicated to song birds, also known as perching birds or passerines.
We want to present our photos showing for example as an eyecatcher the couleurs pink, orange or red.
All colourful images are welcome, the brighter and more vibrant, the better. No washed out poorly focused images please. You may use the text comment code if you wish. :) Please feel free to post your images in the group's queue for admin approval. Thank you!
...A real eye catcher... Sehr bunt , farbenfroh oder aber S /W mit selektiver Farbe sind die Kriterien für diese Gruppe ! Starke Farbkontraste ! Magnifiquement coloré, ou N / B avec la couleur sélective sont les critères pour ce groupe! En somme, de véritables " eye - catcher " ! Forts contrastes de couleurs ! Beautifully colorful, colorful, or B / W with selective color are the criteria for this group! Real Eye-Catchers up! Strong color contrasts ! Splendidamente colorito, o N / B con c…
Une paréidolie (aussi écrit pareidolie, du grec ancien para-, « à côté de », et eidôlon, diminutif d’eidos, « apparence, forme ») est une sorte d'illusion d'optique qui consiste à associer un stimulus visuel informe et ambigu à un élément clair et identifiable, souvent une forme humaine ou animale.
MACRO of insects, spiders, arachnids, myriapods
Only insects, spiders, scorpions, myriapods and mites in macro or Close!