Scott Chaffin's groups

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Public groups in which Scott Chaffin is an administrator
4 groups in total

  • allet druff!

    allet druff!

    Created 11 years ago

    Berlin slang for "it's all there".

  • monochromatic -  stylistic -  anonymity ----

    monochromatic - stylistic - anonymity ----

    Created 10 years ago

    ***Please read carefully before posting your photographs*** Monochrome photographs of a 'man-altered landscape' that are stripped of any artistic frills and reduced to an essentially topographic state, conveying substantial amounts of visual information but eschewing entirely the aspects of beauty, emotion and opinion,." "[...] rigorous purity, deadpan humour and a casual disregard for the importance of the images. Monochrome Fotografien einer durch den Menschen veränderten Landschaft, von jed…

  • Dropped Stuff

    Dropped Stuff

    Created 11 years ago

    Stuff that's been dropped - specifically on the ground or on/in water etc. but most definitely not up a tree or your nose. Must have some rigour in framing even if it's intensively trashy this may help, or not. All images are initially accepted. Occasionally an image may be removed. Please this is nothing personal and certainly try again! Dropped Stuff is continuing on from Flickr. ratbeyfus was the creator of that space and in honour am opening the same up here.

  • Inspired by Lee Friedlander

Public groups in which Scott Chaffin is a member
22 groups in total