Martin M. Miles' groups

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Public groups in which Martin M. Miles is an administrator
6 groups in total

  • Music is in the air

    Music is in the air

    Created 8 years ago

  • Rotunda - Round Churches - Rotonde - Rundkirchen

    Rotunda - Round Churches - Rotonde - Rundkirchen

    Created 10 years ago

    Round buildings/structures have been used as temples in very early times. In Early Christianity round buildings were used as churches, chapels, baptisteries or ossuaries. Round buildings like Santo Stefano Rotondo (Rome) or San Vitale (Ravenna) have influenced architecture for centuries. When from around 1000 on, the floor plan of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem was widely distributed, many rotunda got erected. Especially the Knights Templar spread the architectonic idea all over…

  • Cloisters / Chiostri / Claustros / Cloîtres

    Cloisters / Chiostri / Claustros / Cloîtres

    Created 16 months ago

    A cloister (from latin claustrum) is a part of cathedral and abbey architecture. A cloister consists usually of four corridors, with a courtyard or quad in the middle.

  • Medieval monasteries and convents

    Medieval monasteries and convents

    Created 2 years ago

    This group is dedicated to the monastic development between the end of the Roman Empire and the Reformation, i.e. architecturally from pre-Romanesque to Gothic. The region of interest includes Central Europe but also Eastern Europe, the former Byzantine Empire and the Levant.

  • Church Interiors

    Church Interiors

    Created 11 years ago

    Any image taken inside of any religious building - fonts, lecterns, hassocks, pulpits, carvings, pillars, pews, etc.

  • Carved Graffiti

    Carved Graffiti

    Created 9 years ago

    Vandals from the past that have carved their name, initials, date, picture into a wall, rock, wood or some kind of surface. These carved graffiti are often probably the only legacy of the creators. The older the better. Please geotag your photo. A graffiti is always illegal, while n inscription is always legal. Please do not add "modern" graffiti, created after 1950.

Public groups in which Martin M. Miles is a moderator
1 group in total

  • Cultural Landscapes/Tirluniau Diwylliannol

    Cultural Landscapes/Tirluniau Diwylliannol

    Created 11 years ago

    This is a group for LANDSCAPES + THE MARK OF MAN - generally NOT for TOWN & CITY or WILDERNESS shots, although distant views of towns etc. may be deemed suitable. Landscape is taken as being "A picture depicting an EXPANSE OF SCENERY and an aspect, or aspects, of the land characteristic of a particular region" "There exist a great variety of Landscapes that are representative of the different regions of the world. Combined works of nature and humankind, they express a long and intimate relati…

Public groups in which Martin M. Miles is a member
76 groups in total