Dette er en gruppe for nordiske naturfortografer og bilder fra norden.
Ikke post bilder fra dyrehager. Ellers er alle naturbilder velkomne.
This is a group for nordic nature photographers and nature images from the nordic countries.
Do not post images from animals in captivity. Otherwise, all nature images are welcome.
About Lines&Curves - Post 1: Comment 1
This pool is all about lines, curves, diagonals. They can be alone or all together.
Geometry in what you see. Show us your geometric eye.
The kind of photographs we want to look at in this group are:
- only pictures with lines, curves, diagonals ... geometrical aspects
- photos with a strong geometric element
- lines&curves should be the main element in the photo
The kind of pictures we DO NOT want in this group are:
- videos
- paintings, sketches,…
Public groups in which Jan Erik Andresen is a member
Une place est un espace public non bâti, desservi par des voies de communication ; elle peut être affectée aux piétons et/ou aux véhicules.
Elle est généralement limitée par des bâtiments, dotée d'un traitement du sol minéral, équipée de mobilier urbain ou d'édicules (statue, fontaine, obélisque, etc.)
Si elle est de petite superficie, elle portera plutôt le diminutif de placette.
Ein Platz ist im städtebaulichen Kontext eine von Gebäuden umbaute freie Fläch…
UNESCO Weltkulturerbe: Das Schönste, was Mensch und Natur uns hinterlassen haben.
Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO: La plus belle chose que l'homme et la nature nous ont laissé.
UNESCO World Heritage Site: The most beautiful thing Man and nature have left us.
Patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO: La cosa più bella che l'uomo e la natura ci hanno lasciato.
Les cours d'eau: Tous les types de ruisseaux, rivières et cascades ...
Die Wasserläufe: Alle Arten von Bächen , Flüssen und Wasserfällen...
The watercourses: All types of streams, rivers and waterfalls ...
I corsi d'acqua: tutti i tipi di ruscelli, fiumi e cascate ...
Detailaufnahmen aus dem Technologiebereich!
Detail shots from the field of technology!
Colpi di dettaglio dal campo della tecnologia!
Les détails du domaine de la technologie!
Die Industriegeschichte als schützenswerte kulturelle Leistung...
The industrial history as worth protecting cultural performance ...
L'histoire industrielle digne d'être protégé dans sa performance culturelle ...
La storia industriale come pena proteggere manifestazione culturale ...
Alle Arten von Fotos, die mit einem passendem Titel , Erklärungen zum Thema sowie evtl. mit einem Link dokumentiert sind...
Toutes sortes de photos qui sont documentés avec un titre approprié, des explications sur le sujet , éventuellement avec un lien ...
All kinds of photos that are even documented with a suitable title, and explanations about , eventually with a link ...
Tutti i tipi di foto che sono anche documentati con un titolo adatto e affermazioni r…
Die seelischen Eigenschaften eines Menschen :Freude, Wut, Ekel, Furcht, Verachtung, Traurigkeit und Überraschung.
The psychological characteristics of a person :Happyness, anger, disgust, fear, disdain, sadness and astonishment.
Les caractéristiques psychologiques d'une personne: Joie, la colère, le dégoût, la peur, le mépris, la tristesse et la surprise.
Le caratteristiche psicologiche di una persona: Gioia, rabbia, disgusto, paura, il disprezzo, la tr…
Menschen am Arbeitsplatz entdecken. Découvrir les gens au lieu de travail. Discover people at the workplace. Scoprite le persone sul posto di lavoro.
Alles über die Pause zwischendurch...
Kaffee , Tee , sowie die passenden Beilagen...
Zucker , Gebäck , Snacks und Süsses !
À propos des pauses ...
Café, thé, et des plats correspondants secondaires ...
Sucre, des biscuits, les petits pains , baguettes , les en-cas et des friandises!
All about the breaks ...
Coffee, tea, well as the suitable side dishes ...
