Claudia Nikolajenkova's groups

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Public groups in which Claudia Nikolajenkova is an administrator
1 group in total

  • Foto Thing

    Foto Thing

    Created 11 years ago

    Foto Thing is a Photo blog that was very popular in the past. Members from Foto Thing are welcome to add their images here. I have been a member of FotoThing since 2005, I know many friends from there BUT I do not know them all, so if you would like to join just say your FotoThing user name. Hans is also an administrator, so you may join through Hans as well. John Oudenaar is also an administrator (a.k.a. Jomoud on Fotothing)

Public groups in which Claudia Nikolajenkova is a member
1 group in total

  • Arte abstracto

    Arte abstracto

    Created 11 years ago

    Serà considerat com a art abstracte aquella imatge que proposi una nova relitat en major o menor mesura diferent de la natural. Abstrakta arto estas konsiderata kiel bildo kiu proponas novan realeco al pli granda aŭ malgranda mezuro ol la natura.