Annemarie's groups

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Public groups in which Annemarie is a member
177 groups in total

  • Alphabet Group

    Alphabet Group

    Created 7 years ago

    Each week we advance through the alphabet with the title of your photo starting with the current letter (excluding 'X' ) The new letter will start on a Sunday, so on Sunday November 10 we will move onto 'G' January 26 R February 02 S " 09 T " 16. U " 23 V

  • ❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖

    ❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖

    Created 17 years ago

    RULES! Do not post copyrighted works or part of copyrighted works in this group unless you own the copyright or have the permission to do so. By accepting and signing the Ipernity-ToS/Guidelines, you agreed to upload only pictures done by yourself. Please only post photos which are currently in the " Gallery "! Only pictures with 7 or more faves! Normally an invitation is given by the administrators or moderators. The admins will check all new contributions - please be patient.…

  • Tolerance


    Created 11 years ago

    This group is dedicated to tolerance and free expression in art and speech on Ipernity to foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding. No pornography or copyright infringed images please, since exploitation and intellectual property theft are not tolerance. Nudes are permitted. _____________ Chinese: 该小组致力于宽容和自由表达艺术和有关“宣教”的言论,以营造一种尊重和理解的氛围。 请不要色情或侵犯版权的图像,因为剥削和知识产权盗窃是不能容忍的。允许裸体。 ___________ Russian: Эта группа посвящена терпимости и свободе выражения в искусстве и речи на Ипернити…

  • Beautiful Landscape

    Beautiful Landscape

    Created 16 years ago

    Beautiful Landscape

  • Portrait


    Created 17 years ago

    Welcome to portrait photos group. Please add a tag "portrait". To keep this Portrait group a real group for Portraiture, the rules of the group have been revised to the following: 1 - Only Portraits of a Person or People are allowed in the group. 2 - The Person or People must be the main subject matter in the image. 3 - Nudes are allowed. Porn, fetish, bondage, ... do not belong in the portrait group. 4 - Only post photos you shot yourself and for which you own the copyright. Photos f…

  • Ressoumission 2063

    Ressoumission 2063

    Created 6 months ago

    Resubmission on World Photography Day 2063. We like to look into the past. Here we turn the whole thing around. Insert pictures of things or scenarios that you think will have changed significantly or will no longer exist by 2063. But: Write your thoughts about the pictures. Why do you think that these things are subject to major changes. And how do you imagine this scene in 2063? Have fun, I think it will be very interesting.

  • Hommage à notre cher ami Ulrich John disparu hier après une longue maladie-Tribute to our dear friend Ulrich John who died yesterday after a long illness-Gedenken an unseren lieben Freund Ulrich John, der gestern nach langer Krankheit verstorben is

  • HWW (Happy Wednesday Wall)

    HWW (Happy Wednesday Wall)

    Created 3 years ago

    Let's explore walls. Walls protect, walls limit. Walls can be beautifully decorated, walls can be shockingly ugly. There are great paintings on walls or fantastic flowers. Walls are a substantial part of our history...

  • Macro Mondays

    Macro Mondays

    Created 7 years ago

    1. Macro Mondays means: it is about macros. But not everyone has a macro lens that can show the finest and smallest details. Therefore, it is perfectly in order if you upload cutouts as contribution. Go as nearest as possible to the object, that's the point. The scale for the size of the object beeing displayed is as follows: On 15x15 cm printout* the challenge object should look equal size or bigger than in reality. *Approximately 6x6 inches. The point of view, composition, aspect ratio and len…



    Created 11 years ago


  • HBM "Happy Bench Monday"

    HBM "Happy Bench Monday"

    Created 4 years ago

    HBM "Happy Bench Monday" A bench invites you to linger. You sit down to rest, watch people or let your gaze wander through the landscape. Sometimes it is a place for lovers, other times a place to sleep or you enjoy a picnic with friends. Show your favorite benches or very simple benches. There are no limits to your creativity. A maximum of three pictures should be uploaded between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening. And, if you want, wish you "Happy bench Monday" (HBM). Founder of the group: "…

  • Volcanoes and volcanic landscapes

    Volcanoes and volcanic landscapes

    Created 15 years ago

    Here we collect images of volcanoes and volcanic landscapes - from craters, calderas and lava flows to geysers, hot springs and other fascinating phenomena created by volcanic activity.



    Created 5 years ago

    Une vitrine de superbes images macro et gros plan de la NATURE UNIQUEMENT! PAS D'ANIMAUX ! Seuls les insectes sont acceptés♫ Aucun résumé, AUCUNE photo monochrome / noir et blanc. Nous nous réservons le droit de supprimer toutes photos qui ne seraient pas conformes ! merci ♫ A showcase of stunning macro and close-up images of nature ONLY! No summary, NO monochrome / black and white photos. We reserve the right to delete any photos that do not comply! thank you ♫ Un escaparate de magníficas imá…



    Created 3 years ago

    Very sad to announce Andy has just left us. He was a gentle soul, very loved and cheered here as in real life. Rest in peace my very dear friend… In this group we will keep your memory alive with our contributions.

  • Détails Architecturaux

    Détails Architecturaux

    Created 7 years ago

    Tous détails architecturaux (anciens ou modernes) All kinds of architectural details (old or modern) Alle Architekturdetails. (alt oder modern)



    Created 11 years ago

    The purpose of this group is to send kind regards to each other once a week, on Fridays. For this purpose, post images that show any kind of a fence. (Fences are common all over the world and can be shown in many different ways.) Have fun with it! Please note: - Only one image a week! - No nude pictures! - Respect the start and stop signs! Violations of these rules will be deleted without further notice.

  • For Fabio (photoghost) -

    For Fabio (photoghost) -

    Created 6 months ago

    I have never created a group, but this time I felt I had to. Fabio is a dear friend of mine and a great photographer. After a serious intervention he has lost consciousness for weeks. One month ago he wrote me he he had woken up and started slowly to recover. Then, no more news. All my messages and the ones of other IP members have been unanswered yet. Please feel free to post any picture you think it could support him. He needs our help and what we can do is sending him our best shots (no more…

  • Borghi italiani

    Borghi italiani

    Created 4 years ago

    Foto relative ai numerosi borghi italiani. Con il termine borgo si intende un centro abitato di grandezza media e di una certa importanza, caratterizzato da un'economia prevalentemente commerciale e con una periferia a carattere agricolo. The term borgo refers to an inhabited center of medium size and of a certain importance, characterized by a predominantly commercial economy and with a agricultural suburbs.

  • Mein Land - My country - Mon pays - Mio paese - Meu país

    Mein Land - My country - Mon pays - Mio paese - Meu país

    Created 10 years ago

    SHOWCASING ALL THAT IS UNIQUE AND AMAZING IN YOUR COUNTRY High quality photos of: Outstanding scenery of your country Plants and animals which are native only to your country Traditional food or clothing of your country. Places not normally seen in mass tourism PHOTOS WHICH HIGHLIGHT UNIQUE THINGS ONLY TO BE SEEN IN YOUR COUNTRY AND NOWHERE ELSE. 2 photos per week

  • Winter (in subtropical climate zones)

    Winter (in subtropical climate zones)

    Created 17 years ago

    Winter presents itself in very different ways in the various climate zones around the world.

 Here we would like to show you winter pictures from the subtropical regions. This is where the most rain falls in winter. Nature blossoms and recovers from the hot summers. In the dry subtropics, on the other hand, winters tend to be rainless and sunny. No festive greetings please! For winter pictures from colder regions, see: ► Winter (in temperate climates)