the object of this group is to have photos of any plant that is taking hold in spite of a man made structure.
here, nature wins! have fun.
(anyone can join. anyone can suggest anyone's photo. i will be moderating mostly to keep out spam, but if i don't accept something and you want me to reconsider, please message me!)
Group objective: The intention is to show images by our members that are particularly worth seeing and that represent the spectrum of their work in the greatest possible diversity. It is not a ‚best-of‘ group.
● Only group members can make proposals.
● Proposals must fulfil the group objective and be technically flawless.
● 1 proposal per week is possible.
● An editorial team decides on the acceptance.
● Max. 1 image per member + month will be accepted.
Note: The limit only applies t…
We want to show, how beautiful, proud, sad or ugly a tree, trees or a forest can look.
We don't accept photos of details. We accept photos of more than a half tree, of trees and of one or more forests.
Different groups of tulips!
Fringed tulip, also called Lace: its petals are cut.
Triumph Tulip: It comes in bright or pastel colours.
Fleur de lys tulip!
The Pluriflore tulip!
In short, all kinds of Tulips!
Welcome to this group!
thank you in advance for your participation ♥
Krasse Farben... Farben und nochmals Farben !
Couleurs vives ... couleurs et encore des couleurs!
Crass colors ... colors and colors again!
L'échange GRATUIT de photos entres membres Ipernity .
Der GRATIS Austausch von Bildern unter Ipernity Mitgliedern.
The FREE sharing of photos among Ipernity members.
Le foto condividere FREE tra i membri Ipernity
Arquitectura popular, Architecture populaire, lidová architektura, Volksarchitektur
As you can see, some of the buildings are not so popular, but we do not mind.
Photography is often seen as a simple hobby, a way of capturing memories and moments. But photography has many benefits beyond just taking pretty pictures. Photography can help you see the world in a whole new light.
Eine Seifenblase ist ein dünner Film aus Seifenwasser, der eine gewisse Menge Luft oder anderes Gas einschließt und eine hohle Kugel bildet, die häufig irisiert und schillert.
Seifenblasen platzen häufig nach kurzer Zeit, mitunter spontan.
Seifenblasen lange in der Luft und am Leben zu erhalten, besondere Figuren oder Größe zu erzielen ist Gegenstand künstlerischer Handarbeit.
Wegen dieser leichten Vergänglichkeit wurde ,Seifenblase‘ zu einer Metapher für etwas, das zwar anziehend, aber dennoc…
The Black & White loves beautiful pictures and their members. Beautiful and friendly is The Black & White's watchwords.
A single objective: TBW
Visible use of 'hdr' will not be accepted. As well as software of image editings such Photoshop etc... Refused frame. Well, not always ;) but do not overdo them!.
Panoramas accepted on the admin's recognizance.
No selective color, please.
> Free admission for the Moderators and Invitations.
Or moderating validation. 3 contributions a day.
Visit TBW.…
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Public groups in which Peter Castell is a member290 groups in total
plants vs structures
the object of this group is to have photos of any plant that is taking hold in spite of a man made structure. here, nature wins! have fun. (anyone can join. anyone can suggest anyone's photo. i will be moderating mostly to keep out spam, but if i don't accept something and you want me to reconsider, please message me!)
(Afrasteringen) Fences
afrasteringen---metaal-steen-hout-kunststof (Geen hagen)
La Boca
This group accepts * Audios, Videos. photos of people, sexy or not, flowers,animals,everything enjoyed *_* J***
All photos, even artistically edited ones, that have been taken from a photo : Modern art, whether abstract, contemporary, impressionist or other.
IPERNITY - Ambassador Images
Group objective: The intention is to show images by our members that are particularly worth seeing and that represent the spectrum of their work in the greatest possible diversity. It is not a ‚best-of‘ group. ● Only group members can make proposals. ● Proposals must fulfil the group objective and be technically flawless. ● 1 proposal per week is possible. ● An editorial team decides on the acceptance. ● Max. 1 image per member + month will be accepted. Note: The limit only applies t…
Backlight - Gegenlicht - Retroilluminato
Back light shots of special ART NO sunsets see this link for a little suggestion: categories/backlight.html
Puesta de sol, sunset , sunset
Only photos of sunsets are accepted.
Zon op komst en Ondergang
alle zonsopkomsten en zonsondergangen (Sunrise en Sunset)
Your most beautiful sunsets and sunrises....Sunset & Sunrise
This group only accepts sunsets or sunrises.... This group is public Contributions: No limits See other limitations
tree - trees - forest
We want to show, how beautiful, proud, sad or ugly a tree, trees or a forest can look. We don't accept photos of details. We accept photos of more than a half tree, of trees and of one or more forests.
~*~Fiori-Meravigliosi ~*~
Photos and creations about the beautiful flowers....
Different groups of tulips! Fringed tulip, also called Lace: its petals are cut. Triumph Tulip: It comes in bright or pastel colours. Fleur de lys tulip! The Pluriflore tulip! In short, all kinds of Tulips! Welcome to this group! thank you in advance for your participation ♥
" - A CRAZY COLORS group - " Krasse Farben... Farben und nochmals Farben ! Couleurs vives ... couleurs et encore des couleurs! Crass colors ... colors and colors again!
Host of Foto Filesharing L'échange GRATUIT de photos entres membres Ipernity . Der GRATIS Austausch von Bildern unter Ipernity Mitgliedern. The FREE sharing of photos among Ipernity members. Le foto condividere FREE tra i membri Ipernity
Folk architecture, arquitectura popular, Volksarchitektur
Arquitectura popular, Architecture populaire, lidová architektura, Volksarchitektur As you can see, some of the buildings are not so popular, but we do not mind.
Universal Photos
Photography is often seen as a simple hobby, a way of capturing memories and moments. But photography has many benefits beyond just taking pretty pictures. Photography can help you see the world in a whole new light.
Yellow Flowers
We collect yellow flowers. NO AI images !!!
Simply photograph hands or fingers in any shape.
Seifenblasen - Bolle di sapone - Bulles de savon
Eine Seifenblase ist ein dünner Film aus Seifenwasser, der eine gewisse Menge Luft oder anderes Gas einschließt und eine hohle Kugel bildet, die häufig irisiert und schillert. Seifenblasen platzen häufig nach kurzer Zeit, mitunter spontan. Seifenblasen lange in der Luft und am Leben zu erhalten, besondere Figuren oder Größe zu erzielen ist Gegenstand künstlerischer Handarbeit. Wegen dieser leichten Vergänglichkeit wurde ,Seifenblase‘ zu einer Metapher für etwas, das zwar anziehend, aber dennoc…
'The Black & White'
The Black & White loves beautiful pictures and their members. Beautiful and friendly is The Black & White's watchwords. A single objective: TBW Visible use of 'hdr' will not be accepted. As well as software of image editings such Photoshop etc... Refused frame. Well, not always ;) but do not overdo them!. Panoramas accepted on the admin's recognizance. No selective color, please. > Free admission for the Moderators and Invitations. Or moderating validation. 3 contributions a day. Visit TBW.…