Sugar, bisc…
This group features photography projects which are once-a-week submissions that follow a specific weekly theme. Previous project was Textures, and we are currently having a break in our projects. A new project will be announced in 2016, see you then! :)
Diese Gruppe beinhaltet Photografie-Projekte, die jede Woche ein eigenes Thema haben. Das letzte Projekt hieß: Gegensätze. Das neue Projekt hat "Texturen/Oberflächen" zum Thema und startet am 14. September. Das erste Thema wird "weich" sein. Jed…
The Black & White loves beautiful pictures and their members. Beautiful and friendly is The Black & White's watchwords.
A single objective: TBW
Visible use of 'hdr' will not be accepted. As well as software of image editings such Photoshop etc... Refused frame. Well, not always ;) but do not overdo them!.
Panoramas accepted on the admin's recognizance.
No selective color, please.
> Free admission for the Moderators and Invitations.
Or moderating validation. 3 contributions a day.
Visit TBW.…
Chairs, benches, any place to sit down.
Les chaises, bancs, les lieux où on peut s'asseoir.
Stühle, Bänke, jeder Ort wo man sich hinsetzen kann.
Sillas, bancos, los lugares donde tu puedes sentarse.
Sedie, panche, i posti in cui sedersi.
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Jan Erik Andresen is an administrator4 groups in total
Art Collection
Pictures of all kinds which attracted my attention & I would hang them on my walls... :-)
Fotografies del carrer, Photos de la rue, Bildoj de la strato
Nordiske naturbilder / Nordic nature
Dette er en gruppe for nordiske naturfortografer og bilder fra norden. Ikke post bilder fra dyrehager. Ellers er alle naturbilder velkomne. This is a group for nordic nature photographers and nature images from the nordic countries. Do not post images from animals in captivity. Otherwise, all nature images are welcome.
Lines & Curves - post 1: comment 1
About Lines&Curves - Post 1: Comment 1 This pool is all about lines, curves, diagonals. They can be alone or all together. Geometry in what you see. Show us your geometric eye. RULES The kind of photographs we want to look at in this group are: - only pictures with lines, curves, diagonals ... geometrical aspects - photos with a strong geometric element - lines&curves should be the main element in the photo The kind of pictures we DO NOT want in this group are: - videos - paintings, sketches,…
Public groups in which Jan Erik Andresen is a member41 groups in total
A town square ... Places et Placettes...Zentrale Plätze ... Piazze in urbano Une place est un espace public non bâti, desservi par des voies de communication ; elle peut être affectée aux piétons et/ou aux véhicules. Elle est généralement limitée par des bâtiments, dotée d'un traitement du sol minéral, équipée de mobilier urbain ou d'édicules (statue, fontaine, obélisque, etc.) Si elle est de petite superficie, elle portera plutôt le diminutif de placette. Ein Platz ist im städtebaulichen Kontext eine von Gebäuden umbaute freie Fläch…
UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe...UNESCO World Heritage…Patrimoine Mondial de l‘UNESCO UNESCO Weltkulturerbe: Das Schönste, was Mensch und Natur uns hinterlassen haben. Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO: La plus belle chose que l'homme et la nature nous ont laissé. UNESCO World Heritage Site: The most beautiful thing Man and nature have left us. Patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO: La cosa più bella che l'uomo e la natura ci hanno lasciato.
" 100% Cours d'eau ... Wasserlauf ... Watercourse...I corsi d'acqua ... "
Les cours d'eau: Tous les types de ruisseaux, rivières et cascades ... Die Wasserläufe: Alle Arten von Bächen , Flüssen und Wasserfällen... The watercourses: All types of streams, rivers and waterfalls ... I corsi d'acqua: tutti i tipi di ruscelli, fiumi e cascate ...
Fascination of Technology Detailaufnahmen aus dem Technologiebereich! Detail shots from the field of technology! Colpi di dettaglio dal campo della tecnologia! Les détails du domaine de la technologie!
