A gutter or rain gutter or roof gutter is a collecting channel on the eaves that collects the rainwater running off the roof covering on the eaves and drains it through a funnel via a downpipe or rain drain chain.
As detailed or close-up as possible.
No rain gutters which you have to look for in the photo!!
Les cours d'eau: Tous les types de ruisseaux, rivières et cascades ...
Die Wasserläufe: Alle Arten von Bächen , Flüssen und Wasserfällen...
The watercourses: All types of streams, rivers and waterfalls ...
I corsi d'acqua: tutti i tipi di ruscelli, fiumi e cascate ...
“A protected area is a clearly defined geographical area designated, dedicated and managed by legal or other effective means to achieve long-term protection of nature and associated ecosystem services and cultural values.”
Krasse Farben... Farben und nochmals Farben !
Couleurs vives ... couleurs et encore des couleurs!
Crass colors ... colors and colors again!
In here, we all can post photos that we 'really think are EXPLORE worthy' ..
If you see one that fits, ask the person who posted it to add to our Virtual EXPLORE Group ..
We need to make these wonderful photos posted for all to see !
Will kick out any adverts ... just sayin' ......
If the Administrator or Moderator are unable to leave comments due to settings, these photos you wish to share in here -- will be removed after 2 days of their pos…
Umbrellas - as protection against rain, sun
Schirm, parasol, umbrella, garden umbrella, ombrellone, ombrelli, parapluie, umbrella, paraguas ,
The word umbrella -
Middle High German 'schirm' and Old High German scirm or skirm "protection".
Please no big city views where small umbrellas appear somewhere !!!!
The umbrella - or parts of an umbrella should be the focus!
Arquitectura popular, Architecture populaire, lidová architektura, Volksarchitektur
As you can see, some of the buildings are not so popular, but we do not mind.
J'ai été exclu du groupe " vos photos de choc " sans explication par un ou une des personnes qui administre. C'est pourquoi je crée ce groupe en riposte où la jalousie et la compétition enfantine ne sera pas au rendez-vous.
Fui excluido del grupo "sus fotos de choque" sin explicación por una o las personas que administran. Es por eso que creo este grupo en respuesta donde los celos y la competencia infantil no estarán en la cita.
I was anonymously booted out of the original group and this…
Our dear friend, Pam Johnson, is on the path to recovery from illness. This is a special place to add our warm thoughts and well-wishes in the form of pictures in the hopes that Pam will get some enjoyment and strength from them. WE LOVE YOU PAM!!
In dieser Gruppe möchte ich mehr von Euch sehen:) Selfies haben Charme, Witz und sind oft fantasievoll aufgenommen. Solltet Ihr kein Selfie hochladen, darf es trotzdem bleiben...ich bin kein Rausschmeißer!
Also her mit Fotos von Euch, die Ihr selbst gemacht habt...egal ob mit dem Smartphone oder mit der Kamera. Bitte nur seriöse Fotos einstellen...unanständige Fotos möcht ich hier nicht sehen:)))
In this group I want to see more of you :)
Photos you took of yourself ... whether with your smar…
Tips for travelers. Relevant informations about a city that you visited!
Please write the name of the city and country!
Only relevant photos that interest the TOURIST.
Pictures of Gardens, Parks, Museums, historical places, hotels, restaurants, palaces, shopping streets, zoo parks, botanical gardens, sightseeing buses, boats....
Der Hintergrund muß WEISS sein. - WEISS ist WEISS
Engl. : - The background must be WHITE. - WHITE is WHITE
Franz.: - Le fond doit être BLANC. - Le BLANC c'est le BLANC
Ital.: - Lo sfondo deve essere BIANCO. Il BIANCO è BIANCO
Willkommen | Welcome! The QUADRAT Größe ▐█ SQUARE Size accepts the best and finest artistic quality photographs formatted as a PERFECT ▐█ SQUARE = QUADRAT = CUADRADO = KVADRAT
What is must & matter the most in this group are: the PERFECT▐█ SIZE and FINEST QUALITY of your artistic photography. Dankeschön | Thank you▐█
▐█ ▐█ ▐█ ▐█
Fotographische Aufnahmen :Licht und Schatten - hell und dunkel - schwarz und weiss - alles möglichst ohne Farbe - Analog oder Digital - Ausnahme: z.B.Nebelaufnahmen mit minimalem Restfarbanteil oder minimalster blasser Farbanteil.
.Dies ist keine Bilderablage Gruppe
.Bitte auch höflicherweise mal einen Kommentar für die Mitglieder abgeben . DANKE
With the most recent international climate change conference finished, at the least climate change is receiving more (if still insufficient) attention from world governments. If you feel you need more information on climate issues, check the link below from NASA.
The purpose of this group is to record the events and changes in our environment that accord with the consequences of climate change. Subjects like fires, floods, dust storms, melting ice, wild storm waves and other extreme weather…
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Annemarie is a member177 groups in total
La mer (pas les lacs ni les cours d'eau, si ce n'est les estuaires) et tout ce qui l'entoure.
Gutters, rain gutter, gouttière, grondaia, gotera, Regenrinne, Dachrinne
A gutter or rain gutter or roof gutter is a collecting channel on the eaves that collects the rainwater running off the roof covering on the eaves and drains it through a funnel via a downpipe or rain drain chain. As detailed or close-up as possible. No rain gutters which you have to look for in the photo!!
Landscapes and wonderful views
Photos and videos only***************je suis la créatrice de ce groupe !
