Mike George's groups

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Public groups in which Mike George is a member
10 groups in total

  • Jeans Denim

    Jeans Denim

    Created 16 years ago

    Only photos with denim / jeans (Jackets, shorts, pants ...) as an importante part of the picture Woman, men or couples. (Partly)Nudes are welcome Color or BW No photos of which You don't have the Copyright! No net finds! "Fine art" photos; no snapshots. No candid shots !

  • Crazy staging

    Crazy staging

    Created 4 years ago

    Any good made crazy or unusual staging photographs are welcome! Nudity is allowed. But no porn, please! :-)

  • Naturist Countryside

    Naturist Countryside

    Created 15 years ago

    Naturist Countryside is a meeting place for naturists of the world to exchange photos and discuss their experiences in the countryside, walking, cycling, camping, etc. This is a naturist lifestyle group and no sexual images, erection shots or genital close-ups will be tolerated.



    Created 15 years ago

    Featuring pictures of men from around the world. Nudity is acceptable but please, no porn.

  • Naturist-Living


    Created 15 years ago

    To share images and stories with each other of our naturist lives and the clubs we call home. This "public" group replaces Naturist Living (without the hyphen) because that group was sandbagged by its "private" setting and could not be re-set. Nobody could find it without being invited.

  • That's me!

    That's me!

    Created 8 years ago

    Here you can find "selfies" from ipernity members, taken with a smartphone, via self-timer, or from friends. No nudity! Please also add your ipernity name to the keywords if possible. Thank you.

  • NudstRalph's Group

    NudstRalph's Group

    Created 15 years ago

    Families, friends, and/or anyone into Nudism, Nudist, Naturist, and/or Naked. Yes this mean Inside or outdoors. Would like to have you as a member of this group and please clean pictures only if I do fine any not clean I will ban you from this group. Group not into porn or clothed pictures just clean nude photos! If you do see any porn, clothed, close up shots, same pose, similar pose, etc., please let me know. Lets keep it clean and have fun! Thanks NR NudstRalph's Social Network http://Nu…

  • Nude males

    Nude males

    Created 16 years ago

    Male nudes

  • Nackt in freier Natur

    Nackt in freier Natur

    Created 12 years ago

    Naturismus als Naturerlebnis. Als Naturist erlebt man unbekleidet körperliche Freiheit in der Natur. Diese Bilder sollen den Betrachter in das persönliche Erleben dieser Freiheit einbeziehen. Dazu muß man die abgelichtete Person auch als solche wahrnehmen.

  • True Naturism

    True Naturism

    Created 15 years ago

    Members to say how they live the naturist lifestyle, what problems and what benefits come from a clothesfree life. Pictures should be wholesome naked/nude of either gender, preferably your own, not from the net! Lets us have YOUR views and pictures of being naked in natural situations, in/outdoors!