" All about Kitsch " Firlefanz, Kinkerlitzchen, Klimbim, Kram, Krempel, Krimskrams, Plunder, Ramsch, Schnickschnack, Schund, Tand, Flitter, Flitterkram, Mist, Zeug, Kitsch... Friperie, bibelots, Klimbim, Kram, désordre, désordre, ordures, ordure, bibelots, trash, bibelots, babioles, bibelots, de la merde, des trucs kitsch Frippery, trinkets, Klimbim, Kram, clutter, clutter, trash, junk, knick-knacks, trash, trinkets, baubles, trinkets, crap, stuff Kitsch Fronzoli, bigiotteria…
" 1 A Industriedenkmäler / 1A industrial monuments" " Die Industriegeschichte als schützenswerte kulturelle Leistung... The industrial history as worth protecting cultural performance ... L'histoire industrielle digne d'être protégé dans sa performance culturelle ... La storia industriale come pena proteggere manifestazione culturale ...
" EXIF - Excellente Informative Fotografie " Alle Arten von Fotos, die mit einem passendem Titel , Erklärungen zum Thema sowie evtl. mit einem Link dokumentiert sind... Toutes sortes de photos qui sont documentés avec un titre approprié, des explications sur le sujet , éventuellement avec un lien ... All kinds of photos that are even documented with a suitable title, and explanations about , eventually with a link ... Tutti i tipi di foto che sono anche documentati con un titolo adatto e affermazioni r…
" A characteristic facial appearance " Die seelischen Eigenschaften eines Menschen :Freude, Wut, Ekel, Furcht, Verachtung, Traurigkeit und Überraschung. The psychological characteristics of a person :Happyness, anger, disgust, fear, disdain, sadness and astonishment. Les caractéristiques psychologiques d'une personne: Joie, la colère, le dégoût, la peur, le mépris, la tristesse et la surprise. Le caratteristiche psicologiche di una persona: Gioia, rabbia, disgusto, paura, il disprezzo, la tr…
All people at their work places Menschen am Arbeitsplatz entdecken. Découvrir les gens au lieu de travail. Discover people at the workplace. Scoprite le persone sul posto di lavoro.
A Coffee and Tea Time Alles über die Pause zwischendurch... Kaffee , Tee , sowie die passenden Beilagen... Zucker , Gebäck , Snacks und Süsses ! À propos des pauses ... Café, thé, et des plats correspondants secondaires ... Sucre, des biscuits, les petits pains , baguettes , les en-cas et des friandises! All about the breaks ... Coffee, tea, well as the suitable side dishes ... Sugar, bisc…
Night-time ambience
Show all the images taken during the evening or at night.
10-Week Picture Projects: Taking A Time-Out :)
This group features photography projects which are once-a-week submissions that follow a specific weekly theme. Previous project was Textures, and we are currently having a break in our projects. A new project will be announced in 2016, see you then! :) Diese Gruppe beinhaltet Photografie-Projekte, die jede Woche ein eigenes Thema haben. Das letzte Projekt hieß: Gegensätze. Das neue Projekt hat "Texturen/Oberflächen" zum Thema und startet am 14. September. Das erste Thema wird "weich" sein. Jed…
All in the house. Still life, still lives, rooms, furnishings, signs of life.
'The Black & White'
The Black & White loves beautiful pictures and their members. Beautiful and friendly is The Black & White's watchwords. A single objective: TBW Visible use of 'hdr' will not be accepted. As well as software of image editings such Photoshop etc... Refused frame. Well, not always ;) but do not overdo them!. Panoramas accepted on the admin's recognizance. No selective color, please. > Free admission for the Moderators and Invitations. Or moderating validation. 3 contributions a day. Visit TBW.…
Cucho B&W
Black and white photos only Bitte nur Schwarzweiß-Fotografie.
Sit down
Chairs, benches, any place to sit down. Les chaises, bancs, les lieux où on peut s'asseoir. Stühle, Bänke, jeder Ort wo man sich hinsetzen kann. Sillas, bancos, los lugares donde tu puedes sentarse. Sedie, panche, i posti in cui sedersi.