" 100% Cours d'eau ... Wasserlauf ... Watercourse...I corsi d'acqua ... "
Les cours d'eau: Tous les types de ruisseaux, rivières et cascades ... Die Wasserläufe: Alle Arten von Bächen , Flüssen und Wasserfällen... The watercourses: All types of streams, rivers and waterfalls ... I corsi d'acqua: tutti i tipi di ruscelli, fiumi e cascate ...
Protected areas in nature and landscape protection
“A protected area is a clearly defined geographical area designated, dedicated and managed by legal or other effective means to achieve long-term protection of nature and associated ecosystem services and cultural values.” Wikipedia
" - A CRAZY COLORS group - "
crazy.colors.group.group.ipernity.com Krasse Farben... Farben und nochmals Farben ! Couleurs vives ... couleurs et encore des couleurs! Crass colors ... colors and colors again!
Ruz / Rouge / Red ... in memoriam to Mahuphidos
simply everything RED...Revisited photos accepted as long as they respect the theme♫
Virtual EXPLORE ...
In here, we all can post photos that we 'really think are EXPLORE worthy' .. If you see one that fits, ask the person who posted it to add to our Virtual EXPLORE Group .. We need to make these wonderful photos posted for all to see ! Will kick out any adverts ... just sayin' ...... www.ipernity.com/group/virtualexplore If the Administrator or Moderator are unable to leave comments due to settings, these photos you wish to share in here -- will be removed after 2 days of their pos…
Umbrellas - as protection against rain, sun Schirm, parasol, umbrella, garden umbrella, ombrellone, ombrelli, parapluie, umbrella, paraguas , The word umbrella - Middle High German 'schirm' and Old High German scirm or skirm "protection". Please no big city views where small umbrellas appear somewhere !!!! The umbrella - or parts of an umbrella should be the focus!
Folk architecture, arquitectura popular, Volksarchitektur
Arquitectura popular, Architecture populaire, lidová architektura, Volksarchitektur As you can see, some of the buildings are not so popular, but we do not mind.
Double the pleasure
Only close-up or macro flowers with two-coloured petals on the corolla
Vos photos de choc sans discrimination / Tus fotos de choque indiscriminado
J'ai été exclu du groupe " vos photos de choc " sans explication par un ou une des personnes qui administre. C'est pourquoi je crée ce groupe en riposte où la jalousie et la compétition enfantine ne sera pas au rendez-vous. Fui excluido del grupo "sus fotos de choque" sin explicación por una o las personas que administran. Es por eso que creo este grupo en respuesta donde los celos y la competencia infantil no estarán en la cita. I was anonymously booted out of the original group and this…
Pictures for Pam
Our dear friend, Pam Johnson, is on the path to recovery from illness. This is a special place to add our warm thoughts and well-wishes in the form of pictures in the hopes that Pam will get some enjoyment and strength from them. WE LOVE YOU PAM!!
In dieser Gruppe möchte ich mehr von Euch sehen:) Selfies haben Charme, Witz und sind oft fantasievoll aufgenommen. Solltet Ihr kein Selfie hochladen, darf es trotzdem bleiben...ich bin kein Rausschmeißer! Also her mit Fotos von Euch, die Ihr selbst gemacht habt...egal ob mit dem Smartphone oder mit der Kamera. Bitte nur seriöse Fotos einstellen...unanständige Fotos möcht ich hier nicht sehen:))) In this group I want to see more of you :) Photos you took of yourself ... whether with your smar…
Tips for travelers. Relevant informations about a city that you visited! Please write the name of the city and country! Only relevant photos that interest the TOURIST. Pictures of Gardens, Parks, Museums, historical places, hotels, restaurants, palaces, shopping streets, zoo parks, botanical gardens, sightseeing buses, boats.... IRRELEVANT PHOTOS WILL NOT BE ACCEPT IN THE GROUP.
white background - on white - - weißer Hintergrund - auf Weiß
Der Hintergrund muß WEISS sein. - WEISS ist WEISS Engl. : - The background must be WHITE. - WHITE is WHITE Franz.: - Le fond doit être BLANC. - Le BLANC c'est le BLANC Ital.: - Lo sfondo deve essere BIANCO. Il BIANCO è BIANCO
panni stesi - Waschtag -
il bucato
Willkommen | Welcome! The QUADRAT Größe ▐█ SQUARE Size accepts the best and finest artistic quality photographs formatted as a PERFECT ▐█ SQUARE = QUADRAT = CUADRADO = KVADRAT What is must & matter the most in this group are: the PERFECT▐█ SIZE and FINEST QUALITY of your artistic photography. Dankeschön | Thank you▐█ ▐█ ▐█ ▐█ ▐█
colorless that's it --- farblos ,das ist es - - -
Fotographische Aufnahmen :Licht und Schatten - hell und dunkel - schwarz und weiss - alles möglichst ohne Farbe - Analog oder Digital - Ausnahme: z.B.Nebelaufnahmen mit minimalem Restfarbanteil oder minimalster blasser Farbanteil. .Dies ist keine Bilderablage Gruppe .Bitte auch höflicherweise mal einen Kommentar für die Mitglieder abgeben . DANKE
Climate Consequences
With the most recent international climate change conference finished, at the least climate change is receiving more (if still insufficient) attention from world governments. If you feel you need more information on climate issues, check the link below from NASA. The purpose of this group is to record the events and changes in our environment that accord with the consequences of climate change. Subjects like fires, floods, dust storms, melting ice, wild storm waves and other extreme weather…