Deborah Lundbech's groups

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Public groups in which Deborah Lundbech is an administrator
18 groups in total

  • Vintage Photos Theme Park

    Vintage Photos Theme Park

    Created 11 years ago

    Every week, there will be a new theme. Post only one vintage photo (1800s-1979) from your collection that fits the theme. Tell us a little about it, like why you picked it (if it is not obvious), or where you purchased it, etc. I will pick some common themes, but will also try to throw in some strange ones just to keep things interesting. I look forward to seeing your photos!

  • RPPC  - Real Photo Postcards

    RPPC - Real Photo Postcards

    Created 11 years ago

    Vintage Real Photo Postcards from 1900 - 1970 Real photo postcards are actual photographs that have been developed onto photographic paper. They are generally the same size as standard vintage postcards (3-1/2" x 5-1/2"). Some do have a specific stamp box marking on the back which helps to date the card. Please only post photos of your OWN collection. Thanks.

  • Vintage People In Wheelbarrows

    Vintage People In Wheelbarrows

    Created 11 years ago

    I had started this group on Flickr shortly before I left. It's another one of my small theme groups, but in the short time I did it over there, some great photos were submitted. So...the idea is people IN wheelbarrows. NOT just pushing them, no matter how cute. And please submit photographs where the focus is on the group's subject -no crowd scenes, please. "Vintage" in this group means pre- mid 1960s.

  • Vintage House-Proud People

    Vintage House-Proud People

    Created 9 years ago

    Vintage photographs of "house-proud" people from the 1800s to 1979. Post photos from your collection that show people posing in front of their homes. Each photo should include the exterior of a house and one or more people. Photos of house-proud people and their houses will ideally convey the idea of "here's where we live" or "here's what our house looks like" or "our new house." Images that show an entire house—or a good portion of it—are especially encouraged so that we can see the types and…

  • Vintage "Stairstep" Photos

    Vintage "Stairstep" Photos

    Created 10 years ago

    Another of my "mini" groups. Vintage photos where children - sometimes includes adults - are arranged in order of height, either right to left or left to right. Three or more, please. Pre-1980 - and the "stair steps" need to be the focus of the picture. (see examples).

  • BIG doors

    BIG doors

    Created 11 years ago

    this is about big doors, large doors, double doors, triple doors, garage doors, painted doors, poster papered doors, church doors, industrial doors, old BIG doors, new BIG doors, anything but the normal size doors... and only pictures that show the whole door(s), no details, please... :-) drawings and paintings, vintage photos and postcards are all welcome too!

  • Identified found people

    Identified found people

    Created 11 years ago

    . Only original images from the 1800s - 1993. . Identified found people should include at least a first name and of course the last name. . Images should be not from your own family.

  • Vintage Miserable Family

    Vintage Miserable Family

    Created 11 years ago

    Photographs of what is probably the majority of a family looking glum, bitchy, miserable, angry - whatever. Please make sure that all of the family (or most) look this way - not just one person. You get the picture. Pre at least 1980 please, so that we don't get flooded with current digitals.

  • History in Photos

    History in Photos

    Created 11 years ago

    Share photos of era's past , people, style, war, street life , architecture, art , food , fun ,humanities .

  • Genealogy


    Created 11 years ago

    Share old photos of ancestors and orphaned photos . Keep it clean , keep it vintage

  • Vintage Twins

    Vintage Twins

    Created 11 years ago

    VIntage photos of twins. No group shots larger than a family, please. The focus should definitely be on the "twoness" of twins.

  • Vintage Enormous Bows

    Vintage Enormous Bows

    Created 11 years ago

    VIntage photographs of children or adults wearing enormous bows or bow-ties.

  • Vintage Group Photos

    Vintage Group Photos

    Created 11 years ago

    Any vintage photos with about ten or more people in them are welcome here (though I'm willing to be pretty flexible with that number). I would prefer pictures taken before the 1970's, but if you're just desperate to post something from the seventies, chances are, I won't remove it.

  • Vintage Christmas Photographs

    Vintage Christmas Photographs

    Created 11 years ago

    Images, older than 20 years, who tell about the wonderful time of Advent and Christmas. Please, do not post books, cards, illustrations, china and so on. There are so much groups here for. Only original photos from the 1800s - 1993. Enjoy just old photographs.

  • Cartes de Visite

    Cartes de Visite

    Created 11 years ago

    This group is a showcase for your collection of cartes de visite (CdVs). Please, only images that belong to you. The carte de visite (abbreviated CdV or CDV, and also spelled carte-de-visite or erroneously referred to as carte de ville) was a type of small photograph which was patented in Paris, France by photographer André Adolphe Eugène Disdéri in 1854, although first used by Louis Dodero. It was usually made of an albumen print, which was a thin paper photograph mounted on a thicker paper car…

  • Vintage Tintypes, Ambros and Dags

    Vintage Tintypes, Ambros and Dags

    Created 11 years ago

    Please make sure the tintypes, ambrotypes and other collodion images that you post here belong to yourself. Do not post images that you have found around the web. Also, other than contrast, color and minor adjustments, absolutely no digital manipulations allowed.

  • Cabinet Cards & Photos On Cardboard

    Cabinet Cards & Photos On Cardboard

    Created 11 years ago

    Add your Cabinet cards and any other vintage photos mounted on cardstock (no cdvs).

  • Vintage Illustration

    Vintage Illustration

    Created 11 years ago

    A group for people who want to share their vintage illustrations (1875 - 1965).

Public groups in which Deborah Lundbech is a member
29 groups in total

  • Art of politics

    Art of politics

    Created 9 years ago

    Photos, videos and any item related to politics

  • Ressoumission 2063

    Ressoumission 2063

    Created 6 months ago

    Resubmission on World Photography Day 2063. We like to look into the past. Here we turn the whole thing around. Insert pictures of things or scenarios that you think will have changed significantly or will no longer exist by 2063. But: Write your thoughts about the pictures. Why do you think that these things are subject to major changes. And how do you imagine this scene in 2063? Have fun, I think it will be very interesting.