La temática es que nos podamos unir para intercambiar libremente imágenes o copiarlas sin temor de que dichas imágenes estén protegidas por derecho de autor.
Recomendamos subir vuestras imágenes al Grupo que es de todos. Por lo menos una. ademas ella si gusta te derivará mucha gente a tu blog.
Spe Salvi Facti Sumus
Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam
"Nicht uns, o Herr, nicht uns, sondern Deinem Namen sei Ehre."
Everything that leads from one shore to the other, bridges, ferries, boats.... over brooks, rivers, bays.... But also everything that happens on or under bridges along the banks.
You are welcome to publish if you have suitable photos.
Fotos de paisajes de La Tierra.
Sólo paisajes, y/o a lo sumo,mapas o cartografías. Nula presencia del Género Homano (o Genera Humana); nada de Bípedos_as.
P.D.¡Ojo al dato!.
No se refiere a la Gastro Enteriitis Aguda.
Public groups in which Olga Belyaeva is a moderator
Seuls les "Dieux d'Ipernity" deviennent administrateur de ce groupe, ceux-ci ont comme mission d'inviter les Fées et Déesses d'Ipernity à rejoindre ce groupe en tant que modératrice et d'y mettre leurs plus beaux documents (1 par jour maximum). Les Dieux peuvent demander des documents aux Fées et Déesses mais les Fées et Déesses peuvent choisir elles-mêmes les documents qui vont figurer dans le groupe (1 par jour).
Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility.
Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists.
If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen.
hier könnt ihr verschiedene motive rein setzen
aber um eines bitte ich euch hier sollen keine nacktbilder usw rein !!!
here you can place different motive purely
but around a please I to you here none should go nacktbilder etc. purely!!!
Ritmos latinos: dentro de esta categoría genérica se encuadra una gran cantidad de subgéneros denominados en el mundo anglosajón "Latin music". Contiene una rica variedad de música ligada a la herencia cultural de los países latino-americanos, ejemplos de esta musica son la salsa, cumbia, merengue, vallenato, etc, con centro especial en el Caribe, incluyendo norte de Sud-América, Centro-américa, México, etc...
The art of painting around the world and throughout history ... Reproductions of paintings by great masters ... Including frescoes, mosaics and icons ... Please avoid: elusive perspectives, smaller formats that are not very clear, and the presence of people or objects partially obscuring the work ... Upload freely everything else that fits into the joy generated by beauty...
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Public groups in which Olga Belyaeva is an administrator5 groups in total
3 petites notes......
Tout ce qui est en rapport avec la musique classique et le lyrique...
Grupo del Intercambio Imagenes Gratis
La temática es que nos podamos unir para intercambiar libremente imágenes o copiarlas sin temor de que dichas imágenes estén protegidas por derecho de autor. Recomendamos subir vuestras imágenes al Grupo que es de todos. Por lo menos una. ademas ella si gusta te derivará mucha gente a tu blog.
Jesus . Spe Salvi Facti Sumus . Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam . "Nicht uns, o Herr, nicht uns, sondern Deinem Namen sei Ehre."
River crossings and embankments
Everything that leads from one shore to the other, bridges, ferries, boats.... over brooks, rivers, bays.... But also everything that happens on or under bridges along the banks. You are welcome to publish if you have suitable photos.
Fotos de paisajes de La Tierra. Sólo paisajes, y/o a lo sumo,mapas o cartografías. Nula presencia del Género Homano (o Genera Humana); nada de Bípedos_as. P.D.¡Ojo al dato!. No se refiere a la Gastro Enteriitis Aguda.
Public groups in which Olga Belyaeva is a moderator2 groups in total
Fées et Déesses d'Ipernity
Seuls les "Dieux d'Ipernity" deviennent administrateur de ce groupe, ceux-ci ont comme mission d'inviter les Fées et Déesses d'Ipernity à rejoindre ce groupe en tant que modératrice et d'y mettre leurs plus beaux documents (1 par jour maximum). Les Dieux peuvent demander des documents aux Fées et Déesses mais les Fées et Déesses peuvent choisir elles-mêmes les documents qui vont figurer dans le groupe (1 par jour). SEULES LES FÉES ET DÉESSES METTENT DES DOCUMENTS DANS LE GROUPE faites gaffes le…
0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT
Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility. CLOSED Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists. If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen.
Public groups in which Olga Belyaeva is a member39 groups in total
Photos of carnavals, masks, customs etc. from all over the world
lumière éternelle
lumière naturelle, astre du jour et contre-jour... à vos capteurs....
Moyen âge et histoire
médiéval et historique,et ancien. Tout Moyen âge...
Crocus flowers of any colour and variety
Amphibians (frogs, toads, newts, salamanders)
Photos of all types of amphibians. The animal should be the main subject of the photo, Other photos will be removed without comment!
Hansestadt Lübeck
Photos from the beautiful mediavel town Lübeck in the north of germany
verschiedene motive ... different motive
hier könnt ihr verschiedene motive rein setzen aber um eines bitte ich euch hier sollen keine nacktbilder usw rein !!! here you can place different motive purely but around a please I to you here none should go nacktbilder etc. purely!!!
Ritmos latinos
Ritmos latinos: dentro de esta categoría genérica se encuadra una gran cantidad de subgéneros denominados en el mundo anglosajón "Latin music". Contiene una rica variedad de música ligada a la herencia cultural de los países latino-americanos, ejemplos de esta musica son la salsa, cumbia, merengue, vallenato, etc, con centro especial en el Caribe, incluyendo norte de Sud-América, Centro-américa, México, etc...
Children's world (0-12 years)
Photos of childs in the range from 0 up to 12 years. Please write the city and state of the photo-location. Thanks.
Great painters of all time
The art of painting around the world and throughout history ... Reproductions of paintings by great masters ... Including frescoes, mosaics and icons ... Please avoid: elusive perspectives, smaller formats that are not very clear, and the presence of people or objects partially obscuring the work ... Upload freely everything else that fits into the joy generated by beauty...
Treppen und andere Auf- und Abgänge - Stairs and moving staircases etc.
Treppen, Auf- und Abgänge aller Art
Recenser les musiques misent à disposition par tous ainsi que les clips vidéos musicaux.
Bekannte Bauten alt und neu - Famous buildings ancient and modern
Das abbilden von Bauten, ob Hauser , Burgen , Schlösser, ,Brücken, alt und neu ( zb. Rathaus von Michelstadt, Eifelturm usw.)