Peter Castell's groups

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Public groups in which Peter Castell is a member
290 groups in total

  • Der ROTE Punkt - the RED point

    Der ROTE Punkt - the RED point

    Created 10 years ago

    Der Rote Punkt - the Red point soll ein Blickfang, ein Hingucker, ein Eyecatcher sein. Keine Roten Blumen mehr!! Kein Mohn oder Geranien u.s.w. The Red point should be a view point, an eye catcher, a red spot. No more Red flowers !!!

  • Animal-Art - Animal in art

    Animal-Art - Animal in art

    Created 14 months ago

    Animals in art... - painting - drawing - statues - sculptures - made of wood - No real animals! AI unwanted !!! No AI - KI !! there is a separate group for AI !!!!

  • spécial fêtes

    spécial fêtes

    Created 7 years ago

    Toutes les fêtes ! St Valentin♥ & religieuses (Pâques , Noel Jour de l"an ! anniversaires ! Mariage ♥et fêtes importantes )fête des mères & fête des pères Premier Mai ♥

  • Blossfeldt, Karl - followers - Plant archetypes of art

    Blossfeldt, Karl - followers - Plant archetypes of art

    Created 4 years ago

    Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1932) was neither a professional photographer nor a natural scientist, but a professor at the arts and crafts school in Berlin, a sculptor and amateur photographer. His interest in the world of plants was of an artistic and didactic nature: he was interested in the structure of plants, their organic composition, their "highest artistic form" born "out of practicality", which he wanted to make visible and comparable with the help of photography. His goal was to create a syst…

  • Succulents & Cacti

    Succulents & Cacti

    Created 7 years ago

    Piante succulente e cactus (e i loro fiori !) Succulent plants & cacti (and their flowers !) Plantes succulentes et cactus (et leur fleurs !) Plantas suculentas y cactus (y su flores !) Sukkulenten und Kakteen (und ihre Blumen!) Plantas suculentas e cactos (e suas flores!) NO AI GENERATED IMAGES !

  • my favorite animals

    my favorite animals

    Created 7 years ago

    just a way to collect my favorite animal photos here on ipernity. my favorites list is so large that i sometimes miss getting to see just the animals. please suggest only animal photos that are special animals to you and photos that really show off that animal well.

  • Auf den Spuren von Karl Blossfeldt & botanische Studien.

    Auf den Spuren von Karl Blossfeldt & botanische Studien.

    Created 11 years ago

    Urformen der Natur karl blossfeldt fine art photography. Karl Blossfeldt. Fine Art Photography. Studien der Botanik, Studies of botany,Los estudios de la botánica,Études de botanique «Meine Pflanzenurkunden sollen dazu beitragen, die Verbindung mit der Natur wieder herzustellen. ... Die Pflanze ist als ein durchaus künstlerisch-architektonischer Aufbau zu bewerten. Neben einem ornamental-rhythmisch schaffenden Urtrieb, der überall in der Natur waltet, baut die Pflanze nur Nutz- und Zweckforme…

  • Only your best photos!!

    Only your best photos!!

    Created 4 years ago

    The purpose of the group is to have the maximum best Photos from you Gallery.

  • Group Guidelines

    Group Guidelines

    Created 4 years ago

    Group to discuss a necessary update of the Group Guidelines from 2019 to eliminate gaps, clear up misinterpretations and adapt the rules to the general development of the community.

  • dark matter

    dark matter

    Created 8 years ago

    dark - strange - mysterious - threatening - dangerous ... it must be DARK !!! it must be dark, if possible black and white - monochrome possibly with a small bright, inconspicuous coloured dot

  • All *** photographs in blue things - blue must be dominant

    All *** photographs in blue things - blue must be dominant

    Created 7 years ago

    Bitte nur Dinge real oder abstract mit starkem blauen Anteil, welche auf dem Foto erkennbar abgebildet sind. Keine Fotos von >> *NUR HIMMEL* - *NUR WASSER oder MEER* - KEINE BLAUEN BLUMEN* KEIN ... KI ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ______________ S'il vous plaît seulement les choses réelles ou abstraites avec une forte partie bleue, qui sont montrées sur la photo. Pas de photos *ONLY HEAVEN* - *ONLY WATER or SEA*. NON BLEU FLEURS* _______________ Please only things real or abstract with a strong…

  • Tout feu tout flammes.  Every fire and flames

    Tout feu tout flammes. Every fire and flames

    Created 11 years ago

    photos et créations digitales ou picturales qui évoquent le feu et les flammes

  • Contemporary Abstracts

    Contemporary Abstracts

    Created 17 years ago

    Abstract photography is understood to mean that it does not depict objects in the natural world, but instead uses color and form nonrepresentational. Obviously do we need objects but let us see them abstract.

  • "Créabelle....................................


    Created 9 years ago

    Artistic creations, sketches, drawings, abstracts, etc .............. (no shocking images) - THANK YOU FOR RESERVING THE PHOTO IMAGES FOR THE "IMAGES" GROUP AND THE FLOWERS FOR THE "FLORISSIMO" GROUP - BOOKING THE "CREABELLE" GROUP for artistic creations - (art photos accepted) - Welcome everyone ***********

  • THEME : Lights of the night

    THEME : Lights of the night

    Created 11 years ago

    LIGHT OF NIGHT THEME: NIGHT PICTURES OF OUTSIDE. Seize the typical atmosphere created by: illuminated cities, illuminated buildings, streets, street lamps, neon lights, candles, fireworks, flashlights. Under the snow, fog, rain and good weather! NATURAL NIGHT LIGHTING: Milky Way, moon constellations, aurora borealis. PLACES: streets, buildings, windows, windows, tables, ports, building sites, surrounded by nature

  • Ombres & reflets / Shades & reflections

    Ombres & reflets / Shades & reflections

    Created 14 years ago

    A place where shades and reflections rule!

  • Mágicos momentos★ Magic Moments;-))

    Mágicos momentos★ Magic Moments;-))

    Created 13 years ago

    Bienvenidos al nuevo grupo de ipernity. Momentos mágicos de nuestro día. Saludos "La vida es una pura llama y vivimos cerca de un sol invisible en nuestro interior" Saint Exupery Tous avons un moment dans le notre jour par jour que nous ne voudrions jamais oublier, tant dans notre esprit ou immortalisés dans nos photographies. Et de cela ce groupe se fréquente(se soigne), ne jamais oublier, ces moments magiques de notre vie : Des paysages inoubliables, papillons, macros, une aube et un…

  • UK Landscape Photography

    UK Landscape Photography

    Created 16 years ago

    This is a group for posting beautiful photos of the UK landscape. You are welcome to post up to two photos a day here but please try to avoid multiple captures of the same scene at the same time.

  • Around the World in 80 Fotos

    Around the World in 80 Fotos

    Created 9 years ago Aussergewöhnliche Bilder von aussergewöhnlichen Regionen...Images insolites des régions exceptionnelles ...Unusual images of exceptional regions ...Immagini insolite di regioni eccezionali ...

  • Nature's miracles

    Nature's miracles

    Created 12 years ago

    Not just an item, but a photo that shows an extraordinary detail of nature. NO AI images. You can use this code for your comments: <a href=" "> Nature's miracles